Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

When you start the quest it should have a level at the bottom and a difficulty. Usually it's about the same level you are when you unlocked it or a level or so above you.

Oh ok, I never noticed that, cheers.

Also how does trading work, I see there's a badass achievement for trading but no in-game trading option.
Add me on Steam (sig) if you fancy some coop. Generally only play BL2 in coop with mate. We both level 51 now but could be tempted to try new characters if anyone wants to start from scratch. Never tried 4 player but I imagine it to be carnage - therefore good!
Thanks for the explanation Evilsod makes a lot more sense now.

Does anyone know if I can reset a dlc? I started TVHM and did Tiny Tina's dlc straight away so handsome wizard is stuck on level 44.
Is there a way to reset this or do I have to bite the bullet and do it on UTVHM?
Add me on Steam (sig) if you fancy some coop. Generally only play BL2 in coop with mate. We both level 51 now but could be tempted to try new characters if anyone wants to start from scratch. Never tried 4 player but I imagine it to be carnage - therefore good!

It IS utter carnage - really fun though especially when everyone has good complimenting specs for the characters :D
Thanks for the explanation Evilsod makes a lot more sense now.

Does anyone know if I can reset a dlc? I started TVHM and did Tiny Tina's dlc straight away so handsome wizard is stuck on level 44.
Is there a way to reset this or do I have to bite the bullet and do it on UTVHM?

i think the DLCs only reset if you do Ultra Mode and it'll be much much harder too
Thanks for the explanation Evilsod makes a lot more sense now.

Does anyone know if I can reset a dlc? I started TVHM and did Tiny Tina's dlc straight away so handsome wizard is stuck on level 44.
Is there a way to reset this or do I have to bite the bullet and do it on UTVHM?

Well I'm glad it helped for the elemental modifiers (

I just decided to read the page on Critical Hits ( and good god its a confusing read. Seems Jakobs guns get higher critical hit damage by default.

And yeah if the game hasn't upped everything to 50 when you finished TVHM your only option would be to play it again on UVHM. I don't remember now if I was level 61 when I finished Tina's on UVHM. I don't think I was but I've just been to check and he's level 63 so he has scaled with me regardless (because I started the DLC at level 51).
Add me on Steam (sig) if you fancy some coop. Generally only play BL2 in coop with mate. We both level 51 now but could be tempted to try new characters if anyone wants to start from scratch. Never tried 4 player but I imagine it to be carnage - therefore good!

Cheers that could be fun, I'm only at level 27 but loving the game so far. It's already getting hard enough, if they add more enemies per player it must be carnage alright!
Cheers that could be fun, I'm only at level 27 but loving the game so far. It's already getting hard enough, if they add more enemies per player it must be carnage alright!

Off the top of my head, MP increases loot quality and enemy hp. Don't think it has any other impacts like number of enemies or the damage they deal.
Add me on Steam (sig) if you fancy some coop. Generally only play BL2 in coop with mate. We both level 51 now but could be tempted to try new characters if anyone wants to start from scratch. Never tried 4 player but I imagine it to be carnage - therefore good!

Cheers, added. I'm:

Better loot sounds good, I'm starting to get some good guns now.
Off the top of my head, MP increases loot quality and enemy hp. Don't think it has any other impacts like number of enemies or the damage they deal.

Co-op increases the number of enemies you face. And the better loot is actually quite misleading. It doesn't mean a higher chance of getting a higher rarity weapon, it just means more money, items etc as there are more enemies.
I just joined a game on my Zero character (57) and I think it was a hacked game of some sort. We were running as fast as cars and every pull on the fruit machine gave the jackpot? I am not going to lie, I took a couple of guns from the machine because I am finding uvhm rock hard on that character and was lucky enough to get a legendary hunter class mod from fighting the last boss of badass arena.
Co-op increases the number of enemies you face. And the better loot is actually quite misleading. It doesn't mean a higher chance of getting a higher rarity weapon, it just means more money, items etc as there are more enemies.

Oh was it? Thought it upped the chances of finding rarer gear cos I've seen quite a few comments along the lines of tricking the game into thinking you were playing with 4 people to get better loot from raid bosses. Could be I'm just misunderstanding it.

Jumped on my Zer0 last night for a bit. Did the 'Best Minion Ever' quest from Liars Berg through to killing Flynt. I really need to sort out my guns. Got no sl@g weapon and no decent corrosive weapon. Also after playing Krieg so much I may have kept accidentally throwing out a Homing Fire Burst grenade... then running into the AoE forgetting that I'm not the very definition of a meat shield and going down ><

Flynt was a very good fight though. Blasting away at him with the Law for not a whole lot of damage and keeping my distance. Then every time my Deception recharged, throw that out, ran round behind him, executed, rinse and repeat maybe 5 or 6 times. Then when he got to low hp, instakill him with the next execute thanks to a rank 11 Killing Bl0w.
I just decided to read the page on Critical Hits ( and good god its a confusing read. Seems Jakobs guns get higher critical hit damage by default.

what even for someone as clever as you.... good God you surprise me !!!! :rolleyes:

the fire sniper starts at 1200k and rises to about 8000k only to drop back down again, but the Jakobs is on 2600k straight away....every shot, the Jakobs is thus much more reliable.

but the deadliest of all is maybe :-

from Mordecai, mine is non-elemental 95 000 damage burst fire and with the right mods, it's extremely deadly.... this seems to kill everything, it has a very tight grouping as well, so all 3 rounds tend to strike the head.

that's enough, because i dont want to bore you lot too much :rolleyes:
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