*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Sounds like you’re really realistic. Only reason I ask is that I had a “mirror”/body fat based goal and tried to achieve it through going to the gym. What I needed to do was use the scales to keep a track of progress and sort my diet out and be strict with it… well, strictish.

Yeah, I don't think you can use the mirror for tracking. I weigh myself pretty regularly for maintenance and when I'm actually trying to lose weight I weigh myself everyday (well, except when I forget :p). I was absolutely waif thin when I was young - 6' 3" and 9 stone when I started uni - and that's absolutely not something I look to get back to. Where the weight that is the happy medium between then and now lies I don't know, so I don't want to pick an arbitrary number of kgs and say that's the goal.

My concern now is that even if I get to my goal, I’m not going to have my “mirror” physique, but that might not be realistic without serious training on top of my diet sort out. I think I need a maintenance period once I’m comfortably at my goal weight.

Yeah, I'm never going to have a toned and ripped physique. I'm okay with that, I'm happy just getting rid of the flab and keeping it off. It's not that I've ever got that fat just years of eating a bit much and exercising a bit little have added up.
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Nom noms today. Hazelnut dukkah crusted Salmon, herb potatoes, morrocan sauce and carrots.
This has been bugging me since the first meal - how do you prepare the sauce? The instructions suggest cooking it for 3 minutes in the pot in the pack but that seems like it would boil and explode everywhere. I’ve been taking it out and cooking it for 1 minute on its own. But now I’m wondering if you should pour it all over the dish cold and then heat everything for 3 minutes.
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This has been bugging me since the first meal - how do you prepare the sauce? The instructions suggest cooking it for 3 minutes in the pot in the pack but that seems like it would boil and explode everywhere. I’ve been taking it out and cooking it for 1 minute on its own. But now I’m wondering if you should pour it all over the dish cold and then heat everything for 3 minutes.
Whichever you find easiest/comes out the nicest. I can't imagine it matters apart from personal taste.
I add 30 secs extra to every dish, as I've noticed both wirks and my own 900w micro isn't quite enough.
I put this down to when they prepped the meals, they did this from room temp and mine come straight from the fridge..

on the sauce front, I've just left it in the package and yea it pops the lid open usually and spews a bit into the dish, certainly doesn't boil it dry or anything weird. I pour it over the rest of the food once its had a min standing afterwards.
My journey so far and where I’m at now, the gain is intentional, I’m closing in on the end of a bulk phase and will begin cutting again at the start of June. Going to be interesting to see how the pre bull and post cut 2 pics compare.
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I've lost about a stone and a half this year but at a bit of a standstill currently. For 3/4 weeks.

I feel it's a mental block. I think it started when I went to a party about then. First of all I hadn't been out out for a few months and I found the clothes I wanted to wear where too baggy. Then when I got there a fair few people I hadn't seen for a while commented positively on my weight . I was obviously really happy but think I lost a lot of willpower and motivation too. Before that day/night I didn't really see myself as having lost any weight. Even had ideas that my scales where maybe not being accurate.

If anyone has gone through similar and has any tips to get over this it would be great. I obviously have my reasons for losing (health/confidence) but for some reason when things are going well my lazy/greedy brain comes back . Need a big kick up the rear again really :p
I've lost about a stone and a half this year but at a bit of a standstill currently. For 3/4 weeks.

I feel it's a mental block. I think it started when I went to a party about then. First of all I hadn't been out out for a few months and I found the clothes I wanted to wear where too baggy. Then when I got there a fair few people I hadn't seen for a while commented positively on my weight . I was obviously really happy but think I lost a lot of willpower and motivation too. Before that day/night I didn't really see myself as having lost any weight. Even had ideas that my scales where maybe not being accurate.

If anyone has gone through similar and has any tips to get over this it would be great. I obviously have my reasons for losing (health/confidence) but for some reason when things are going well my lazy/greedy brain comes back . Need a big kick up the rear again really :p

Are you gaining weight or maintaining your new lower weight? If it’s the latter, well done. If you’ve gradually lost the weight through improved eating habits and a better relationship with food, then hopefully some of those things will have stuck even in your “lazy/greedy” periods. That’ll allow you to at the very least maintain your weight and ideally enjoy the food that you’re eating.

I’ve found the worst things are either saying “sod it” and eating like crazy and even worse, feeling guilty constantly knowing that I’ve eaten badly or let things slip.

