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Boredom at work has just led me to sit and work out how much all my Kreiga gear would cost me if I bought it from SBS right now.

I've known people who spent less on their first cars :eek:

If you know somewhere that has a good deal on US20's or any kriega kit, then please share! The best I can get is about an 5-8% discount at my local dealer, which is a bit but not much.

I have an R30, US30, and soon will have 2x US20's, love the kit, brilliant stuff. I've love one of the hyropaks but at £90.
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If you know somewhere that has a good deal on US20's or any kriega kit, then please share! The best I can get is about an 8% discount at my local dealer, which is a bit but not much.

I have an R30, US30, and soon will have 2x US20's, love the kit, brilliant stuff. I've love one of the hyropaks but at £90.

I don't :( even 2nd hand on eBay is practically hitting new prices.

I think I only managed to grab my R11 off there for a decent price because it's been discontinued and people would have searched for the R3 or R8 instead.

I think my collection sits at R35, US10, 2xUS20, US30, R11 and a tank adaptor so far :o
I've a screw that holds the protective cover for oil heatsink. The thread is completely F... and the space is tight. :(
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Boredom at work has just led me to sit and work out how much all my Kreiga gear would cost me if I bought it from SBS right now.

I've known people who spent less on their first cars :eek:

Cube, 1, 10, 20 x2, 30, R35 so far :( :p

If you can find it cheaper at another UK store, then SBS will price match. I got lucky with my R35 and they gave me 20% off as my old Knox broke just outside warranty and SBS were kind :)
I've a screw that holds the protective cover for oil heatsink. The thread is completely F... and the space is tight. :(

Told you it would happen :p Unfortunately I haven't figured out a way to get it out without removing the header pipe in front of it and I wasn't bothered enough to go that far.
Yeah... I would have to remove the header pipe and cut it out, I'll try to get rid of rust whilst its mounted. Its only a bit of rust, most of it is just dirt :p
Summit about changing bikes more than your pants :p

So I've been wanting something to do some miles on & have been sniffing about here & there wondering whether to Swap my Bike or just Buy a 2nd Bike but haven't really got anywhere although I had narrowed it down to either an early Fazer 6 or a CBR-F3.
Then some chap contacted me with a Fazer & was coming out my way so did I want him to pop passed & have a look see, Cut a long story short I ended up taking his Fazer & some cash for my Vulcan.
Riding the Fazer is unreal it has to be the easiest bike I've ever ridden & it fit me like a glove & handles & goes brilliantly. Came with a Micron end can which sounds great a belly pan/Rad grill/Renthal bars/Stubby levers & a Massive Givi top box with built in lights that will come in well handy for my trips down South. Fits in my shed perfectly as well so no more waiting for the bike to cool down before I can put it away/cover it up & it'll be far easier to get out on it without having to take both covers off & ponce about. Full stand & much easier access will mean maintenance is Untold easier. Bike in shed means my garden can finally recover & I can do teh odd job whilst it's still in there when the weathers bad. All in all a much better set up.
I can see myself doing plenty of comfy & happy miles on it which is what matters most. :cool:
Tiny pic is all I've got as I was out till late riding it.
:D I'm sure you wrote a very similar post when you got the big floaty red one (can't remember what is was).

I give you 10 days before you're itching for something else :p
No Children were Harmed in the making of this Swap. :p

But yer I had the Trophy to do some miles on then got it into my head I wanted the Cruiser but the Cruiser was only Ok for plodding about on. Being real ill this year has proper scared me though if I'm honest & I just want to see as much of my Daughter & Grand kids as poss which is why I'm back on a Mile muncher.
No Children were Harmed in the making of this Swap. :p

But yer I had the Trophy to do some miles on then got it into my head I wanted the Cruiser but the Cruiser was only Ok for plodding about on. Being real ill this year has proper scared me though if I'm honest & I just want to see as much of my Daughter & Grand kids as poss which is why I'm back on a Mile muncher.

Nice one, but it is a shame you didnt join the CBR club. Not too sure about it being good for lots of miles though (the CBR)
working away from home this week, not been on my bike since last weekend

itching to get home today and prep the bike for a blast out tomorrow!
That late model Tuono factory (the black limited edition colour one in Scotland) on ebay I post up a few days back was sold for £5200, and it's just popped up for sale again, at the other other end of the country in Exeter, in a dealer this time, for £6200, :rolleyes:

Nice easy £800+ profit for a dealer I suppose....
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Everyone on FB seems to be sticking their bikes up with just testing the water tagged onto the end, you either want to sell or you don't!!
Everyone on FB seems to be sticking their bikes up with just testing the water tagged onto the end, you either want to sell or you don't!!

Tell me about it... it really pee me off when they do that. If that ******* ***** didn't F around, I would have bought this SV. :mad:

I was looking at the Tuonos. Looking at the speed triples too. And old Ducatis. So much choice...

Just waiting to see if I get a bonus at work, hopefully find out in a few weeks (probably enough time for all the bikes to go up a grand :()
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