I really do think your failing to understand the endgame of anthem and how it works, you strike me as someone who has very little experience of looter based games.
Your just predicting the games demise on the back of your personal crusade against EA.
I have been playing games since 1976, I have actually played Games like borderlands 1/2/presequel (I know its small groups but still), I have just under 400 hours on The Division (stopped playing when my wife did), oh and erm yeah oh thats right 2080 hours on Warframe, Founders edition (early alpha) Excalibur prime owned, but yes I have no experience of loot based games maybe I should check Torchlight 180 hours, Torchlight 2 317 hours.
Screenshots can be provided if you think I am lying.
I run one of the oldest Muds in existence (won't share the name in public because it is Adult in nature) began coding it in 1992 a loot based game with 10-200 players at its peak, it runs on a server in my bedroom, started as a diku, but its now on revision 5 which is a Java and live Mysql dbase.
I was part of the Mud Dev, the old email/bbs/talkie stuff where all the original developers of Everquest(they stole nearly all there ideas from Diku and Rom2.4c) UO and AO got there start, we all started on Muds, in fact a lot of the early loot based MMORPG's are just a graphical front end on a mud back end.
I also played Meridian 59 server 102 character Cal'ranthe (a loot based mmorpg).
never liked diablo 3, I was in early beta for PoE and loved it
Unfortunately a lot of my online gaming when to the side when Paola needed more care.
I think we can both agree that I am not completely naive when it comes to loot based games.
I just think its a mistake to support a company with a track record like EA as a gamer.
I really hope I am proved wrong, I hope it is a success otherwise Bioware will get blamed even though todays bioware is less than 1% what it was as its peak as an independent developer.
I gain nothing from Anthem failing.
BTW I am not taking any of this personally its actually a really good distraction from RL stuff so thank you for that