Wow - like the interior, very nice combo.
Just noticed it is a manual... and will probably be black on black which is a pretty dull combo? Any thoughts on 7 v 5 for motorway commuting/ reliability/ vfm?
The warranty quote on BMW came out with £628 a year for that car for comprehensive annual cover. Good value?
I had a warranty on the XK and it was basically useless. It felt like the dealer was lining their pockets with the "diagnosing fees" upfront to make any warranty claim larger. Have you ever had to make a claim and was the process painful?
Found an almost perfect spec car but it's not through BMW - they are offering me £17k part-ex for my M5That's seems very low to me, about 2k less than I expected. However, the car in question is much cheaper than the rest so potentially won't be too much of a loss... I don't know what to do
True, I've never sold privately before and I don't really have the time, plus I'm just reluctant to go through the hassle of a private sale with the amount of idiots out there. But potentially to save a few grand it could be worth it. I guess it's something I have to think about...
Check the car buying sites - if they're offering a grand+ more than the part ex then you should still come out on top even when they inevitably try to knock you down.
We buy any car... £17,250 haha maybe I'm expecting too much?