Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Feel free to add me on steam too folks, not on a huge amount but working up my little level 11 mechromancer most evenings for an hour or so - so feel free to join me :)

steam id: Halfmad.
Oh definitely a must-have, used it all the time playing Bl1

I've been tempted to replay Bl1 recently too, never actually got round to the claptrap revolution dlc

yea me too, but to replay BL1 would be a massive download.... but for some reason i just cant be bothered. :confused:

i played FAR CRY 3 for ages last night, but it's quite boring..i then returned to Torgue at 1.30 in the morning :D

but i would deffo replay BL1 if i had nothing else to play
@Chid et al - cool, will add when get home

Can anyone point me in the direction of reasonable sl4g based SMG or AR? I've just started playing UVHM and it's pretty clear that sl4g is important. Only sl4g weapon I have is an E-tech Moloko sniper, but I'm not really a fan of E-tech snipers these days.
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@Chid et al - cool, will add when get home

Can anyone point me in the direction of reasonable sl4g based SMG or AR? I've just started playing UVHM and it's pretty clear that sl4g is important. Only sl4g weapon I have is an E-tech Moloko sniper, but I'm not really a fan of E-tech snipers these days.

Go back and do the Clan wars quest line in TVHM and farm the Sl@gga. Very good sl@g weapon.
Wow golden keys can be good. My previous golden keys gave me rubbish so I gave up on them. Tried one there (level 30 now) and it gave me an awesome rocket launcher that does over 22k damage (my top weapon was around 7k). Only 2 in the clip but a nice surprise. Great to finally have some decent firepower, enemies were getting very tough.
@Chid et al - cool, will add when get home

Can anyone point me in the direction of reasonable sl4g based SMG or AR? I've just started playing UVHM and it's pretty clear that sl4g is important. Only sl4g weapon I have is an E-tech Moloko sniper, but I'm not really a fan of E-tech snipers these days.

I found it was better to use a homing sl@g nade, like the o-negative sl@g transfusion nade, available from one of the seraph vendors. Then use a high damage fire or shock smg once the enemies are sl@gged. If you use siren or commando you can use their ability to sl@g multiple enemies also.

If you use a sl@g smg then after the first shot it'll be just like using a non elemental weapon.
Tempted to get this game. How much extra is it for all the dlc ect? Sorry for possible stupid question.

Was £6 something in sales. Stupidly I thought I'd make do with the standalone game, so bought that > got hooked > paid full price for DLC a week later :p

I found it was better to use a homing sl@g nade, like the o-negative sl@g transfusion nade, available from one of the seraph vendors. Then use a high damage fire or shock smg once the enemies are sl@gged. If you use siren or commando you can use their ability to sl@g multiple enemies also.

If you use a sl@g smg then after the first shot it'll be just like using a non elemental weapon.

Yeh I got a fairly decent sl@g transfusion nade, will use that. Which commando ability are you referring to?

Also in response to your second point:

In Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, targets afflicted with Sl@g take triple damage from non-Sl@g attacks, and 150% damage from further Sl@g attacks.

So sl@g weapons are just generally better it seems
Also in response to your second point:

So sl@g weapons are just generally better it seems

EDIT: ahh seems you're right :o

You can get a skill for Axton that makes his turret sl@g enemies. might be handy in UVHM, depending on how long his turret lasts. Not actually tried.

The Sirens phaselock is amazingly good in UVHM though. If you use the skill that makes it move to a new target after killing the first one it can wipe out like 3-4 enemies. Also pulls enemies in and ****s them all. With the enhanced cooldown rate of the legendary mod and a relic that gives 30% cooldown its pretty much always available to use as well.
So sl@g weapons are just generally better it seems

yes but, there are quite a few Badasses that wont go down quickly enough with S*** on its own... i.e ``ultimate loot God Goliath``:eek:.... now he'll need fire as well or he'll run you down easily.... so he gets 40 rounds SMG S*** to start and then 80 rounds fire, if not he'll kill you.

in fact, i think he takes more than 80 rounds of fire :D.... more like 120, i think he's the worst of the lot because he will not give up running after you, other Badasses give up quite easily, but he wont; he'll chase you through the whole map, esp in Frostburn's quite funny.

that's the one good thing about Zero, he's very good at running away, esp with deception ha ha !!!
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EDIT: ahh seems you're right :o

You can get a skill for Axton that makes his turret sl@g enemies. might be handy in UVHM, depending on how long his turret lasts. Not actually tried.

The Sirens phaselock is amazingly good in UVHM though. If you use the skill that makes it move to a new target after killing the first one it can wipe out like 3-4 enemies. Also pulls enemies in and ****s them all. With the enhanced cooldown rate of the legendary mod and a relic that gives 30% cooldown its pretty much always available to use as well.

yea i've seen it on Youtube, it makes me feel quite jealous... because Zero has nothing like's just powerful guns and that's all
So sl@g weapons are just generally better it seems

They get a bonus once sl@gged yes. But doing 1.5x damage to a target with your sl@g weapon doesn't really compare with dealing 7.5x damage with a Shock weapon if they're shielded or 5.25x damage with an Incendiary or Corrosive if they're Fleshy/Armoured.

If you're Gunzerking you can get away with it assuming you are killing your targets reasonably fast which would make weapon swapping more trouble than its worth. Same in co-op really if you're acting as a dedicated 'sl@gger' so your team can focus on dealing straight up damage while you spread the effect around to everything.

Edit: Re-reading that I think I misunderstood what you meant. So my point is more of a general comment now :p
You only want to shoot him with your sl@g gun until sl@gged, then swap to the fire weapon. Will get you a quicker kill.

yea that's what i meant, but i tend to overs**G him by mistake, because with my latest mods, the SMG empties its magazine almost instantly, it's hard to fire only 10 rounds :cool:

I use the PLASMA ARC CASTOR, i've never really used any other SMG....generally speaking, you can tell if he is going to reach you and this is when you start panicking !!!!

i usually let rip at ``God Goliath`` at extreme range... never close because he'll definitely kill you if you havent allowed enough range..... because there's no gun that will kill him quickly.... not even burst fire 70 000 Fire......Conference Call?....i dont have it this time around....and Sledge's is useless against him, it's just a Tickle as is the Torgue !!!

it's very hard to kill him if he's chasing you.... you cant stop, turn and fire, he's always far too close, you have to throw out a decoy; keep running and stop 200 yards ahead..... it is a very interesting fight, you need quite a lot of tactics.
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