*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

23 Oct 2002
In at 13st 4lbs 8oz this morning, which is exactly the same as what I weighed in at on 27th June, last time I weighed in, and the same as when I first reached that weight, on 16th May, after first deciding to make a change on 1st March, losing 1st 3lbs in those 11 weeks.

I'm having success by fasting from around 9pm until around 9am the next morning, having my overnight oats, maybe a handful of nuts at 11am, lunch around 12pm, apple around 2pm.

By that point, provided I've done a bit of exercise (walk, gym, run, whatever), I've got enough of a calorie deficit to have a nice solid meal in the evening at around 5pm of around 800 cals, plus maybe a small glass of wine, bit of chocolate, whatever, and still drop a little bit of weight as the week goes by.

I'm generally eating more than this on the weekends and adding a bit of weight over those 2 days, then going back to the weekly meal plan is bringing it back before the weekend.

My current goal is to try and keep this rhythm going until Christmas, so that it becomes more of a proper lifestyle change. I do actually come in to the new week after eating loads on the weekend feeling like I haven't enjoyed eating large amounts all that much, so I feel like I'm leaning more and more towards my weekday diet being the new norm.
18 Nov 2019
I'm not sure if this is necessarily helpful but as I'm going through "the change", I've definitely discovered it's a lot harder to shift the weight.

Feels like I just have to look at a cake and I put on weight! Lol!

Which is crap coz I do eat as healthy as I can but even one meal of overeating, increases my weight.

So I've found that when the hunger kicks in, I have a glass of water or several glasses of water and this seems to keep the hunger pangs at bay.

Portion control also is a 100% must.

I guess at some point I'll probably reach the stage where no matter what I eat and no matter how healthy and no matter how well I control my portion sizes (am measuring everything) I will just have to somehow accept that it is what happens when you reach a certain age.

But yeah, just thought that I'd share my discovery about water helping me not over eat.

Blooming boring and annoying as hell though! Lol!
8 Nov 2008
I'm at the point now where I can honestly say I am very pleased with my progress.
I've realised for a long time that I do better on a lower carb intake (not necessarily ketogenic levels, though plenty of days are like this).
For quite a while, the consistency was tricky to achieve sometimes. But patience is what I've found to be key - which in turn allows a greater chance, in the long run, to remain consistent!

I've also been keeping a diary of sorts concerning temporary restrictions on certain foods/or whole groups altogether.
Interestingly, though not necessarily surprisingly, my skin has improved noticeably since cutting out fruits/vegetables, but I will try adding the latter back in very soon (a little fruit is now included, e.g. blueberries, and pineapple, but mainly berries).
It may simply be a case of reacting to the crap that is sprayed onto the vegetables than the food itself. I've tried washing them with sodium bicarbonate but didn't notice any real improvement.

Dairy is also a big no-no (quite possibly the worst of them all for me), though I do use a small amount of ghee for cooking.
Grains/starches are also another weak group, though I do sometimes enjoy some quinoa/aramanth or oat bran porridge in the morning.

Protein (clean as possible), on the other hand, is a saviour. Lots of eggs, beef, poultry, plenty of olive oil, etc., keep me feeling full well into the late evening, something I'd never thought I'd be able to say!

Most days I consume anything from 1500 - maybe a little over 2000 calories, oh, and I don't weigh myself obsessively, maybe once every month/six weeks.
Currently at about ~178 lbs down from a heavier ~215/20 around 18 months/2 years ago. Once in a while, I will indulge and have a blowout,
but even then, I often find I can't eat as much as I used to. So, these cheat meals are surprisingly modest than they once might have been.

Hope this helps anyone out there that may be struggling, as I know I have certainly been there before!
18 Nov 2019
I'm at the point now where I can honestly say I am very pleased with my progress.
I've realised for a long time that I do better on a lower carb intake (not necessarily ketogenic levels, though plenty of days are like this).
For quite a while, the consistency was tricky to achieve sometimes. But patience is what I've found to be key - which in turn allows a greater chance, in the long run, to remain consistent!

I've also been keeping a diary of sorts concerning temporary restrictions on certain foods/or whole groups altogether.
Interestingly, though not necessarily surprisingly, my skin has improved noticeably since cutting out fruits/vegetables, but I will try adding the latter back in very soon (a little fruit is now included, e.g. blueberries, and pineapple, but mainly berries).
It may simply be a case of reacting to the crap that is sprayed onto the vegetables than the food itself. I've tried washing them with sodium bicarbonate but didn't notice any real improvement.

Dairy is also a big no-no (quite possibly the worst of them all for me), though I do use a small amount of ghee for cooking.
Grains/starches are also another weak group, though I do sometimes enjoy some quinoa/aramanth or oat bran porridge in the morning.

Protein (clean as possible), on the other hand, is a saviour. Lots of eggs, beef, poultry, plenty of olive oil, etc., keep me feeling full well into the late evening, something I'd never thought I'd be able to say!

Most days I consume anything from 1500 - maybe a little over 2000 calories, oh, and I don't weigh myself obsessively, maybe once every month/six weeks.
Currently at about ~178 lbs down from a heavier ~215/20 around 18 months/2 years ago. Once in a while, I will indulge and have a blowout,
but even then, I often find I can't eat as much as I used to. So, these cheat meals are surprisingly modest than they once might have been.

Hope this helps anyone out there that may be struggling, as I know I have certainly been there before!
That's amazing!

You're absolutely right that it's being consistent that's key too.

I'm discovering that if I have a carb heavy brunch (fruit and fiber, extra almonds, and a banana) then my cravings start earlier in comparison to if I have a chicken stir fry.
8 Nov 2008
That's amazing!

You're absolutely right that it's being consistent that's key too.

I'm discovering that if I have a carb heavy brunch (fruit and fiber, extra almonds, and a banana) then my cravings start earlier in comparison to if I have a chicken stir fry.
Yeah, consistency, although seemingly obvious, was the key thing I kept noticing when watching health/food vids over time. :)
23 Oct 2002
It turns out that if you're careful with your intake of saturated fats 90% of the time, if you have about 100ml of garlic butter, triple cooked chips, peanut butter cheesecake and a latte in one sitting, your body tends to have a bit of a moan about it the following day :D (Anniversary dinner. Food was AMAZING).
28 Jun 2013
buy a soup maker, throw a bunch of chopped up veg in, then boiling water + 1 veg stock cube and fill up to the Max line

no bread or rolls, just eat the soup

have that a few times a week instead of a big meal and you will need to buy new clothes because your shrinking like the guy from the Thinner movie.
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