^ Blade & Soul ^ F2P MMo

IM BM, gotta admit although it wasn't my first choice, it's pretty bad ass. Some abilities I'm now unlocking are Billy bad ass. Enjoying combat a lot, there's some serious finger memory needed for some of the combos though, takes a while to learn it in the heat of combat.
IM BM, gotta admit although it wasn't my first choice, it's pretty bad ass. Some abilities I'm now unlocking are Billy bad ass. Enjoying combat a lot, there's some serious finger memory needed for some of the combos though, takes a while to learn it in the heat of combat.

Agree with this, I often press the wrong skill, especially when you add in the different stances.

Also the skill trees are pretty in depth.
2 things this game needs.

1) AFK timer so it stops people sitting idle for hours.
2) If you get disconnected it gives you 5 mins to log back in before needing to queue again.
You can solo all dungeons upto level 20 and then they require 3-4 members solely for the end boss usually, although with a little kiting and the right setup they are do-able solo too.

Its a lot more dumbed down than beta and PlayBnS servers and very easy to level up.

Easiest way to make money is via dungeons and not looting, you get the share of total coin, So just hammer the dungeon finder with a few quick runs every night and you are set.
I made 3 silver off one dungeon run. 2 guys were going metal with the bidding for an item simply not worth it.

I have sword to blighted level 5 and am with necklace. Should have ring etc... done tonight.

Will be logging in at 3 to save being queued.
Before I sign up, is it totally F2P, or F2P with Micro transactions for the best stuff, or limited to a certain degree?

It's totally free to play. No content that can't be accessed or gear that cannot be obtained! You are free to use looking for group or another chat channel plus free use of the auction house (ahem Aion, I'm looking at you here).

The cash shop has things like XP boosters, more inventory space, cosmetics and the closest thing to p2w is a key which will bypass you needing to farm boxes to get the right class weapon as upgrade fodder. However I'd like to add during all the betas I never had a problem with the farming, I think the maximum I had to do was like 10 runs of a particular dungeon to get the desired drop, of course RNG being RNG, you're mileage may vary :)
Another warning is that if you are F2P or initiate founder then you are limited to the number of market place sales per day.
After my session a few days ago it really shun light on the need for some hardware upgrade in my PC, long overdue anyway :p and with such a beautiful game it'd be a crime not to enjoy it fully.
Played half hour on this earlier, really impressed with the little I did play.

Am at work at the moment so can't check, but me and 2 friends want to play together, can we choose any race and can play together or are there sides/factions we have to make sure we are on the same side for??
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