Well it really is - it's just a different looking version of the E70 X5, which is an SUV version of... the 2003 5 Series.
It looks nothing like an X1 (The X1 is the other ancient car in the range) and the X5 is essentially the same car as the X6 only with marginal styling differences.
You think a Q5 with 175bhp is a 'good drive' but were considering spending £50,000 on an X6? Why? Infact if you've got 50 thousand quid to spend on a car then:
a) Why tell us your parents were buying you a 20k car a few months ago
b) Why buy a used 320d with no spec?!
c) You were considering a VAUXHALL ASTRA a few months ago, now a 50 grand X6? Did you win the lottery?
Yea, of course. The other option from a large tall SUV is... an M3. Which will be as low as the 320d you apparently think is too low?