Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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I took the 701 for its first proper run out. Whilst I get used to the bike I set the engine map to "soft". It supposedly smooths out the low end torque...

Even on "soft" that bike pulls - with a bit of throttle I had to literally cling on tightly, leaning forward onto the bike, I was almost fearful to release my left hand to clutch in. It's crazy, and insane fun. Will have to be careful to keep things legal ;).

I overtook a car which pulled into my lane suddenly at one point, and throttling it a bit too sudden brought the front wheel up - I was in 4th(!) ahah.

The bike itself is amazing. The balance is perfect, just move slightly and the bike moves - it seems like it leans in on its own. The suspension is amazing too. It's very easy to ride.

The one negative to the ride was cracking the speedometer screen :(. It suddenly started blowing a gale and hailing, and some hail cracked it. I'll have to call the dealers to see if the glass can be replaced.

I can't wait to find out what the standard and advanced maps are like :D
Bought the XR250, It looks rough but it kicked up well & sounds great & it'll take no time at all to smarten it up. Been a long day though, Just over 3 hours to get there down the M1 & round the M25 to Surrey but the traffic kept flowing despite it being real busy so I didn't mind. Rented a tail lift Merc box van which made the job well easy & when I got back home it fitted in along side my Fazer so they're all Alarmed up & chained together sweet.
I think give me by the end of tomorrow it'll look untold better as I already have most of what I need, VHT paint for starters will mint the engine/exhaust & everything else black up then I can bring the stand etc in with some smooth black hammerite I have.
In time I'll have the tank & panels off to prep & paint but I'll take much more time over those get the paint right then get some decent decals.
Here's the How it is now pic to compare to tomorrows the Day after Bodge day pic. :D
Been out & give it a damn good clean & I have to say I like the way it looks as is because it just looks honest. I'm going to paint the exhaust & stand & a few other bits but I'm not going to go mad with the paint at all.
You've put it between the outer plastic shell and the inner polystyrene haven't you? Normally there's a rubber gasket covering the gap.

Yeah it's under the inner padding, i'll have another go and see if i can mount it elsewhere.

It comes with a sticky pad mount, or you can use some 3M dual lock tape like I did.

I really do highly recommend moving it.

Problem is my helmet isn't flat, so sticking it on might not be a good idea, as above though i'll try again today and see how it goes.
Spent a few hours on it but it's spitting with rain on & off so I called it a day to come in to watch the match & chill. Well happy with my few hours work though. :cool:


Just had a quick blast down to Rye and back, it's reminded me the CB400 isn't really suited to motorway stuff, especially for Europe. 130kph on the GPS (the French motorway speed limit in the dry) is 8500rpm... :o Even 120kph bang on is 8000rpm. A few hours of that is OK, but it gets annoying after a while.

A 2nd bike with better motorway cruising will be much appreciated :D
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Finished my shift at 6am today after what felt like a bitterly cold January night, not May!


Couldn't feel my finger tips by the time I got home.

Then I got up at midday, beautiful sunshine, smell of BBQ's and noise of motorbikes whizzing around in the background!

Shame tomorrows weather forecast is set to be rubbish, I fancied a jaunt down to the Hastings May Day bash.
Haha, yeah the weather is crazy at the moment. Fear not though, 19 degrees by next weekend and 10 degrees overnight, summer might just be about to arrive :cool:

I went out today but even though it was warm, it was cold... if you know what I mean :p
I know exactly what you mean! Back garden is t shirt and shorts, front of house (in the shade) on my drive it's trousers and fleece, still a cold wind. Yeh I see they're saying it's going to be around 19c next weekend, bring it on!
Finished my shift at 6am today after what felt like a bitterly cold January night, not May![/MG]

Couldn't feel my finger tips by the time I got home.

Then I got up at midday, beautiful sunshine, smell of BBQ's and noise of motorbikes whizzing around in the background!

Shame tomorrows weather forecast is set to be rubbish, I fancied a jaunt down to the Hastings May Day bash.[/QUOTE]

Getting up to 20° next week though :D
All I want is some burning sun.....all I've seen is biblical showers:( I've forgotten what it's like to have a good lean round a bend
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