Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

ok, gun ratings from Sanctuary:-

Maliwan Fire sniper 70 000 = 2600k to 3700k......the Dahl burst Fire sniper is slightly less, as is the 30 round mag version...... the Jakobs 113 000 = 3400k

but the Acid is much lower :eek:....unless it's far higher against armour than it is against flesh, because against flesh =
1200k or as low as 600k, my apolgies !!! but i cant test the acid sniper until i go to Hero's, but it deffo kills the constructors/Bots very quickly, so something aint quite right here

so the most powerful sniper is the Maliwan Fashionable Snider 70 000, it also has a massive burn damage with the 40% fire relic, but whilst using these guns in action the damage varies a hell of a lot, especially if you hit the shoulder or leg, if so; the damage drops right off to only 300k :eek:

but the greatest knockdown in the whole game is from the tripple burst 68 000 Dahl Fire, because that guarantees you at least two instant head shots, the 70 000 Maliwan cant compete against this.

finally, i cant play Hammerlock because some parts of it are at level 65 /66 (the witch demons and a few others)
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Anyone else been having some serious connection issues lately?
I used to work fine but now I can barely connect to games and if i do get connected theres lag issues.
To connect at all i usually need to reboot steam and once it drops i cant reconnect unless i log off steam and back on again.
This game plain sucks single player.

Infinitely respawning enemies that gang-rape you can kiss my ass.

And I hate player respawning in single player games too.

What a waste of money :(

I'm just going to say I was 1000% wrong about this game :p It is awesome.

I'd only played for 3 hours and I must admit my first impression of the game was that it sucked. Having now played it for a lot longer (including one ill-advised 5am all-nighter), I can confirm it's actually pretty darn good ;)

I do keep hearing that BL1 was (in some people's opinion) the better game. Wondering if it's genuinely worth picking that up after finishing BL2...
I'm just going to say I was 1000% wrong about this game :p It is awesome.

I'd only played for 3 hours and I must admit my first impression of the game was that it sucked. Having now played it for a lot longer (including one ill-advised 5am all-nighter), I can confirm it's actually pretty darn good ;)

I do keep hearing that BL1 was (in some people's opinion) the better game. Wondering if it's genuinely worth picking that up after finishing BL2...

The first part of the game is a bit 'meh' but it's a very fun game after that.

In my opinion BL2 is a much better game all round. I just found BL1 dull after a few hours as everywhere looks the same and the enemies rarely vary.
I'm just going to say I was 1000% wrong about this game :p It is awesome.

I'd only played for 3 hours and I must admit my first impression of the game was that it sucked. Having now played it for a lot longer (including one ill-advised 5am all-nighter), I can confirm it's actually pretty darn good ;)

I do keep hearing that BL1 was (in some people's opinion) the better game. Wondering if it's genuinely worth picking that up after finishing BL2...

the trouble with the 1st game is, it's boring and repetative compared to the 2nd, it's bound to be, it does not have the variety or the enormity, but it does have better scaling/ way better loot drop, in my opinion that is ;)

but saying this, The first game improves enormously with the DLCs, it's more like BL2, esp Knoxx and Claptrap.....

right, it's time to play something else now, i fancy Serious Sam
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Put the K at the other end of the made up numbers ;)

:o /facepalm

I've been staring at excel data tables too long this morning. I think my brain has melted.

Either way it demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of elemental weaknesses >< And apparently of critical hits... and damage in general...
:o /facepalm
Either way it demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of elemental weaknesses >< And apparently of critical hits... and damage in general...

I think I'm being utterly retarded but can you explain the way the crit hits work in this game and the elemental weaknesses?

I've got 2 sniper rifles, one does a damage of 22k plus 15% weapon damage and 180% crit damage while the other does 27k damage plus 30% weapon damage.
Both of these weapons have no elemental damage but my understanding would be that the first weapon is the more powerful of the 2 due to the 180%crit damage.
Am I correct in thinking this or once again am I just being stupid?


that's the crit hit damage above, i hope these screen shots are ok, so now you can see that i'm not lying.

the crit hit damage has gone up since i last posted in, i'm now using 42% crit hit, 40% fire rate and + 5 Velocity skill.... this gives me a final figure of +10 velocity

when i looked to see what this is, it gives me 100% damage, 40% crit hit and 200% bullet speed, this is what gives me the massive crit hit damage in burst mode.

in Lynchwood it's only about 2800k, that's because i was very slow and struggling to take the screenshots whilst firing, but in Torgue like in Sanctuary i was seeing:- 8000 k...5000k....5000k, this massive damage is seen if you kill bandits quickly, it sort of stacks up !!!

massive damage but the fire rate is extremely high, it drains the ammo very quickly, it drains the SMG too....because this increase is with all weapons

they of course drop like flies now, but the Rats still dont, too flipping hard to hit.....Pyro Pete is a mystery as well, i still dont know what to do about him...i'll Google it
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I think I'm being utterly retarded but can you explain the way the crit hits work in this game and the elemental weaknesses?

