Black Desert Online

lol. That 49.99%er, is that the thing about needing to do a specific mission to progress beyond it? That was something i read i an FAQ thing earlier. Seems like a good idea, though i havent quite understood how the PK thing work, i just know its a cap where your not auto-flagged for PvP. Im definitely not into any of that, so unless it has its perks, i'd quite happily stay below that threshold.

I just had a look at the beer - its not quite that, but i just figured it out. It'd been telling me this 'Shift+RMB' message and it never did anything, but its because i'd go back to the inventory and do it there. You have to do it in the beer menu, and it brings up a pop-up saying the same thing, with the item icon in there, and you have to do it on that icon it seems. My main guy just took the lot, so think that was right, but i'll be able to figure it out when i need to in the future. Im guessing thats just something i need to buy from pubs rather than faff producing it myself.
Yes, once you hit level 49 you'll get a quest from your black spirit, to summon another boss. once you've defeated him you can level beyond 50. If you want to flag yourself for PvP you have to press (Ctrl + C or P I can't remember lol)

It doesn't happen often as the game punishes you for PK'ing, this is done by using the "Karma" system. If a player was to PK you they will get a negative karma, we all start off with around 30,000 Karma. I'm not sure how many you get taken off that I believe it's around 5,000.

Once they have negative Karma they'll be permanently flagged for PvP and can be killed by anyone without incurring any minus Karma, also they'll be attacked by the town guards too!
Weekend update :D

- I bought the game on Saturday morning, about 30min later the game informed me i'd hit 100hrs (i'd love to say AFK'ing was a large part of that... :/). Cant argue for €10 though.

- I've +5'd my armor (+6 on chest, failed the 7th), and ive +7 my Azwell. From what i read thats perfectly fine for PvE and the Yuria which is popular is cos its ideal for PvP (I'll focus on that if & when i ever decide to do so). So im now 49AP & 67DP. I could do with getting better jewellery i guess, as mine is just random drop stuff (2 Jarettes, from attendance rewards, get the 2nd on Wednesday which gives me 13AP: 2x 4AP items and 5AP bonus for 4-set) and the reward event ends on the 1st, and that 3rd set would be available on the 1st so im not sure if it'll give it to me. Are those Attendance Rewards a regular thing, or do they pop up at random times, cos the 'loyal' tab stopped working after 3 days as it ended on the 15th and nothing has replaced it. I rather enjoy those (free goodies - why wouldnt I!?).

- Im trying to make a start now on farming resources for the Epheria boat, i havent got the pts to buy the property but considering its somewhere in the region of 40,000 pine AND regular wood, thats not happening over a long weekend :D So im trying to get to the pine node below Heidel to make a start on that, and i'll probably do some manual work on pine trees while watching Youtube & films on the other screen, and chances are i'll gather plenty of regular logs along the way.

- Stats are now Lv43, 49AP & 67DP, then 94 Energy & 88 Contribution Pts, and im now connected from Velia to Heidel to Epheria with Glish and a couple of resource nodes up and running.

Oh, and have you any idea how i get the 'Keplan Adventure Journal' started? I only have 4 journals in my knowledge (Mediah, Eastern Balenos, Serendia & Calpheon). Ive done missions from the townsfolk, but im thinking it needs a bigger storyline to send me there and trigger that, but i kinda thought i had. Maybe ive just ended up there from Glish town missions as im roaming. Only Epheria, Tarif & Altinova have i gone there to be nosey. Its getting on my nerves being unable to speak to ppl because i dont have that knowledge.
I just started using a Sorc build, incl skills i'd never even tried (cos i've barely cared about combat too much and a lot of it looks complicated and i dismissed it and figured a few moves out from random button mashing :D). Sooo much easier now with just a couple of skills unlocked, i was pretty comfortably taking out mobs 3-4 lv's higher, whereas previously i was fine with same lv but it'd be fairly slow and a fair few HP potions used.
Ive hit Lv50 now, wasnt sure whether to do so but i guess this will be a multi-purpose main, and when i want to focus on professions i'll do that on Alt profiles. The boss fights are stupidly easy though, i think i went through 5-6 of them today and most of those didnt even get a single hit on me, one i just shifted behind him and a few hits later it was all over, didnt respond or anything. A single Cyclops alone is harder! Combat certainly feels more rewarding now, theres still times when im wanting to do a specific move and it doesnt seem to switch, and i cant tell if im doing something wrong and need to understand it better or if my mouse is playing up.

They also restarted the Attendance > Loyal rewards (Feb 23rd - March 29th) which is cool, i desperately need those black stones! Blew through all of mine yesterday, incl a 12-stack trying to get a +7 chest piece up a lvl. I need to learn more about building the stacks, i get the process now, just need to figure out the cheapest ways. Also need to think about how im about to use a high stack, cos i really should have used it on my weapon with it being higher (+10).

