Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Does this game suddenly get massively harder around level 27? Apart from a few difficulty spikes, it was fine up until 26 once I used my turret a lot, but just hit 27 last night, I’ve done every side-mission and a load of new side missions opened up, brilliant.

Picked a nice little handy one (just after facey mcshooty – hilarious!) it was 'Bane' a new cursed weapon, brilliant. First time in that area, I didn’t even know it was there, the wild west place, but it is INSANE. Keep getting killed and need my one epic rocket launcher to save me. What’s going on?
i dont need to know all your geeky stuff, i only need to keep fooling around with the skills to up the damage rating and it really is massive now, i will let you know how i get on against Saturn/ Hero pass

Ah so that's how it is.

If you have no interest in the mechanics, then how about you give it a rest spamming random numbers that have absolutely no meaning? You could also stop whining about how 'easy' or 'hard' things are you really aren't interested in why.

@Rezident - It does step up the enemy level a bit towards the end. Lynchwood can be quite a hard place and the main Hyperion missions start to introduce some hard hitting enemies.
Does this game suddenly get massively harder around level 27? Apart from a few difficulty spikes, it was fine up until 26 once I used my turret a lot, but just hit 27 last night, I’ve done every side-mission and a load of new side missions opened up, brilliant.

Picked a nice little handy one (just after facey mcshooty – hilarious!) it was 'Bane' a new cursed weapon, brilliant. First time in that area, I didn’t even know it was there, the wild west place, but it is INSANE. Keep getting killed and need my one epic rocket launcher to save me. What’s going on?

There are points where the games difficulty can jump. I was facing enemies 4-5 levels higher than me at one point in TVHM. Do some side quests if you're struggling.

Lynchwood is probably one of the most intense areas of the game. There's a reason they send you there to do a missions to take out 100 bandits :p.
Ah so that's how it is.

If you have no interest in the mechanics, then how about you give it a rest spamming random numbers that have absolutely no meaning? You could also stop whining about how 'easy' or 'hard' things are you really aren't interested in why.

@Rezident - It does step up the enemy level a bit towards the end. Lynchwood can be quite a hard place and the main Hyperion missions start to introduce some hard hitting enemies.

the reason Ultra is so hard is because they've made it too hard on purpose and probably by mistake as well, because it's deffo too hard solo and this they've overlooked

finally, the reason i posted up those numbers is because you and your m8 accused me of lieing and the huge numbers do have massive meaning, because all the sniper rifles are doing that, it's just far easier to do screenshots for Fire; than it is for Acid/shock.

it's pretty obvious that this improvement to damage is due to me working on the Skill tree/ relics etc ... because the damage has risen from 1500k to 8000k in only three days....but the guns i havent changed.

so dont think that i'm a total Dumbass because i aint, i spend hours a day fooling around with that tree/ testing the guns.

it's all the skill tree on the left, plus increased gun damage when your shield is depleted in the middle tree..nothing on the right, its then the ``Chaotic evil rogue mod`` and finally a shield with a 2.2 sec delay/ 22485 recharge rate.

but also on the left tree is a massive stack up damage skill that only seems to work with Velocity, because i've never noticed it before...most odd !!!..... but i've never used this ``evil rogue mod``before either, so that's maybe why.

the much faster gun rate means that you can target your next Bandit far quicker than before, before the 1st bandit is even dead, but this means that your ammo runs out very quickly.
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the reason Ultra is so hard is because they've made it too hard on purpose and probably by mistake as well, because it's deffo too hard solo and this they've overlooked

Yes... they made it hard on purpose. That was kinda the point. Some of it is horrifically unfair in solo but that is mostly boss fights in my experience.

they've ruined the game, all we're trying to do is to improve the weapons to match this.....because newbies to this game are going to have a real shock when they first try to play it on ``ultra`` mode

Newbies? On UVHM? You'd be hard pressed to get through not 1, but 2 playthroughs of the game and still be considered a newbie. The only thing they really should've done is have some sort of in-game prompt when you start UVHM to explain what they actually did because the only place I've seen it was when they announced it (might be it was described on the steam store page for the DLC too).

finally, the reason i posted up those numbers is because you and your m8 accused me of lieing and the huge numbers do have massive meaning, because all the sniper rifles are doing that, it's just far easier to do screenshots for Fire; than it is for Acid/shock.

At no point did either of us say you were lieing...

I had no idea what you were talking about because I can't even begin to fathom why you'd put K before the damage number so I hadn't a clue what you meant.
And he said you were posting random numbers, which you were, because there was no context to them what so ever.
And there still isn't. And you still haven't got a clue why.

If there is one thing I remember from my 6th form ICT lessons (because we reiterated it often enough).
Data is information without context. Information is data with context.

it's pretty obvious that this improvement to damage is due to me working like crazy on the Skill tree/ relics etc... because the damage has risen from 1500k to 8000k in only two days....but the guns i havent changed have i

Sorry but your damage with a sniper rifle on Zer0 doesn't increase by 5x by rejigging a few points and mods around (even assuming you had somehow been playing without any buffs before hand) without changing weapons.

so dont think that i'm a total Dumbass because i aint, i spend about 3 hours a day fooling around with that tree/ testing the guns, hell it's all i do

Lol. Now this I don't believe. You haven't got a frigging clue about ANYTHING in this game. You also don't seem interested in having anything explained as evidenced by your previous post.
Sorry but your damage with a sniper rifle on Zer0 doesn't increase by 5x by rejigging a few points and mods around (even assuming you had somehow been playing without any buffs before hand) without changing weapons.

it is impossible to get this x5 rise in crit damage with only this Evil mod.... yes of course... but we can see this is indeed the case.

there is a clue.... the crit hit is only 2600k if i slow right down, it only goes crazy if i fire a lot, it sort of stacks up..... but i'm not sure which of these existing skills this is, because the damage also rises if your shield becomes depleted too.

When they advertised a level rise to 61, this should have come with a Government health warning, but they kept quiet about just how hard it was !!!!
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Only did the first round of it. Was so awesome :D

Wait until they ninja open a trapdoor just as you're strafing...

Anyway, finished them all. Now to farm the Ogre. Rather easy to kill the King of Orcs as you can takes his HP right down when he's level 51 so when he's level 55 you can kill him instantly :D.
There are points where the games difficulty can jump. I was facing enemies 4-5 levels higher than me at one point in TVHM. Do some side quests if you're struggling.

Lynchwood is probably one of the most intense areas of the game. There's a reason they send you there to do a missions to take out 100 bandits :p.

OK cheers. How do you know what level enemies are at, e.g. 4-5 levels higher than you? I just noticed that they were destroying my shield instantly and not dying from multiple headshots.
OK cheers. How do you know what level enemies are at, e.g. 4-5 levels higher than you? I just noticed that they were destroying my shield instantly and not dying from multiple headshots.

When you start the quest it should have a level at the bottom and a difficulty. Usually it's about the same level you are when you unlocked it or a level or so above you.
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