Boeing 777 shot down

good god that film of people ransacking what basically is a crime scene is shocking
let alone putting the bloody thing on tv / youtube

showing passports of people on the plane and their bodies - great way to find out your loved ones just got blown up

some people have no shame

and that new video ! clapping peoples deaths - even if they are your enemy is abhorrent
Things will escalate then everyone will realise there isn't a thing that they can do to Russia.

Wrong. The West can and will probably cripple Russia in a matter of weeks unless they publicly denounce the rebels and withdraw all support for them. You've got people from a dozen of countries dead, for no reason other than Russia playing 19th century territorial power games!

So far, the business lobby has been busy protecting their interests and trying to limit sanctions as much as possible. Any rep of any company that even dares to defend Russia now may as well sign a suicide note for their company.

I can't believe how horribly the Russians messed things up.
Alternate video ("radio-intercept") translation to the one I posted above, again from Reddit. Only edited to remove swear words.

Bes - "A plane has just been shot down. "Miner's" group did it. It fell down a bit further of Enakievo" Heranin "Pilots - where are pilots?"
Bes: "Gone to search for and take pictures of the aircraft taken down. Smoking..."
Heranin: "How much minutes ago?"
Bes "About 30 minutes ago"
After looking around of crash site terrorists have come to conclusion that they had taken down a civil aircraft
Conversation between "Major" and "Hrek: follows:
Hrek: "Yes, Major!"
Major: "So chernuhinskie guys took down the plane. From Chernuhino block-post. The cossaks that are stationed on Chernuhino"
Major: "So plane fell apart in air, near Pertopoltavskaya mine. First "200" found. A civil person"
Hrek: "What's going on there?"
Major: "Well, ****, it was 100% a civil aircraft"
Hrek: "How many people?"
Major: "Holy ****! PArts of the plane fell in yards (meaning house yeards ) "
Hrek" What kind of aircraft?
Major: "I still have no clue because i wasn't near it's main part. I'm currrently looking at the place where first bodies fell"
Major: "there are leftovers of internal brakets, seats, bodies
Hrek: "Ane weapons?"
Major: "Nothing at all. Civil things, medical things, towels, toilet paper"
Hrek" Any documents?"
Major: "Yes, Indonesian student. From Tompson University"
I still think that if they had the intelligence, they'd know the flight paths or have more information than just a "blip". They should at least radio the plane and tell them to get out of the air space - if they don't comply then perhaps we'd be having a different argument (About the pilot's actions). What's with this shoot first ask question later attitude? No sorry, I just cannot accept this I'm afraid.

in reality its a bit different - while they might have some Russian assitance I doubt comms are that great and Int likely limited... you can't just phone up the plane - hows the rebel on the ground going to contact them exactly... radios aren't a one size fits all solution covering all frequencies, possible ranges etc...

yes very reckless to just declare a no fly zone and shoot anything that enters it but that is seemingly what they have done
Reports of between five and ten Britons on board (currently unconfirmed).

I wonder when they'll release the manifest.
Reports of between five and ten Britons on board (currently unconfirmed).

I wonder when they'll release the manifest.

Media are reporting that Britain has pushed first for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, which certainly suggests there were likely to have been British citizens on board.
U.S. intelligence confirms surface-to-air missile fired at Malaysian jet but is divided over origin

Source: Wall Street Journal
More importantly why were the Malaysians flying over there in the first place. Surely they have a department that looks after this regarding flight routes etc. Especially since planes have been shot down the past few days. Seems like gross negligence by whoever it was to control the flight paths.
In that case I retract what I said about the plane coming down mostly intact, it did look that way due to the engines being so close to the rest and the impact explosion.

Kudos. Most people on the internet won't admit they're wrong about something.

Hopefully if anything good at all comes from this senseless loss of life, is that the international community's forced into bringing this madness unfolding in the Ukraine to an end.

I can't see how Russia can continue supporting the rebels if it's proven that MH17 was brought down by their hand.
More importantly why were the Malaysians flying over there in the first place. Surely they have a department that looks after this regarding flight routes etc. Especially since planes have been shot down the past few days. Seems like gross negligence by whoever it was to control the flight paths.

I was wondering the same thing its was either ignorance or they were trying to save money by not diverting.
It wasn't just them that were still flying over that area though, most of the big airlines were too and have only now stopped.
I can see a big shakeup because of this, there has been far too many problems happening latelty, that's the airspace being avoided, and I bet airlines analyse the risk of other flight paths

RIP to all those on board, shocked
It wasn't just them that were still flying over that area though, most of the big airlines were too and have only now stopped.

I always think of the film jaws when things like this happen. No matter what danger lurks they still keep going back into the water because the powers that be do not want to lose $$$ and nothing happens until a innocent is lost. This could have been easily avoided if the correct action was taken somewhere down the line..
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