Still isnt enough time in a day to figure out half the things that go through my mind while playing :D I feel like i figure out 10 things and have 9 new ones, so slow progress :D
I still dabble in this daily, but i'm just working on getting every class to 55.

I can't really decide which is my fave but i started with the ranger and she has all the best gear. Each class has some cracking moves and combos.

I'm liking the fame payments, a cool 400k daily soon mounts up :)
Anyone planning on jumping on tonight for the update? Its the new Dark Knight character and i believe the Kamasylvia expansion too (below Behr/Hexe), but its absent in the maintenance notes, so im a little unsure. Hmm, actually seems it'll follow soon after - "The Dark Knight, as well as the Kamasylvia territory coming later, will both be available as free updates." Oh well, more time to link Trent to Keplan ready for heading south.

Im really looking forward to trying the DK, seems like a fun character that im hoping is similar to what i like about the Sorceress. This last week ive built a Valkyrie, Warrior, Ninja & Berserker and havent really been fond of any of them, but i dont really know if its just because i dont have many of their fancy abilities unlocked. I keep hearing the Witch/Wizard is poor, the Ranger & Tamer i really want to try, but before i went all female i was hoping i'd at least like one of the male based characters.

Im also finding that i can get 5CP quite quickly on a new character, the simple missions and the fact that its a series of back-to-back quests means theres little break up, its small but regular CP, rather than travelling around the map for the easy daily's. Add on the fact that after about 2-3hr they've got 24-32 slot inventory, having them located at the Velia warehouse holding junk makes them worth about 10CP of storage property, they're irresistible right now. I think by the time i hit say 150-175CP, have all the towns linked and key nodes bought, then i can make sure certain cities hold specific resources - wood, metals, cooking ingredients etc. I only found out how to transfer goods between warehouses on Monday!! I've been town-hopping with random junk trying to keep things semi organised :D

I also started a guild thinking me and a mate would just be in it, the logo is only 100k which is nothing, 200k incl startup costs - brilliant. Yeah, not so much huh :D Ive done 8k in 4 days, 12k more and i'll buy the logo - any quests we take (which seem impossible for less than 5ppl - made worse as you dont know exactly what the mission will be) apparently i can pay from my pocket - fine by me. I just wish i could add say 25-50k/day in, not millions, but nope.
I'll be online tonight, 1st time playing for what seems ages! I won't be levelling a Dark knight though.

Have you tried the Musa? I've currently got one at level 56, they seem very powerful and seem to hold their own in PvP once you've got good gear. I'm still working on my gear tho (140AP and 160DP), so not quite there yet!

The guild missions are a bit difficult to accomplish if it is just 2 of you lol especially the gathering ones, those missions can be difficult to accomplish when you don't have a huge pool of energy.
Nah, not tried Musa, i think thats what my mate is using though. I dont expect him to play much, just cos im on there, so yeah the guild stuff is probably pointless but if i can level it up to get fishing boosts etc then its something for nothing. Im not one to just join a guild because its advertised as taking ppl, and im certainly not one to bother adding ppl i dont know. So solo guild is where im at :D
Im not sure i'll get into PvP, i did the stupid Red Battleground thing as instructed by the storyline, died if i saw someone, died even when i didnt :D The fighting over territory seems fun enough, something for the future perhaps, but anything competitive gets me frustrated pretty quick, so occasional combat doesnt seem too bad.
What im reading now is that Sorc isnt great for PvE, and supposedly not as good as it once was for PvP? I suspect a large part of it is a case of the grass is always greener etc i just want something to munch through mobs and have a nice mix of combat, but right now i dont suppose i'd really know the difference cos its not like im playing the sorceress particularly effectively really. Its also got pretty slow since Lv50, maybe cos i was pushing for it the last few days cos of the shard scroll and my refusal to let something waste, but ive also done a lot more AFK'ing when im... AK.
Hopefully while levelling the Dark Knight i'll have the last few CP i'll need to get the T3 boat property, im obviously nowhere near on the resources though. I have something like 800 pine logs, need to get the 2nd node but its just out of the way. 8pts from Keplan, not terrible, but probably makes more sense to get that than a boat shop i cant use etc, and so it continues :D
The DK seems pretty good, feels nimble and that huge sword is epic. Havent seen any of the stuff i'd call magic-like, no fireworks just yet, but it feels nice. Pretty sure it'll be a keeper. Theres 2 things im not overly keen on. First, the Sorc has a mid-air dash, DK doesnt afaik so that disappoints every time i try it. Second, it feels like she takes forever to come out of an attack animation. She chains between moves fine, but when butts are whooped and i go to loot, its like she takes longer to settle down & loot. I love looting mid-combat if its a large mob. Loot, loot, dash. She's gotta mop 'em all up before thats possible.

