BMW and M Power Owners

I finally picked up the car today.....I love it!!! Finally got to have a proper play and drive it without worrying about being judged :p

Absolutely blown away by the HK system, coming from a base Jag system that had almost no punch to it at all, this is just incredible. Thankfully not suffering from the bluetooth issues that some iPhone 7/7+ users are reporting

I almost forgot how smooth the engine is as well....

Any way I won't try and review it after 30 odd miles, but I'm going to have lots of fun with it. But why oh why does the power symbol turn with the volume control, my OCD can't handle it :(:D

Quick question as well, the car has folding mirrors, but I got home and parked up, locked it the mirrors didn't fold? Is this a setting somewhere or am I missing something?

EDIT - Also, amazingly I had a rather nice refund on my insurance when switching from the XF, was very surprised
As Mort has said, to get the mirrors to fold on locking you need to hold the lock button down on the key fob. Apparently there is no way to code the car to make them fold automatically upon locking either.
[TW]Fox;30139804 said:
Yes, the new one is excellent. The previous one very much not so.

Yup the new X1 is nice, I have one as a courtesy car (and have had for the last 4 weeks) as my M3 is getting some work done by BMW. Long story - post to follow later this week once I get time to do a full write up of a nightmare scenario.

Anyway, that kind of spurred me on to get rid of the E71 X6 and get a new X5, I think the new X1 is good!
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Come to think of it I recently had both the new X1 and X3 as courtesy cars. The X1 was good, if a little small for us, but the wife really liked the new X3.
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