The ride home was interesting...
It was raining really hard and I was cruising at NSL and then power was lost, the bike sounded awful and it was running on one cylinder. At 7k revs it was doing a kangaroo effect as the front cylinder was trying to fire giving extra power abruptly.
The first time I didn't enjoy riding it, getting to 50 mph was a chore.
Been reading on it, it seems to be common with SVs and the way to fix it is to get a fender extender, I was going to wait on it but I think I need one ASAP as I don't want to ride it like that again. I have two options, Carbon or non Carbon please let me know your thoughts as I'm stuck at which one to get...
Non carbon-
Carbon- (The one I previously posted and you guys liked!

Will get it ordered as soon as I can as soon as I can make a decision.