Well, he's not as bad to beat if you have that item ... which is from a secret area. Try beating him without it, though. Not impossible, but the stakes are raised considerably. Same strategy for the final boss in chapter 4 ; you need an item, again from a secret area, to more comfortably defeat him.2nd chapter boss isn’t that bad tbh. I nearly beat him 1st try. Not a boast!
Obvs second time I died almost instantly, as is the waygot him 4th time. You just have to throw everything at him. You won’t win with just attacks.
There’s a thing you can get, don’t know what it’s called, think it’s top middle on the inventory screen, that you can use (R2 + L3) to completely nullify his windy stuff. in the item descriptions of that item slot - “works v well against certain enemies” … something like that
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