BMW M5 - the Beast is back

SkodaMan said:
Well on the E46 it knows you're on a RR if the front wheels aren't moving. It's all tied into the ABS sensors and the ECU. So it just limits the revs to 6500rpm. There is a RR 'function' in the ECU, but it's tricky to enable and even then runs the car in a special emissions programme, rather than the normal programme. It's a real pain.
I don't know, but I bet the E60 M5 is the same.
I suppose a four wheel RR would be ok though.

fair enough. but dont see why any manufacturer would not want to allow their cars to go on a RR properly? surely thats the owners choice?
Possibly it's a 'safety' feature, for example if you're on a beach with it, or grass verge and need the traction?
I have to admit I'm disappointed by the new style Beamers, I was a big fan of the shapes they produced before this most recent incarnation, but this one is hard to doubt and it's growing on me fast.

Nice work Spie, enjoy.
andi said:
Awesome machine, massive respect for how it performs and drives, but the styling inside and out still do nothing for me.

I'll be one of the few who agree's with this, fantastic piece of engineering, just a little ugly (imo ;) )
That's stunning :)

It's the only BMW that I would own, just hate the brand usually, but this is an exception :)
Lovely car Spie. I originally thought the styling of the new 5 was a bit fussy, but having seen a few regular 5 series in the flesh I have ben convinced otherwise, it works really well.

I'm sure your M5 looks even better in the flesh, and it works really well in that colour! Enjoy!
Out of interest Spie, I notice you blanked out the number plates in the photos. I presumed you'd be using the old V10 MSP plate from the Touareg on it, or is this not the case?
Fantastic performance and functionality - bit poor on the looks tho. BMW got some real nice looking cars out now and that almost looks like last gen :confused:
Amazing car, but I cant help looking at it thinking...... its doesn't look like 60k worth of car :confused:

How it drives and performs though, it probably is, the HUD is quality :D

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