Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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Almost dropped my bike 3 times today going up to the Malvern hills, trying to turn the bike around while facing downhill is a bitch to do, won't be doing that again anytime soon, not on a 190kg bike :p

Got a nice picture though. :) will post them later on.
Test rode the 2017 Street Triple RS today, nice bike, very flickable and plenty of power...couldn't get comfortable on it no matter how I tried to keep myself in position using my knees, otherwise my wrists were pretty sore by the end of the ride (think i'm too big for these modern bikes :D). Didn't get a chance to open it up really, so many bloody cyclists and Sunday drivers about!
Meh, who ever said oil changes were easy?!

Drain plug out, filter out. Only a litre of oil came out over an hour (it had stopped dripping). Poured some new oil through and it came out bottom, so there isn't an air lock.

New filter and plug back in and it only took a litre and it showing on dipstick.

Can't figure out why. It should be 3.2l for a wet fill with filter.
That's the weird thing, I checked the level before I started and it was showing on the dipstick, so no issues there.

Last change was at 6k around a year ago. It's on 12k now.
Very nearly squashed a scooter thief today. Driving home from work, was in the normal lane, single carriageway. Saw him coming in the opposite direction on the wrong side of the road (so passed me on the left). All the telltale signs: front fairing removed from the scooter, blacked out helmet, young male, and in my mirrors I saw that he had no plate too.

I can't deny that for a split second I wanted to GTA the **** out of him but my senses prevailed. Hopefully he gets nabbed.
When you measured using the dip stick did you screw the stick back in or leave loose on top ? many bikes I have done in the past you do not screw back in when level testing, just a thought I have no experience with a speed triple.
14 months for driving offences.
14 months for perverting the course of justice.
2 months for carrying a knife (seems low to me but could have been justified I suppose).

Can't really argue with that.

dont sentences here run concurrently so that would only be 14 months?
Apparently my housemates little girl now points at any motorbike she sees and shouts my name...the seed is set she'll be a biker one day!
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