BNP Advert... WOW... just WOW.... Really?

19 Dec 2009
Wot m8? u looking 4 a smack in the gabber? :D

ill rek u m8, swer on me mam

Am I doing it right? :confused:

The cost would be great. I know that if you go to the JCP\Hospital ect.
and you can't speak English they will supply a translator for you.

Of course. I don't disagree that a lot of adult immigrants do not speak much/any English (this was commonly a problem for staff dealing with parents at the last school I worked at, as well as the one my mum works at); I'm curious, what are the provisions for them learning English once they are here?
12 Jul 2008
North West
No - the terms "foreign" and "second" have been used interchangeably and that's not correct.

If a person from Poland moves here, his first language will be Polish and his second language will be likely be English and thus will be taught English as a second language. Just because you move here doesn't automatically make English your first language.

I don't see the issue.

Perhaps they have an issue with native English children being taught their language as a foreign one when it isn't. Or perhaps they were making the inference that native English speakers in some schools are the minority. Who knows.

Where in the video was the terms "foreign" and "second" used interchangeably in the video? I must have missed that part.
12 May 2004
No - the terms "foreign" and "second" have been used interchangeably and that's not correct.

If a person from Poland moves here, his first language will be Polish and his second language will be likely be English and thus will be taught English as a second language. Just because you move here doesn't automatically make English your first language.

I don't see the issue.

No if he moves here and is taught English in an English school its his primary language he is being taught. French/German etc would be his second. Thankfully polish is not taught in ours schools.
Learn English and speak it Or GTFO.
19 Dec 2009
No if he moves here and is taught English in an English school its his primary language he is being taught. French/German etc would be his second. Thankfully polish is not taught in ours schools.
Learn English and speak it Or GTFO.

Whilst it may become their primary language in terms of daily use, Polish will always be their first (i.e. native) language. Any other languages, just like English, will still be additional languages.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Perhaps they have an issue with native English children being taught their language as a foreign one when it isn't. Or perhaps they were making the inference that native English speakers in some schools are the minority. Who knows.

Where in the video was the terms "foreign" and "second" used interchangeably in the video? I must have missed that part.

I've no issue with a British born child being taught the language of their parents and adopting it as their native/primary language, as long as their English as a secondary language is of a good standard.

No if he moves here and is taught English in an English school its his primary language he is being taught. French/German etc would be his second.

No, he's learning a secondary language. Your primary/native language doesn't suddenly change when you move to a different country. Is your primary language Spanish when you go on you hols to the Costa Del Sol?

Thankfully polish is not taught in ours schools.

It is. My 6 year old son can say hello, good bye, yes and no in Polish. It's not part of the curriculum but it's taught within the small amount of spare time a school has to add non curriculum led learning.

Learn English and speak it Or GTFO.

I don't think anyone is arguing with that.
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21 Jan 2003
Why do these minority parties come out with such right-wing views. Wouldn't it be better to play the middle ground at first, to get their foot in the door so to speak, then set about their real agenda later when they have power?
29 Nov 2012
I was like "lol, another troll video trying to slander a party"

Then I was like, lolwat, this is on their website.

But why people get worked up about stuff like this I do not know. And the fact they're advertising it as banned suggests imo that they made it for that purpose in the first place. As if anyone editing that video could think "this will look good on TV" without laughing.

Nick Griffin would be a laughing stock in any management position, let alone the head of the country. You don't need a crap video to work that one out, I really don't get where they're coming from with that video.


Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Why do these minority parties come out with such right-wing views. Wouldn't it be better to play the middle ground at first, to get their foot in the door so to speak, then set about their real agenda later when they have power?

Because, unfortunately, those right ring views ARE becoming the middle ground and soon a majority of people will accept those views as the norm :(
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Perhaps they have an issue with native English children being taught their language as a foreign one when it isn't.

Then they're idiots, because but native English children are not being taught their language as a foreign one. English is being taught as a second language to children for whom it is not their first language.

Schools have been doing this for decades.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
No if he moves here and is taught English in an English school its his primary language he is being taught. French/German etc would be his second. Thankfully polish is not taught in ours schools.
Learn English and speak it Or GTFO.

We've got a hell of a lot of British born people to kick out the country then, based on what I read and hear.

In SA, if someone had Afrikaans parents, and thus had Afrikaans as their primary language, they were taught English as a seconf language. As my primary language is English, I was taught Afrikaans as a secondary language.

Would you expect a 10 year old Polish child, new to the UK, who has had Polish taught to them as a primary language for 5 years, suddenly be able to cope with Year 5 English as a primary language?
26 Jun 2010
Due to our standards of education, local familiarisation, English being a first language etc? I'm not saying that every Briton is AAA material but that there would be relatively few (unspecialised) jobs where a foreign born worker would be tangibly better. Unless you can show differently?

Of course if you are talking about jobs with a temporary nature where you can get away with paying 6 to a room immigrants peanuts due to an inequality of cost of living then perhaps it can be more cost effective to hire an immigrant.

I think its up to you to show why a foreign worker is invariably worse than a British me that just sounds like unsubstantiated prejudice.

Standards of education across Europe are all similar, many of the Asian I know are far more educated and the education they have is of a higher quality than than the average unskilled British person also, as far a languages goes...just because a persons first language is English doesn't mean they are more eloquent or better educated or are automatically the better candidate for a job.
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