BNP Advert... WOW... just WOW.... Really?

It's a private enterprise. It should be up to Subway to do what they feel is best for their business. Nobody is forcing you to buy your bacon from Subway. Subway does not hold the monopoly on bacon. Don't spend your money there if it annoys you so much; if the muslims are indeed in the minority then Subway will either have to revert its stance or go out of business. Although it might actually prove that there were more muslims buying from Subway than whites so actually white people are the minority and so should start hating themselves. Bet that would confuse the stupid white racists.

My brother in law is both white and muslim, I'm confused never mind white racists :)
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EU immigrants do not need VISA's, VISA's are not a cost to a company either unless they are importing employees from other foreign subsidiaries. And the work ethic, qualification level and salary demands are a distinct advantage for many foreign workers who often work in areas where their education level is far above that of the British people who are applying for the same positions..equally work ethic plays a large part simply because a foreign worker invariably has more motivation due to far less local support structures to fall back on. again, being British is no guarantee of integration into the workforce either. Neither is having English as your first (and iun most cases only) Language..multilingual people have just as much, if not more benefit to offer to a modern company. You are just offering a range of stereotypes to fit a strawman argument.

You just mentioned Asians who would need a visa? Immigrants from the EU currently don't true. But that could change if we weren't in the eu as we are today. And as for me stereotyping, you've just done the same thing but tried to put a positive spin on it. Foreigners hard working, English slackers etc. It's paper thin it really is.

Im pretty sure the benefit is all around cost and temporary contracting.
The cost would be great.

Proof please. ESL is a skillset which any teacher can pick up, so where's the 'great cost'?

I know that if you go to the JCP\Hospital ect. and you can't speak English they will supply a translator for you.

This has no relevance to schools.

Yes schools teach children for free not adults.

So... still avoiding the point, I see.

I see you're missing the UK already :)

I'm not, but it's nice to know you miss me enough to wish that I did. :D
Good man, me too.
A vote for BNP is a vote for common sense.


Its not common sense per se. More like lowest/easiest common denominator. I never really fit into the demographic that their one policy is aimed at though because i went to junior school :(
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You just mentioned Asians who would need a visa? Immigrants from the EU currently don't true. But that could change if we weren't in the eu as we are today. And as for me stereotyping, you've just done the same thing but tried to put a positive spin on it. Foreigners hard working, English slackers etc. It's paper thin it really is.

Im pretty sure the benefit is all around cost and temporary contracting.

I haven't stereotyped anyone, just pointed out that your conclusions about the innate inferiority of foreign workers over British workers is a false assumption to make.., I didn't say the English are slackers, you are outing words in my mouth that were not individual cases a British worker may well be the best candidate for a job, in others he may not....there is no objective value in what you are saying, it is all based on assumptions drawn from prejudicial stereotypes and hyperbole.

And Asians who need a visa have to comply with a whole range of criteria including having skills which are not readily available to the company employing them locally, so again your statements are based on a false assumption.
I actually think that there should be some kind of contract law, when a party makes a policy public seeking election they should be held to that if voted into power. If the policy never sees the light of day without good reason or within reasonable time the politician/politicians responsible should be dismissed from government and have to seek re-election at the earliest possible opportunity.

That would make them think more carefully about what they offered and stick to policy promises.

This is a truly fantastic idea!!!
Proof please. ESL is a skillset which any teacher can pick up, so where's the 'great cost'?

I was talking about adults that come here and can't speak a word of English.
To teach them costs us tax money.

Adults that come here should be able to write and read English for their own safety.
This is a truly fantastic idea!!!

No, it's a terrible idea. They get in, economy turns and there's no longer the funds needed to implement it. It's not just economy that can change.

Politics is not static, and forcing them to do it, is just plain stupid.

But you'll bring up the good reason bit, how would that work, who would enforce it, what is a good reason. It's unworkable.

Then in a coalition that wouldn't work either. I can't believe lib-dem viter reaction. Lib-dems have finally implemented more off their policies than they ever have before, and on top of that it's easy to argue they've implemented more than they're election size should permit.
This is a truly fantastic idea!!!

No, it really isn't. For a start, the possibility of coalition or minority government makes it an impossible option. Secondly, the problems of our highly imbalanced first past the post system means that, with the exception of the current coalition (and then it's ropey) no government has been elected with a majority (as opposed to plurality) share of the vote for decades. Indeed we even have the ludicrous situation of a coalition where the lead party got more votes than the previous majority government and yet could not govern.

Enshrining implementation of manifesto pledges in law would force the minority view on the majority even more than the current system does now, and could not be supported without a substantial upgrading of protections against abuse by enforcement of social and economic equal treatment under the law, the irony of which is that it would negate the sort of divisive manifestos we currently see anyway as they are defined by differential treatment.
for their own safety?!

How would they know where the fire exits are what they can and cannot touch?

I.E in a factory I worked at the fire alarm went off, we all left the building.
Then when they had a head count they found out that 20 people was still in the factory. Good job it was only a drill.
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