Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Oh was it? Thought it upped the chances of finding rarer gear cos I've seen quite a few comments along the lines of tricking the game into thinking you were playing with 4 people to get better loot from raid bosses. Could be I'm just misunderstanding it.

I believe you are correct Evilsod and the other guy is wrong in what he is saying.

I've used that program that you mention to trick the game into thinking you are playing with 4 people, I did it to farm the bunker boss for my legendary SMG (forgot the name, been a while since ive played). Was good to do with the bunker because I never came close to dying when fighting him so all it did was make the fight longer due to the extra HP. Haven't used it for anything else though as fights would be too hard I think.

It doesn't create any more enemies than normal, it just increases their HP. So therefore it does not increase the amount of loot dropped due to extra enemies as claimed by Moothead2.

Therefore it stands to reason that it does actually increase the chance of rarer items dropping, as Gearbox have said more players means better loot, and I can say 100% it is not due to more enemies. I did many many many runs of the bunker without the "trick" and many many more with it and there was always the same amount of enemies.
Evilsod and Mal X this is getting tiresome now btw.

I agree. Which is why the post he quoted wasn't even directed at him (and his response was attempting to troll me) and I haven't bothered responding because he doesn't understand anything nor does he seem to have the capacity to do so or even try to. If you can't figure out why your damage varies with a weapon while looking at your own rather straight forward skill tree what hope does anyone have of making him see reason...

I believe you are correct Evilsod and the other guy is wrong in what he is saying.

Good to know :D

Chances are if you checked it out using the mission in Overlook then you probably just forgot how many enemies do spawn because it is a lot.
I do seem to be wrong :p. A combination of my memory failing me and mis-information. I swear I only fought one Badass Maniac in a section of Frostburn Canyon but apparently not. I guess the increased heath gave me an illusion of more enemies. I'm still not convinced there is any substantial increase in rarer drops though. I played through normal mode and TVHM Co-op and the only non-farmed legendaries I saw were a legendary mod and a Maggie, both of which I'm now certain were dropped by loot midgets in the preserve. I also didn't see any real increase in purple drop rates either but I could be wrong. The only thing I know for certain is you're more likely to face higher Badass variants in co-op. There is so much information out there that contradicts each other it's hard to know what to believe :o. Wish a dev would just clear it up.
I agree. Which is why the post he quoted wasn't even directed at him (and his response was attempting to troll me) and I haven't bothered responding because he doesn't understand anything nor does he seem to have the capacity to do so or even try to. If you can't figure out why your damage varies with a weapon while looking at your own rather straight forward skill tree what hope does anyone have of making him see reason...

Good to know :D

Chances are if you checked it out using the mission in Overlook then you probably just forgot how many enemies do spawn because it is a lot.

To be fair the last 5 times I've done Overlook have been in a 4 player game - it's been....intense :p
anyone had the "glitch" recently with Bloodwing Lvl 61 on UVHM ?
Last night she got stuck to the right, I nearly killed her, with my Mech.... but the game glitched and she would not die, so I threw a pulling nade and it shifted her, but she went back to 100% health and I ran out of ammo trying to finish her again.

3 times it happened last night, I must have lost 2 Million in deaths :(

On a plus side, the night yielded a pearlescent Sniper, Rocket and two pistols ....still searching for a DVa Stalker (****) pistol and a Legendary Mechromancer Class Mod......seems for EVER....I have a GunZ Legendary class mod to trade if anyone is interested?
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anyone had the "glitch" recently with Bloodwing Lvl 61 on UVHM ?
Last night she got stuck to the right, I nearly killed her, with my Mech.... but the game glitched and she would not die, so I threw a pulling nade and it shifted her, but she went back to 100% health and I ran out of ammo trying to finish her again.

I've seen it happen once. She just sort of glitched above the 'transformation' point and wouldn't move so we had to restart the area. Have a feeling it was something to do with Deathtrap.
Why do people get so upset by losing money to respawns in this? After about 5 minutes in game (or at least long enough to get health regen) money becomes utterly worthless!

Not to mention there's a stack of it running around shooting you most of the time....
Why do people get so upset by losing money to respawns in this? After about 5 minutes in game (or at least long enough to get health regen) money becomes utterly worthless!

Not to mention there's a stack of it running around shooting you most of the time....

Probably to do with amount needed for the Badass rank. Like taking two steps forward and one step back unless planning to do multiple play throughs and quantity increases dramatically.
Probably to do with amount needed for the Badass rank. Like taking two steps forward and one step back unless planning to do multiple play throughs and quantity increases dramatically.

eh? Badass rank has very little to with money - you can earn more tokens by killing people who drop weapons and money!? :\
OK FINALLY got a good shield, I think that's why it was so insanely hard. No decent shields in any machine I tried then an amazing one falls out of a skag pile! Getting some very good weapons in Lynchwood too, kicking @SS!
Elven Eliminator (Maya Head) KTC3T-WTW5F-ZCHB3-BT3B3-XJ9WR
Source: G0ry Gh0ul (Zer0 Head) CT5BB-XTW5X-9CSBT-3BTTJ-FT5X5
Wayfarer Wizard - Gaige Head) CBKBJ-6ZJW6-HKH3T-B3T33-F5ZRS
Warrior of Light (Axton Head) KJKJT-WHBKX-HC9BT-TJBJ3-XJFSJ
The Beast Within (Salvador Head) WBCJJ-33KWR-S5Z33-BJTTB-65WJJ
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Oh dear....dead again on Bloodwing lvl 61 on UVHM

Christ and I have leveled up my Mech to 61 too....anyone around tonight after MOTD wanna lend a drunken hand ?
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