Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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Carbon look surround for your clocks ?
Tank protector ?
KMH to MPH stick on thingy ?
Decals ?
The ride home was interesting...

It was raining really hard and I was cruising at NSL and then power was lost, the bike sounded awful and it was running on one cylinder. At 7k revs it was doing a kangaroo effect as the front cylinder was trying to fire giving extra power abruptly.

The first time I didn't enjoy riding it, getting to 50 mph was a chore.

Been reading on it, it seems to be common with SVs and the way to fix it is to get a fender extender, I was going to wait on it but I think I need one ASAP as I don't want to ride it like that again. I have two options, Carbon or non Carbon please let me know your thoughts as I'm stuck at which one to get...

Non carbon-

Carbon- (The one I previously posted and you guys liked! :))

Will get it ordered as soon as I can as soon as I can make a decision.

I bought by SV with a fender extender already fitted and I rode all weathers and never once had this problem. So by putting one on hopefully you will never have this issue again also
There's also a drain hole on the right hand side of the engine which comes from the spark plug well and down out on the side of the engine just behind the rad.
Give it a squirt with some brake cleaner or WD40 or something like that just to make sure it's clear so the water can get out.
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