*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Weighed in at 13st 3lbs last Friday, lowest I've been since 2013. Another independent blood test came back with very positive results, and cholesterol all healthy. I feel I now know that my maintenance weight has to be between 13st 3 and 13st 7 for my various health measurements to look good.

Friday night had a mate over for dinner which meant drinking probably half a bottle of wine, plus dessert. Enjoyed the evening, no problems there!

Saturday started well right up till I went to my brother-in-law's 40th birthday where he had BBQ and a buffet. I had 3 beers, a burger, 2 sausages, SO MANY NEW POTATOES, some birthday cake, and so on. Went proper nuts. Again, enjoyed it.

Sunday started well right up till lunch time when I nommed some lemon cheesecake and a few pringles with my salad, and dinner time when I fired up the BBQ, had a lovely burger with mayo & ketchup, and had a bottle of beer. Then went to the pub for a football meeting where I had 2 more beers (laser juice. LUSH!). Then came home and ate more cheesecake, a Lindt bunny and more pringles. 100% fuelled by the (thoroughly enjoyable) beer.

Back on it today, and going well again. Got to the gym, eaten properly, lots of water on board. I always find the come-down after those weekends difficult, because although I feel like I've scratched that itch of really enjoying foods that I spend time avoiding for the rest of the week, my body then craves a higher volume of food, and I feel hungrier for a day or two again until I bring it back to reality.
Im not a non drinker, but I barely drink any more, got a 3 year old and a 10 month baby... it really just isn't worth it when I might be up in the middle of the night at worst, early doors with a baby at best - I really like the 0% Heineken and 0% Guiness - it scratches the itch for me and leaves me in a positive frame of mind for the next day ("I have made this choice which allows me to relax a little but I'm going to be 100% tomorrow when I need to be")
I stayed sober for AGES because of getting up with the kids with a hangover. Luckily my kids are old enough to run downstairs and turn on the PS5 now, so I get away with it a bit more :p
Weighed in at 13st 3lbs last Friday, lowest I've been since 2013. Another independent blood test came back with very positive results, and cholesterol all healthy. I feel I now know that my maintenance weight has to be between 13st 3 and 13st 7 for my various health measurements to look good.
Same weight as me! (although you are probably taller)

Where did you get the blood test and how much?
Same weight as me! (although you are probably taller)

Where did you get the blood test and how much?

I'm 5'11", so my BMI is still 'high' (25.8) but the results of every metric I can find seems to indicate that BMI isn't what I should be going by, as a rule. Waist to height is healthy (0.48), fat levels / cholesterol looks good, 17% body fat (healthy is apparently 16 - 20%), all seems to lean towards it being my healthy weight.

I used Numan.com - £120. Topcashback did £10 cashback on it, so was £110 for their full blown one, called the 'fear nothing blood test plus'. I had 2 tests, one before which got me motivated to lose the weight, and one after to confirm that my levels had improved. They do this hilariously loaded 'if we don't find anything wrong with you, your money back!' guarantee which you should firmly ignore.

If you want to see what they test for / results or whatever, let me know and I can send you a copy of my results. Nothing hugely confidential, just don't fancy plastering it online :p :D
Lowest weight of 2024 - 88.2kg

Weirdness though - I swapped back to almond milk porridge and uncorked the sauerkraut and appear to have dropped between 2 and 4 kg in a week. This is almost certainly water weight, but it’s left me feeling less bloated around the abdomen and my waistband is looser. Not sure if this is microbiome, random effect or something else. Annoyingly I’ve changed 2 variables at the same time. I have been slightly stricter with calorie logging, but last week there was plenty of cake for my wife’s birthday and whilst I don’t think I had a blowout, I wasn’t restricted either.

Whatever it is, it’s perfect timing for carb fest 2024 (holiday to Italy!).
A belated Happy birthday!

Last weekend was a trip to Stoke-on-Trent for a football tournament. I literally waved at OCUK as I went over the flyover on the way past the sign! :D I live in the south west so this was a rare occurrence for me!

