Big Bike Thread

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I was planning on giving the Red Run a blast before heading off to Follow the Dog.

Red run YouTube video
The Red Route continues on the left track where they take the boardwalk drop off near the end (right)

This one shows the drop offs from better angles.

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Never used airwave tubes (or even heard of them).
The Michelin ones are the same price tho. As are the nutrak ones.
I have michelin ones on my road bikes and nutrak ones on my mtbs (for no particular reason - just what was available when i was bulk buying the tubes) and have had no problems with either manufacturer.
using some airwaves at the moment and they seem to be taking quite a bit of punishment so far without resorting to punctures :)
usually run them @ 40psi (1.9 tyre front 2.3 rear) using the 1.7 - 2.1 tubes
Red run YouTube video
The Red Route continues on the left track where they take the boardwalk drop off near the end (right)

This one shows the drop offs from better angles.

I've watched all the Red Run YouTube Videos. I've looked at the map. In a few hours I'll be doing it and I think nothing will have prepared me for it in the flesh (yes I know it's not a massive downhill run but it is my first!)
So, how did you get on?

I fell off. :D

I found the jumps a little too much for a beginner. Need to practice and I need a more stable platform than the crappy Shimano pedals that came with the KHS.

I then went to do Follow the Dog and fell off there as well. Both times I fell off at easy bits...

Mostly I need practice and although I was terrified it was fun! Especially Wonderland.

Here's some pics (not of the downhill bit as I was to busy scaring myself)




i had another playtime today at sanquar (forres) but one of the things i found myself constantly doing was using the rear brake on the berms, almost like i wasnt confident that the front would hook up :(
this of course lost me speed and also took me off my line almost causing me to slide off the trail, any tips on how to improve?
ill be trying out a minion tyre for my next run and also have a set of swampy's to play with

btw "LordSplodge" superstar are doing some nano tech flat pedals for a good price
would look good on your fine machine :D
I fell off. :D
I found the jumps a little too much for a beginner. Need to practice and I need a more stable platform than the crappy Shimano pedals that came with the KHS.

I then went to do Follow the Dog and fell off there as well. Both times I fell off at easy bits...

Mostly I need practice and although I was terrified it was fun! Especially Wonderland.

Here's some pics (not of the downhill bit as I was to busy scaring myself)
You soon get into the flow - small jumps in photos/video suddenly appear huge when you're approaching them at speed.

Are you using SPD shoes with those pedals? If so then remove the flat platform, if not then get some flat pedals :)
I'm about to make a bulk (as in about 10!) buy of inner tubes.

Looking at getting some of these cheap 'Airwave' ones from CRC.

Anyone had any experience of these or can recommend any cheap alternatives?

I don't believe in spending a lot of money on bits of rubber that are all pretty similar!

Go to the biggest local Tesco store and pick up 10 packs of innertubes. From memory they were £1.50 each. Why pay more?
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Still cant see past Wellgo MG-1s at that price point, obviously are a bit more plain looking, but are 65g lighter than those superstar pedals.

Had Wellgos (still do actually on the Mbuzi.... but Ive just been too skint to change them)and they are poo, pure and utter poo.

They do the same pedals as superstar, just completely unbranded

These are just as nice and a wee bit lighter
Had Wellgos (still do actually on the Mbuzi.... but Ive just been too skint to change them)and they are poo, pure and utter poo.

They do the same pedals as superstar, just completely unbranded

These are just as nice and a wee bit lighter

What makes you say that? I have MG-1s and think they're brilliant!

Cant say I'm not tempted by some superstars though, purely because they're red!

Which reminds me.... must fit my kcnc jockey wheels!
You soon get into the flow - small jumps in photos/video suddenly appear huge when you're approaching them at speed.

Are you using SPD shoes with those pedals? If so then remove the flat platform, if not then get some flat pedals :)

I don't like to be clipped in on a mountain bike. Clipped in is fine for the road (I have a set of shoes and pedals for the roadie).

I also have a set of Jim Cielincki Odyssey Pedals on my GT so I may swap them over or buy some new ones...

Where can I buy a bigger set of balls?
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