I think something hit me pretty hard tonight - I need to change how im trying to play the game, stop trying to stockpile everything that *might* be useful, because maybe one day...
If i was crafting chests and putting them in my residence, so i could have thousands of slots and tons of junk - brilliant. But its making me think im hording too much and the game really doesnt want me to be doing that, certainly not at the stage im at.
- I need to keep hold of primary resources like woods, metals, stuff i'm gathering for a purpose like the Epheria boat.
- I have to figure out what other items are important, like black stones, tokens, rare stuff.

The rest i need to see if i can process it to bump my life skills, and then flog it, and see what options are available with my CP. Hopefully add a couple of profit nodes and expand my automated income empire, as almost everything ive harvested has gone in storage or its made beer.

I've also set myself a couple of goals, a short-term one: buy +15 Grunil gear, pass down my 11/8/8/8 to the Knight. Unfortunately theres only 2 non-stock Grunil on there, a +1 gloves and DUO gloves, but all 4 +15's have sold in the last 24h so im guessing i need to get to understand how the preorder system works - right?
After that, i'd like to get a TRI Liverto Amulet (250m), that seems the most sensible goal, if i ever manage beyond that then great, but that seems like a reasonable target.

I bought a +15 Ult Jubre Talisman earlier, i'd never realised until a few days ago that was my off-hand, so its been stock like an accessory. I was going to find out what was decent and start upgrading it, but saw it and said why not. On reflection, 1 reason would be because i could have ended more AP for less on a +15 Amulet, but really i need both because some mob fights are just too drawn out.
On the plus side, i got a Witches Earring on my first mob in Hexe during a spirit quest, i was planning on grinding there for em, so thats helped save me 10m. I think i'd have gone with Red Coral for the difference, but for free i'll happily use it till i need that little bit extra.
My girl and I are playing the DK at the moment. Just started last night. We're loving it. Though I need to look up what skills people recommend taking. I like her big sword :)

@PaulC2K if you level up alt's (other characters) it helps with the contribution points, so you'll have more to invest in the nodes and your buildings.
Yeah, ive got a few on the go at the moment. My main is a Sorceress, started a Valkyrie cook who had been my main fisher, and then over a few days i added a Warrior, Ninja, Berserker and then the DK. Im happy with the Sorc and DK, the ninja is already deleted, the warrior i didnt realise was basically the male Valkyrie and became added storage as did the berserker :D
I'll be trying Tamer & Ranger next. The Valkyrie im not fussed about either, my only hesitancy to delete is that its been doing a lot of beer cooking and i liked the idea of having her stay in Velia with the potato fields, living above the bar, and holding all the cooking items. I stopped fishing with her because my Sorc has far more inventory so it just makes more sense.

Im at 138CP but need more like 1380 :D

just started playing again is the Guild still going?
When i was reading through posts when i got started a few weeks back it did seem like most of those who were in there werent playing, as people were asking where everyone was etc.
The Valkyrie is a great class at higher levels, you can basically grind without using pots so I'd persevere and at least get to 50.

Don't forget you can pass armour and weapons between alts, ie my +15/PRI armour from my main ranger is now on my fresh DK and she basically takes no dmg ;)
Yeah, ive got warehouses full of junk armor that ive started getting rid of, for the cost of base gear its pointless stockpiling junk, and some of it was bound or just flat-out junk.
Ive been reading that it might be better to go with +15 Heve over Grunil because your set is hamstrung if you get an item of boss armor and lose the set bonuses, and on Grunil, its Helmet+Gloves, Chest+Boots then a 4pc bonus. Remove 1 item and 2 of the 3 bonuses are gone. Maybe i never get to boss gear, but if im spending 80m on a +15 set, i dont want 1 bit of good fortune to mess things up. 2 pieces - who cares :D but even then Heve still has an 'any 2pcs +250HP' on the table, Grunil could be mismatched pieces.

So i think thats where i'll be heading, i've got +11/8/8/8 on 4 pieces so far, that'll be a hand-me-down set in the future. Accessories i dont see me going beyond good base pieces, no PRI/DUO etc stuff for me any time soon, but im trying to hold onto some items for Alts.

The Valkyrie will definitely be sticking around, its just not a priority for me atm. Its only Lv25 and i really need to bump her weight & inventory - if only for cooking purposes, but i can imagine i'll get 3-4 to Lv49.99, beyond if unwanted PvP doesnt crop up. It also seems like it might be worthwhile to have a good PvE alt for farming good loot areas and hold it at that lv49 cap so dipsticks dont give me grief for being 'in their spot' etc. I think i'll try and get her towards Lv49 over the weekend, take a break from the Sorceress (now ive spent 40m on weapons for it!) and then push her to lv60 with a 7-day combat book thingie ive been holding onto (x2).