My 8 year old got to play at the Bet365 stadium with tour of changing rooms, player's tunnel entrance etc, and I got to eat 2 mornings of Premier Inn unlimited breakfast, cafes with stacks of pancakes with bacon & maple syrup, and a fair few cappuccinos. I am NOT getting the scales out until the beginning of next week. :p

I didn't feel hungry the morning after the night before, which I saw as a good thing, and have started regulating breakfast and snacks based on the previous day's intake, rather than a rigid routine of sticking to a calorie deficit. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat as much, but if I had a lean day the day before and am hungry at breakfast time, I know it's time for some oats.
im stuck in one point again, so have to wait untill all settles in...heavier sessions in gym again so thats what's stopping loss as well.

10 days until my trip...might starve myself to speed up the process LOL
So, today was 102.3kg. Although i forgot when i woke up to weigh at the usual point, so this was post bike ride/banana. Not sure that should've impacted it much though.

Beer/Snack intake this week has certainly been reduced, which bodes well, although activity has dropped a little. Need to get back to some longer rides as those have reduced recently. We're off for a meal tonight to say thanks to our estate agents as they've gone above and beyond. Especially helping us find a rental whilst the house is built. Have picked a place which does a set menu and we're planning on making home made pizzas tomorrow. Hopefully a long bike ride tomorrow/Sunday can counteract that. If i can get 2 x 2-3hr rides in i'll be happy.

Also decided that if June is as crap a month for me as other months (aiming sub 100kg by the end of June). In July i'm setting a target and if i don't stick to it (barring any freak out of control events), i'm going to make a bet with myself and give the top 5 posters of this thread £20 as an incentive because i'm a cheapskate so i'll hit myself where it hurts :D
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So, today was 102.3kg. Although i forgot when i woke up to weigh at the usual point, so this was post bike ride/banana. Not sure that should've impacted it much though.

Beer/Snack intake this week has certainly been reduced, which bodes well, although activity has dropped a little. Need to get back to some longer rides as those have reduced recently. We're off for a meal tonight to say thanks to our estate agents as they've gone above and beyond. Especially helping us find a rental whilst the house is built. Have picked a place which does a set menu and we're planning on making home made pizzas tomorrow. Hopefully a long bike ride tomorrow/Sunday can counteract that. If i can get 2 x 2-3hr rides in i'll be happy.

Also decided that if June is as crap a month for me as other months (aiming sub 100kg by the end of June). In July i'm setting a target and if i don't stick to it (barring any freak out of control events), i'm going to make a bet with myself and give the top 5 posters of this thread £20 as an incentive because i'm a cheapskate so i'll hit myself where it hurts :D
change £20 to £100 and as this would sting more, gives you better incentive LOL
10 days until my trip...might starve myself to speed up the process LOL
Personally, I up the calories about 4 or 5 days out. I think about my body a bit like a fuel tank of a car. When I'm trying to lose weight, the tank is mainly empty, even when I eat, I'm only putting 5ltrs in at a time, which is how you start burning body fat. When I go on a cycling trip I want to start with a nice full tank!

So, maybe starve yourself for 4 or 5 days, but then make sure you get that tank full!

Also decided that if June is as crap a month for me as other months (aiming sub 100kg by the end of June). In July i'm setting a target and if i don't stick to it (barring any freak out of control events), i'm going to make a bet with myself and give the top 5 posters of this thread £20 as an incentive because i'm a cheapskate so i'll hit myself where it hurts :D
It's funny. I don't look at thread stats very often and I know I started this thread and all, but it often feels like I read more than I post, so I was a little surprised to see myself sitting in the #1 position :cry: You're only just behind, but then there's quite a gap. (Do you qualify for one of the £20's? :cry: )

As I set off to the Alps tomorrow, I thought for fun I would check what weight I have been when going on cycling trips. I was a little surprised to see that my first Mallorca trip in 2022 is tied with this morning at 15st as my lightest European trip. Most have been around 15st 7 and the New Forrest a few weeks back was the lightest of all at 14st 10, but as I've just said above, I up my cals and volume the week running in to a big trip, so I've put a bit on in the last few days.
As I set off to the Alps tomorrow, I thought for fun I would check what weight I have been when going on cycling trips. I was a little surprised to see that my first Mallorca trip in 2022 is tied with this morning at 15st as my lightest European trip. Most have been around 15st 7 and the New Forrest a few weeks back was the lightest of all at 14st 10, but as I've just said above, I up my cals and volume the week running in to a big trip, so I've put a bit on in the last few days.
Enjoy your trip!
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