^ Blade & Soul ^ F2P MMo

Managed to sink a couple of hours in late last night and my first impressions are good. The game feels great, very smooth & as expected runs well. I also really enjoyed the introduction to the character, I chose Yun, Kung Fu Master.

IGN: Watu Palindo

Feel free to add.
I only managed a few hours over the head start weekend but got my sin to level 21, just need one more level for a key skill to go ahead and solo blackram narrows :)

On starfall crater, char name is Brunswick. I'll get adding the others from here when I'm finished with work later.
I only managed a few hours over the head start weekend but got my sin to level 21, just need one more level for a key skill to go ahead and solo blackram narrows :)

On starfall crater, char name is Brunswick. I'll get adding the others from here when I'm finished with work later.

added you. Few of us on Starfall now.
Btw just a quick tip I didn't know about from back in beta, if you do blackram narrows 10 times you get an achievement which boosts your hp by 400 - pretty significant at this level! Also winning 10x 1v1 arenas will give you an achievement that boosts your defense by 70.
The combat system looks very 1v1 orientated by the looks of it. Has anyone played large scale PVP or atleast larger than 1v1 who could give any views on it?

It isn't a case of just spammed block or dodge hoping it'll trigger when someone is flying at you by any chance is it?

I like the look of it, although just unsure about the combat.. any info about this would be much appreciated :)

Anyone fancy the level 20 dungeon tonight if they get to that level?

Could be fun

I'll sling you an invite once I get on later. It's quite a nice dungeon and a good step up from the ones you've done up to this point in the game. I need the upgrade material for my weapon and will be doing runs til I get the achievement I mentioned a few posts before.

As a side note for the soul shield that you can pickup from this dungeon, it's nice if you can get it easily without having to bid mad amounts to compete with people (you almost certainly will this early into release!) but absolutely not necessary as you can trade the green stones in a jadestone which will get you a nice level 20 set and then at level 28 you get a set in Yahara's mirage (and another at lvl 36 I believe) which is superior.
Count me in !! I ran the dungeon last night and it wasn't too hard but the weapon drop was for a Sin and we only had one in the group.. git ;p
Rolled a Jin BM same as in beta and Korean game, level 26 in no time as its so easy to solo with maxxed jewellery and sword.

One thing i ran out of very quickly though was unsealers, luckily bought some gold from a seller and running Blackram Narrows gives good silver with the distribution as it is for not winning.

Some servers have 30 hour queues, some a lot less, and mine (Ebon Hall) has no queue.

Get in tonight asap before the launch as it will be mayhem.
BnS launches at 9pm PST / 12:01am EST / 5.00am GMT as far as they've made official.

Ya'll should have joined headstart!
just hit lvl16, game seems to really open up once you get to a certain place that I wont spoil. It's so easy thats my biggest complaint so far, I'm sure some of the later areas and dungeons will be tough...here's hoping anyway lol.

Was fun partying up with eekfek this morning, the party system has some nice touches....gawd damn bomb symbol :p
Yeah if we can get a dungeon going we can run it a few times so people get the weapons they need. I need blade so can level up my hongmoon weapon.

I'll be on now until tonight no doubt.

As for the game being easy, I agree its very easy but for me its all about the 1v1 PvP and being a **** ganking people as they go past.
just hit lvl16, game seems to really open up once you get to a certain place that I wont spoil. It's so easy thats my biggest complaint so far, I'm sure some of the later areas and dungeons will be tough...here's hoping anyway lol.

Was fun partying up with eekfek this morning, the party system has some nice touches....gawd damn bomb symbol :p

Wait til you enter the Great Desert zone - very pretty and good combat to be had :)
Also a few bits for any new players to remember so you don't start badly.

1) Pick the class you like, they're all pretty well balanced due to balancing being done around 1v1.
2) Early on in the quests you get your hongmoon weapon and accessories, DO NOT throw them or sell them. They will be your end game gear.
3) Keep the first training weapon you get, you can use it for arena PvP as all stats are even, it will be much cheaper to repair than your hongmoon.
4) DO NOT sell weapons, accessories, use them to improve your hongmoon, its worthless selling them.
5) DO NOT sell your soul shards/shields, salvage them
6) When you join your faction, only put the outfit on if you want to PvP, as soon as you wear it, it flags you up and others on the opposite faction wearing theirs can kill you.
7) Don't burn through your repair tools, unsealing charms and keys, theyre much more valuable later on.
8) Don't waste lots of money bidding on stuff in early dungeons.

There is more but that will do for now.

Also learn your class mechanics, combat may seem spammy but it has lots of depth and combos, good players will tear apart those who just press anything.
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