I also managed to grab a T3 female horse not long after posting earlier, really pleased with that. I think after the absolute disaster that was my first attempt at training (buying a license, having no clue how to tame even following guides, multiple trips for ropes, then trips for sugar cubes when finding out the 'use carrots' guide was BS, and then bringing back the horse only to register 2 because i'd unknowingly bought one 2hrs earlier - i just thought i need that as ownership paperwork or something :D) its no less than i deserve. I wouldnt mind, but even with diagrams showing what tier each wild horse looks like, i fully believed it was a T2 brown w/ black, i'd spotted it was a different shade of brown, saw the T2 matched that, and didnt notice the mane was short.
I already have a T3 Lv30 male from the newbie attendance rewards, so i'll be levelling this one and giving them some alone time :D

Really havent done much else, brewed 1k+ beer, melted 1k of both copper & iron and now doing 1.8k flax. Tomorrow they're supposed to be doing 4 world boss events for the anniversary, absolutely no idea what & where that would be, will find out though, cos if theres expensive freebies to be had im all in.


To kick off our first anniversary in style we’ll be spawning special event Field Bosses! All players who hit the boss at least once will receive the [Event] Field Boss Reward Bundle. We’d like to allow everyone to participate, and as such there is no death penalty should you fall during battle from the boss fight.

Be sure to join us in Northern Cienaga (The lake just south of Heidel).

Times: 17:00, 19:00 & 21:00 & 23:00 (UTC)
Servers: Velia 6, Balenos 6, Serendia 6, Calpheon 6, Mediah 6 & Valencia 6

Bundle contents:
  • [Event] Pirate Eye Patch

  • [Event] Pirate Bandana

  • [Event] Chick Balloon Headband

  • [Event] Magic Lamp

  • Sharp Black Crystal Shard

  • Hard Black Crystal Shard

  • Giant Fish Bone Wall Ornament

  • King Clam Wall Ornament

  • [Event] Horse Flute (7 Days)

  • [Event] Elion's Tear

  • [Event] Max HP Increase Scroll

  • [Event] Small Energy Tonic

  • [Mix] Thorn-Defense Elixir

  • [Mix] EXP-Reaper Elixir

  • [Mix] Manhunt-Rage Elixir

  • [Mix] Time-Training Elixir

  • [Mix] Swiftness-Wind-Spell Elixir

  • Roast Chicken

Im pretty sure the 2 crystal shards are worth a combined ~5m so worth making an appearance.
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Tomorrow they're supposed to be doing 4 world boss events for the anniversary, absolutely no idea what & where that would be, will find out though, cos if theres expensive freebies to be had im all in.

If there is a few of us maybe we should get a party together and join in on one of those servers to participate in those boss events! I'll be online with my brother during that event.
Yeah, im up for that. Family name is 'PaulC2' cos stupid developers dont let you have letters after a number, numbers can only go at the end it seems.

I'll be on EU_Velia6, btw. First one just got announced and heading there now on a new Ranger
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So, bosses... :D

What a mess. Waiting for boss, couple of flamingos in the lake so figured say hi - spam a few attacks, nothing. Figured maybe they're disabled. 6-8sec later they all die.
Stood waiting, get message to press V to evade, too late cos your already dead... and in spawns the boss :D
So respawn around the corner (no penalties for death, so meh) and head to the area. nobody there just lots of lagging characters running in a straight line into the distance. Then the boss appears for me, 4 of them, get a few hits in, seems choppy but not terrible, 'press V to...' already dead. The respawn/revive menu isnt showing for people, so yey :D
Got my hits in though, so shouldnt be an issue.

Velia6 might be a bad idea though, but i suspect it wont be much better elsewhere.
Anyone able to recommend some good guides for this game? I haven't played it much as it's quite daunting to new players but would like to have another crack at it.

Not sure about guides, although im actually in the middle of one while waiting for this boss event to end (i think its highly likely the next wave of bosses will join before we kill the original lot!) but only just started it.

I think ideally start by playing the main quests, pick up a few from randoms, and let that guide you and teach you different things. I think i went in hearing about the things i could do and wanted to do them, and the game doesnt stop you, its just that you cant realistically achieve those things. I wanted to do fishing, mining, little things. So i wanted to make those tools myself, except the tools we can use are low-usage and it'd take about a dozen of them to make 1 slightly better tool (higher usage, cant be repaired) and the resources still wouldnt provide enough even if you wanted to do it manually with a dozen picks. So its doable - but they're not really intended to be done manually, and thats where you're at for the first 10-20hrs or so really, especially if you're trying to do life skill things rather than missions that'd help.
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