I've got 2 sniper rifles, one does a damage of 22k plus 15% weapon damage and 180% crit damage while the other does 27k damage plus 30% weapon damage.
Both of these weapons have no elemental damage but my understanding would be that the first weapon is the more powerful of the 2 due to the 180%crit damage.
Am I correct in thinking this or once again am I just being stupid?


I think the '##% weapon damage' stat is already applied to the weapon so that doesn't matter. But yeah, as it stands, assuming you land critical hits (which you'd be aiming to do with a sniper rifle) the one with the crit damage modifier would be much more powerful.
Its only when you start adding in extra buffs from your skills, class mods and relics that it could change as the boost the weapon gives becomes less substantial. Simplest way to be sure, go to Marcus' side room and shoot the target 'dummy' in the head with both weapons.

As far as elemental weaknesses go. If its got a shield, it takes reduced damage from Incendiary/Corrosive/Explosive and increased from Shock. If its Armoured (yellow health bar) it takes increased from Corrosive and reduced from Incendiary/Non-Elemental. If its got a red health bar (generally meaning its a fleshy target) its weak to Incendiary and takes reduced damage from Corrosive.

It can make Shock DoTAoE grenades (Tesla Grenades) really powerful in general as they will shred shields for you allowing you to wield mostly Incendiary/Corrosive weapons.

Looking at the page on the wiki for the exact multipliers, they get even more extreme on TVHM. Incendiary does 1.75x damage to flesh but 0.4x to armour and shields. Corrosive is 1.75x vs 0.6/0.4x and shock gets bumped up to 2.5x damage to shields.

There are some other weird ones like in Tiny Tina where some skeletons are extremely resistant to melee attacks and others are incredibly weak to them (my Kreig has hit them for 40million before without even criticalling ><).

Is there a way to add shift codes to your account away from your PC?

An app would be very nice... but it doesn't seem so :(

that's the crit hit damage above, i hope these screen shots are ok, so now you can see that i'm not lying.

the crit hit damage has gone up since i last posted in, i'm now using 42% crit hit, 40% fire rate and + 5 Velocity skill.... this gives me a final figure of +10 velocity

when i looked to see what this is, it gives me 100% damage, 40% crit hit and 200% bullet speed, this is what gives me the massive crit hit damage in burst mode.

in Lynchwood it's only about 2800k, yea that's because i was very slow and struggling to take the screenshots whilst firing, but in torgue like in Sanctuary i was seeing:- 8000 k...5000k....5000k all the time, this massive damage is seen if you kill bandits quickly, it sort of stacks up !!!

massive damage but the fire rate is extremely high, it drains the ammo very quickly, it drains the SMG too....this increased Crit hit is with all weapons

they of course drop like flies now, but the Rats still dont, too flipping hard to hit.....Pyro Pete is a mystery as well, i still dont know what to do about him.

Can you please actually TRY to understand the bloody game mechanics. There is absolutely no point posting random damage numbers when you are completely ignorant of what actually effects it. Theres no information what-so-ever on what you target or what your skills or gear is.

Yes you get massive damage against the fleshy target dummy with an incendiary weapon because thats what they do. Its level is always equal to yours too if I recall. So its kinda self-explanatory that you'll get a lot less damage against a higher level target with a shield. and that if you stack up the Critical Ascension skill you'll get a huge damage boost towards the end of a fight.
I've still yet to return to playing this game after getting to level 2. Been so busy playing Fallout: NV instead. But my playthrough of that is nearly complete, so I think this will the game I play next :)
NO, all of the AI is much weaker now, the increase in damage that i'm getting is enormous...especially the AI in Tinas and that area is a bitch as you know, you have no idea of what i'm trying to say do you...because it aint just the Sniper rifle, the Torgue is at least 3 times more powerful!

you just have to accept my word for it, but i have no screenshots of the Tower in Tinas, simply because to do so will get me killed, it's far too hard to stop fighting and take screenshots there..... those Armoured Knights/shock skeletons drop very easily now...believe me and that area is the toughest in all of BL2, in addition, the fire rate is so high that you get way more crit hits on target, so a shock skeleton when he appears and vanishes again, doesn't just get a few hits, he's hammered really do have to see it to appreciate it.

those Magician things that float up in the air in Tinas, die in about 12 rounds, all you see is massive Crit hit numbers !

i dont need to know all your geeky stuff, i only need to keep fooling around with the skills to up the damage rating and it really is massive now, i will let you know how i get on against Saturn/ Hero pass
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