Take your steady weight as a win and allow yourself time to refocus.
I've lost about a stone and a half this year but at a bit of a standstill currently. For 3/4 weeks.

I feel it's a mental block. I think it started when I went to a party about then. First of all I hadn't been out out for a few months and I found the clothes I wanted to wear where too baggy. Then when I got there a fair few people I hadn't seen for a while commented positively on my weight . I was obviously really happy but think I lost a lot of willpower and motivation too. Before that day/night I didn't really see myself as having lost any weight. Even had ideas that my scales where maybe not being accurate.

If anyone has gone through similar and has any tips to get over this it would be great. I obviously have my reasons for losing (health/confidence) but for some reason when things are going well my lazy/greedy brain comes back . Need a big kick up the rear again really :p
Have you played around with different approaches to restricting calories, you might find one way better than others.
Some people seem to get on with a low carb approach
Some people like to do Keto
Some people like to do intermittent fasting
Some like counting calories.
Switching between them every month or so is also a way to not get bored too.

Either way they all have the same basic function, you just got to find what you can cope with. make it part of your day to day life instead of a "6 week plan".
Structure it so it's harder to fall off the wagon than to stay on it. Make it easy for yourself to eat well.
If you know you're going to be out tomorrow night on the lash and a midnight doner, miss out breakfast and have a fiber and protein rich lunch
Forward planning helps massively.
Now, not losing anything for a month isn't a reason to fall off the wagon either, you just had a bad month and that's fine, that's life AS LONG AS YOU GET BACK ON IT on Monday...
Thanks guys. I've probably tried all of those different approaches fuzz , and I think there's definitely something in it to keep changing them and prevent boredom !

I've mainly just been cutting out sweets/biscuits to get where I've gotten this time (which shows the disgusting amount I previously ate really) but have also been working hard at the gym. In my head I treat anything sweet as a reward and have probably been 'rewarding' myself a bit too much the last few weeks :p

Even just posting here is good for me as I need the accountability sometimes. Years ago I had some success going to SW with an ex . Not because I agree with the way they do things (I don't) but by having that public weigh day every week it made me try that extra bit harder.
Back on the wagon today, high salt load and calorie excess over the weekend has pushed me to 91.8kg this morning! Hopefully things will come down fairly rapidly with a bit of sensible eating this week.

Got to think of the pluses, did 80kg 5x5 on the flat bench this morning. Was worried that my strength was really starting to dip with the deficit. Also perhaps going to the gym last week and this week might stimulate a bit of muscle rather than catabolism. Long and short is - “put the fork down”!
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Looks like I have peed out all the sodium and water from the weekend and am now back down to 88.8kg. Been back on sensible eating this week too which has been helpful. BMI 25.1, so close!
Looks like I have peed out all the sodium and water from the weekend and am now back down to 88.8kg. Been back on sensible eating this week too which has been helpful. BMI 25.1, so close!
BIM is such an irrelevant number. Im higher BMI after a year and a half of training in the gym, cutting and then bulking again. Probably half the weight I lost and regained is muscle. So same weight, higher BMI, lower BF%, much healthier, go figure.
BIM is such an irrelevant number. Im higher BMI after a year and a half of training in the gym, cutting and then bulking again. Probably half the weight I lost and regained is muscle. So same weight, higher BMI, lower BF%, much healthier, go figure.

Yep, totally agree and is most useful on a population level. However as a general indicator it can be useful. It’s given me a target to aim for and despite kidding myself about going to the gym and being a rugby player, it turns out that having a “normal” BMI rather than “overweight” has resulted in dropping significant body fat and more importantly dropping my waist size (visceral fat presumably). I wouldn’t have said I was unhealthy at 100kg, but over 10kg lighter and with significant reduction in waist size, it’s hard to argue that I didn’t need to work on it. I guess I’m just not as special as some of the rather gifted powerlifters on this forum and BMI has lumped me in with the masses!
These busy bank holiday weekends have been for but not great for the weight loss lol.
Come back from holiday 3 weeks ago and still about the same weight. Need to really knuckle down with diet/not drinking too much now.
If there’s one thing on call is good for it’s weight loss. Probably dehydration, but I hit a new low of 88.2kg today. Significant as this puts my BMI within the normal range (24.95) for the first time in my adult life I reckon. Want to get down to that level on a regular basis. The bank holiday weekends have resulted in pretty crazy weight shifts, oops.
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