Black Desert Online

Another 50% EXP boost event this weekend, login rewards and other goodies.

If you bought a Founders pack for release you will have some extra goodies in the mail!
I made a seperate email just for this game as i was unsure if i would like it or not as it was my first go at a mmorpg.

Just got to remember the email address and password
anybody running the game @ 1440p with a 1070? Was wondering if it's worth getting, just trying to get some fps numbers during boss fights / grinding etc.


and 4 more days.....

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Read in the video games forum, this game is on sale on the official site for €10 for the standard pass.

Very good game, but quickly becomes a grind mmorpg.
If your into that, go and grab it.
does this still have a decent playerbase?

Got it when it came out and got to about lvl 15 before quitting because it was all a bit overwhelming compared to easymode WoW.

Looking back I sort of wish I had given it some proper attention.
I still play the game on a daily basis and still have a great time especially with the sorceress Awakening.

In all honesty the pay to win Talk is a little exaggerated in my opinion, yes you can now sell costumes and other items from the Cash Shop in the game for in game currency, but the value of said Cash Shop items would require someone to spend immense amounts of cash every week and they still probably wouldn't have all the best items in the game.

The most in-game currency you can get from any single cash up item is currently 24 million silver. To put this in perspective the best of the best of the best items in the game will cost you hundreds of millions silver.... each.... not to mention the actual availability on the market place is actually quite low.

As for the Cash Shop items themselves, none of them are going to give super advantage over existing players imo.

Yes I do wish that you didn't have to purchase things like weight limit increases and stuff like that but to be honest they don't break the game.

For me personally I have a really great group of guys I'm playing live and the combat system is so fun it's enough for me to keep playing.
Waste of time now it's p2w. Shame as it had great potential

Potentially yes and the devs have backtracked with actions on the a number of things they said. However, as it stands the P2W is not prohibitive and not really realistic unless you really threw money at them.

The game is good - especially good if you just accept from the off you don't want to join the grind race and play it your own way there is a lot there.

Graphically it's the best MMO out there.
Combat is as good if not better than any other MMO I've played.
The game world is well realised.

But ...

OMG Korean RNG whoever thinks this is good game design needs shooting.
Amity game whoever thinks this is good game design needs stabbing and then shooting.

I think it's a very good MMO but terribly flawed too. It's well worth a run but it's not something that will suck you in. I play casually but then I am not a MMO nut who plays them hardcore at all. I think if PVP is your thing you need to accept in this game skill has little effect compared to a high grind level, gear and actual class choice.
I'm still playing it daily and none of the changes have affected the gameplay at all. It's a grindfest, it's your typical eastern MMo and doesn't hide that fact. Overall it's great fun and that's what counts.
a friend of mine was generous enough to give me 2 more.


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