Big Bike Thread

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Big Chris said:
Looks like a nice ride, used to do a bit of trials myself.

What frame is it, looks like a Zoo or a Koxx maybe?

Funnily its an onza frame, copy of a frame made by a french company called coustellier. Rides very nicely.

booyaka said:
where's the seat?? :confused:
:p :p :p

Seats get in the way when riding trials. Besides... you never heard of riding standing up :P
I am thinking of building a bike up from my Trek 4900 frame, I have stripped it and I am thinking of respraying it and buy new parts.

any good guides out there.

weescott said:
guides for what? What sort of build do you plan?
Looking at the frame it's going to be XC or light DH, either way, if he's going to re-spray it, he'll probably need to face the bb shell, head tube etc.

As for painting, personally I'd say if you want to do it properly, have it sand blasted, and then powder coated for the best look, and helicopter taped to preserve it. Depends how much you want to spend though.
I went out for a good ride today through Sutton Park.
Getting through the snow was hard going and I fell off about 15 times but it was good to get back into it again.

This is my friends Bike :

2001 Intense Tracer frame and loads of other upgrades

hi all,

Just got my new bike last week, took it to pollok park trails today and is caked in mud lol (raining lol) , will take pics in a couple of days once its clean i promise, got a couple of q's

1. So whats the best products to use to clean and shine it!!, i heard i shouldnt just use fairy + sponge as that will make it rust?

2. After a muddy ride in some trails, what should i do maintenance wise, ie, lube chain? (any recommended products?)

3. I live in the west end of Glasgow, so anyone know of any good trails/rides nearby??

4. I saw a product, "sports cover full bike shield" in my local bike shop, seems to be a invisible skin that covers the whole bike? Anyone else see something like this? Worth it?


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After a muddy ride just get it rinsed down with water or apply so muc off first before washing it down with water. Always lube the drivetrain after washing it though.

I tend to wipe my bike dry after rinsing it so it doesnt get all messed up.
janesssssy said:
did u know that the rear derailier isnt set up properly, u will never climb a mountain with that "mountain bike".

Firstly, i don't even have a gear shifter :P

And of course its not set up properly, i angle grinded the unnecessary bits off like the barrel adjuster and removed the cable holder and re-tapped the lo adjustment screw to an m5 hole so i can adjust it using an allen key bolt. I also angle grinded most of the cage off as it serves no purpose and removed the main tension spring from the derailleur body.

I only have 2 gears anyway, one for riding and one for getting to places.

God forbid but I have to agree with Jonny ///M : :eek:

Muc off is great for errr getting I tend to wash my bike with a hose, spray all over with WD40 / GT85, and lube the chain with Finnish line. Some degreaser and a chain cleaning tool are worthy investments!

Trails near Glasgow? There are loads down there. Seven stains, Glentress...etc...
weescott said:

God forbid but I have to agree with Jonny ///M : :eek:

Muc off is great for errr getting I tend to wash my bike with a hose, spray all over with WD40 / GT85, and lube the chain with Finnish line. Some degreaser and a chain cleaning tool are worthy investments!

Trails near Glasgow? There are loads down there. Seven stains, Glentress...etc...

Not 'near' Glasgow though. Its a PITA for me to get to glentress :mad: .

For jumping you could go to cambusbarron but for general riding about i dunno if there is much around.

I found a list of

elvingrove skate park
Mugdock Park
Glenifer braes
Lennox forest
Clydebank BMX track
Unit 23

but i dont know many of them tbh.
Jonny ///M said:
After a muddy ride just get it rinsed down with water or apply so muc off first before washing it down with water. Always lube the drivetrain after washing it though.

I tend to wipe my bike dry after rinsing it so it doesnt get all messed up.

cool. so what kind of chain lube?, any reccomendations?, do i need to take the chain off or can it be kept on?

I use Finish Line Wet Lube as well, my bike has been in storage over the winter months and it still rust free. I used some dry lube before i got that and the chain began to rust after one outing in the wet.
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