Bioware's Anthem

I am sooo sorry, I really tried. Took me less time to download and install the game than sitting through the endless loading screens. I just couldn't hack it... after 30 minutes in the game I had to uninstall it. The new gear, cosmetics, Xmas theme, snow, Xmas lights, all the BS didn't make up for it. Every time I went to my Javelin screen I got Connection Error, could be a dodgy paint I used and is no longer in game or something else but anyhow.

I also made the mistake to go to Launch Bay after a quick mission... yeah... that pretty much did it for me, last straw:)
i still dip in every now and again, I do find the game fun to play, but only in small doses at the moment. The limited dungeons whatever are fun to do, but there are so few it can get repetitive, and weapon wise I tend to stick to whatever are the most powerful I have rather than try different types. I still think the game looks really good and the flying once you get used to it is well done. But overall it still lacks something to keep pulling you back, if they do overhaul it will be interesting to see what form that takes.
Graphically and gameplay wise the game is really good, but you get bored after an hour because there is nothing to do escept grind the same 4 dungeons for legendary gear. Not sure what went wrong for them the story is crap as well.
This looks amazing. Just built myself a new PC and looking for some new games. All the reviews say it's terrible. Surprised. The suits and gameplay looks ace and it's bioware. What a shame.
This looks amazing. Just built myself a new PC and looking for some new games. All the reviews say it's terrible. Surprised. The suits and gameplay looks ace and it's bioware. What a shame.

Oh boy, listen to the reviews, it's really not worth your time. There are MANY other games out there that give you a lot more for the same money.
It truly is turd! Such a bitter bitter disappointment as it should have been epic!

Turd? How? I got my fun out of it, at least 1200 hours including Champion of Tarsis. All the different builds was the most fun about it.

In fairness there have been a lot of qol improvements, better legendary drop rates on higher difficulties, check forge any time, optimisations, some regular events, I would say its ok if u can pick it up cheap, especially if u have a few friends to play it with, is it as good as it should have been? no is the simple answer, but if this 2.0 happens who knows, given its EA I'm not holding my breath tho, & fwiw bioware hasnt been the real bioware for a very very long time, probably since the day EA bought them.
How many of those hours were the loading screen though?

Not a lot considering it must be 1 minute 30/40 seconds-ish? The longest part is the first load into a mission. End screen is fast just not Division fast. Cataclysm runs could be 45 minute per run and the Seasonal Strongholds were anything from 18 minutes to 30.
Not a lot considering it must be 1 minute 30/40 seconds-ish? The longest part is the first load into a mission. End screen is fast just not Division fast. Cataclysm runs could be 45 minute per run and the Seasonal Strongholds were anything from 18 minutes to 30.
Ain't that bad then. By any chance do you have the game on a high spec ssd?
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