Big Bike Thread

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You do realise that's mud not rust right? At least it washed off and the chain/ gears have been treated to some TLC since then :)

/me avoids overly ghey comment about "screaming for lube"
weescott said:
I hope you ripped those reflectors and chain protector off and threw them at random local neds in retaliation?

Im ashamed to admit I still have the reflector on the rear wheel :eek:
Don't see the problem with the chain protector though, as a lot of bike pics on here seem to have them. Any particular reason to not use one? (Weight, crap accumulating on front cogs) or is it simply fashion? And if it's the latter, can a group of people known for wearing fluorescent lycra really act as fashion police? ;)
M0KUJ1N said:
Been meaning to post this up for a while, this picture isnt that recent and the bike is a bit muddy from cycling along the Innocent Railway in the rain. Also got a different front wheel now after some neds stole it when it was in my stairwell. Still, on the bright side it was an upgrade opportunity :D

[IMG*] 001.jpg[/IMG]

Is that a BFO dent on the top tube of your bike mate?

I want that frame but the composite one.
M0KUJ1N said:
Im ashamed to admit I still have the reflector on the rear wheel :eek:
Don't see the problem with the chain protector though, as a lot of bike pics on here seem to have them. Any particular reason to not use one? (Weight, crap accumulating on front cogs) or is it simply fashion? And if it's the latter, can a group of people known for wearing fluorescent lycra really act as fashion police? ;)

Since you already admit to being ashamed of your rear refelector, your questioning of the use of a chain protector hearby castigates you from serious responses in this thread until you make full apologies by the means of sick Bender style drop pictures with flurecent pedal clips!
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My bikes doesn't have a seat, not one in sight, not even a seat tube that would fit one! Mind my style of ridding your stood over the bike!

By way guy i shall be bring my own range of frames out soon!!!
Drazic said:
My bikes doesn't have a seat, not one in sight, not even a seat tube that would fit one! Mind my style of ridding your stood over the bike!

By way guy i shall be bring my own range of frames out soon!!!

That's because your butt is too big!

I would stick with that Yeti DH9 for going to shop!

butt...(sorry), i look forward to those frames, whats the....crack?
Well my sponser (FP) are not really being sponsering. Got my proto sig, i snaped it in a 9ft static gap soon as i built it and they are not bothered about replacing it. I shattered my ankle on the 27/12/06 and got out plaster erm..3 weeks ago, still off work and rididng for 4 more week rididng long i thing.

For sod this i'll devlop my own frame and get it out to the masses. I got a youngish lad with me on this too. His 14/15 and is about as big in his rididng as me. I like odd geo and he like what all the other kids like currently. He's a very well known and respected lad. Having 2 protos made to judge the build and materials and he can say what he likes but i will overrule it all.

There will be 1 set frame option which be his geo but i shall offer mine too.

Brand be Wright Bikes and the frames will be aluminum, gloss metalic white, black, highly polished color option. Simple, clean, cheap to make cheap to sell.

Awating protos which have just been started on! By time customs let go i'll be ridding again, erm 4th month of year i duno what it is called planned to have protos in, running, ether working or cracked, snaped and production not far behind!

Edit: misis says i have a perfect bum, i did ask why and she said only big thing on my but is my wallet...explines it all i guess

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weescott said:
Any Hope connections / influence?

Hope are sponsering me right now as we speak. Erm my 11ft fall and shattering of my ankle was due to my Magura HS33 cracking as i was testing the new Hope Pro II trials hub out, 10% stiffer and stronger as 3% were failing (ture facts here) . I did a drop off 11ft...

22ft up, droped 11ft to a platform, that was about 10ft long, i heled the bike on back wheel then manualed to the edge, did a small hope to correct my self and leaver came all way in, long way down, snap, cruch pop ***** more code for the next erm...4 hours till in plaster

Hope have agrred to keep a deal with me ether with FP or my own company. I also have EBC as thats family too and they have offered me to devlop a pad for trials. I have Wright Pad for Magura HS33 so now im going dual disc (safer and stronger) EBC said hey wana do this and i say hell yeah!
weescott said:
dual disc? I thought trials did V rear?

Why do you need more?

Nah trials once was V F&R, then Magura HS11/33 F&R, then a mox of both HS11/33 R and V F, then Disc came, they out F&R then went F predomantly and Magura R. Now we have trials persfic discs F&R. A few are running V's R still and disc up front.

More what sorry?
Drazic said:
Nah trials once was V F&R, then Magura HS11/33 F&R, then a mox of both HS11/33 R and V F, then Disc came, they out F&R then went F predomantly and Magura R. Now we have trials persfic discs F&R. A few are running V's R still and disc up front.

More what sorry?

Have you tried the hope trials disk brake?

Must have been agony after a fall like that. It took me long enought to get used to biking again after being out for 3 months or so. :(
Jonny ///M said:
Have you tried the hope trials disk brake?

Must have been agony after a fall like that. It took me long enought to get used to biking again after being out for 3 months or so. :(

I helped the devlopment of the 1st one, black caliper blue bore and then the newer one, sliver claiper black bore cap.

My new ones are a modifed 06 caliper with a old school leaver which has been modded with the rev2 braided lines (youve all had these about 3months after they 1st brough brained lines out)

Im yet to do much, walking is hard, i have though in the 3 weeks of being out of plaster walking, sprained my foot! Hehe, lucky as i should have fractured my 5th metalase but some how avoided that and sprained all my ligament and tendons round that part!

weescott said:
Apologies for my ignorance ( I read MBUK :o ) but I dont see the need!

What need for discs? Most riders run a grind on there rim, higher friction, this makes the brake loud. Discs hold in all weathers, and are totaly silent thus making you look an amazing rider that what you already are as you will go to do things smoether with them. They hold better too.

LOL MBUK the big costly book of gloss dreams. Go get an argos catalog...joke!
2005 Orange 5 Pro, with the special edition upgrade, Hope options (including M4 upgrade) and magnesium v12's.

It’s purchase is quite a funny story. When my old Enduro was stolen from our house, the insurance company decided to offer me a £2k credit note with a particular bike shop to get a new ride.

It was right at the end of the season, with most of the Specialized (my preference at the time) models out of stock. The guys at the bike shop I have been forwarded to (along with the guys at the local shop) highly recommended the 5, and despite some reservations on my part, I plumped for it. I certainly did not regret the choice, its and excellent bike which I have been delighted with.

On a slight side note, it’s also protected by a set of pad locks, a Kryptonite New York, a pretty hardcore inch thick motorbike chain lock and an alarm.

Drazic said:
I helped the devlopment of the 1st one, black caliper blue bore and then the newer one, sliver claiper black bore cap.

My new ones are a modifed 06 caliper with a old school leaver which has been modded with the rev2 braided lines (youve all had these about 3months after they 1st brough brained lines out)

Im yet to do much, walking is hard, i have though in the 3 weeks of being out of plaster walking, sprained my foot! Hehe, lucky as i should have fractured my 5th metalase but some how avoided that and sprained all my ligament and tendons round that part!

Whats the old school lever? This one ? or the older one?

I assume the trials brake has larger pistons to make it a lot more bitey?

I feel your pain mate.....i broke my cuboid,navicular and one or two of the cuneiform bones. :( Tried to walk on it for two weeks after being told it was ok at A+E. :mad:
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