Bike Meet Version 2.0 - A44 to Aberystwyth

Ok I'll throw 2 dates out there & see where we are.

Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th June.


Saturday 30th - Sunday 1st of July.

What ya reckon ?

@stuman - All are Welcome, I've only had my full license for 2 days. :p
Also Don't forget to say Where you are coming from so the Local meets can be arranged as well.
We'll say meet at the A44 for say 2pm to give everybody loads of time then we can enjoy the A44 together & arrive in Aberystwyth around the same time. :cool:

I'm coming from Hinckley so Midland Dudes shout.
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Not thought about that but we can all bring a big chain then chain them all together & to something.
We can also call ahead to the B&B's & ask who has secure parking.
Baring Jennifer Aniston and/or Sarah Chalke coming over the weekend of the meet I'll be there.

I'll be coming up from Bucks (A40 or A44 not decided yet).
Put me in the maybe pile for this. Should be MUCH more comfortable on the Hayabusa compared to the GSXR i was on for first meet!
Put me down as a maybe, would love to do it but the first weekend I'll be at Cadwell Park, second weekend is good though, assuming Cadwell goes ok :p :)
Either date is good for me at the moment 'T5!

Suggest Aber meet on seafront at the cafe where bikes normally park, would be awesome to see 15-20 bikes there!

Re security, a mixture of chains, amusing parking/blocking and it being Wales should help ;)
I'm in, I can do either date and don't mind bnb or tenting it up (got a new ultralite tent for trips in to Europe :) ). Dirtiest bikes on the outside, clean stuff on the inside? :)
Bumping this to front page for the Dudes with new bikes & those that didn't catch it the first time round.

On a plus the weather is s'posed to be getting better mid week, Lets hope Summer is on it's way. :)
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