Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Which guns heal you? And what's health gating?

Grog Nozzle heals you 100%, or it looks like it, because you're deffo back to full health after you let rip a full magazine, so i believe this is the best and with Bee still working, kills very quickly too...THIS GUN CHANGES EVERY DAY YOU GAME :eek: one day no sights, the next day telescopics, the 3rd a different grip, most odd !!!...very strange gun to use....because if you hold it too long without firing, the monitor starts to sway, this is when it kills very quickly.

finally, if it doesn't kill and you swap out, its **** effect lasts ages and it really does weaken them a lot.... this is actually quite important

there's a massive boss at the end of Hammerlock's DLC, he's the final boss before you meet the Professor.....he gets wounded easily with Pimpernell, but as soon as Bee collapses, he takes flipping ages to kill, but i eventually got him when his health was 3/4 down....i must have hit him just right with Pimpernell, because he died instantly, his remaining health looked like about 200 rounds from the SMG.
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Good Touch, Bad Touch (buy from Moxxi)
Rubi (Collect the beer barrels in the Dust)
Kitten (Put posters up in Torgue DLC)
Heartbreaker (Find safe in Caustic Caverns)
Creamer (complete creature arena in Wildlife Preserve)
Slow Hand (Badasaurus in Torgue DLC)
Hail (Complete Finks Slaughterhouse)
Cher Amie (Complete Robot Arena in Eridium Blight)

You forgot the most potent of the lot (I think).

Grog Nozzle - Mission Req. Item for the Beard quest in Tiny Tina's. Heals 65% of damage dealt while wielding.
taken from Gearbox forum :- ``I can assure you i wont be farming for my level 72 gear, no way on earth i would grind another 1000 hours

To be quite honest there is no need at all to subject players for the tedious, mind numbing, boring, grind and slog in order to upgrade their already hard earned weapons and gear.....your suggestion seems perfectly acceptable and fair``

loads of posts like this, my reply is:-

to enjoy your gaming, you'll need to upgrade all your existing guns at level 72, Bee, Pimpernell, Harold, thunder fists and deffo Grog nozzle.... because future DLCs will not drop any of this gear, they never do, you'll have to refarm it all yet again, which means redoing all the DLCs :eek:

unless you settle for using different guns, because you'll still be able to farm Bee at level 72 without redoing any of it.

finally, with Bee, you can still kill everything easily with just purple guns from Sanctuary ;);) dont really need the Legendarys do you.

it's going to be quite intersting
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I've been playing it since I got back from work and totally gutted I won't be able to play again till 7pm tomorrow :(. I'm not looking forward to farming for weapons again though.

5 keys

Thanks. I spent most of my keys while playing normal mode, now ive completed the game once and have started hard mode all those purple weapons are worth jack.
Which poses a question; im lvl 35 working through the game a second time, when do I start to use my keys again? Currently white guns are better than the gold one I got on the first play through.
I've been playing it since I got back from work and totally gutted I won't be able to play again till 7pm tomorrow :(. I'm not looking forward to farming for weapons again though.

you dont need to..... just make sure that you keep farming Bee every two levels or so..

i dont think that i can refarm all my fav guns either.....too much work now, but you wont miss them...because you fall out of love with a weapon once it stops killing quickly enough, you just drop it.

e.g you'll deffo drop Harold by about level 63, but you'll probably find something else that's just as good as it once was !!!

last time everything levelled up with me, but i replayed everything because i was after my Fav guns, but not this time; i cant be bothered...

it'll be interesting to see what happens to the existing game, plus the DLCs....until then it's hard to comment

they should never have raised the level cap....just kept releasing the DLCs, but i expect they did so because the game becomes too easy; if you hang around at level 50
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Mal, many people have managed to play this game without using The Bee. Stop going on about it likes its gods gift to Gearbox just because you're late to the party ><

Also regarding those posts on the Gearbox forum. If they don't want to play to level 72... then don't? Not a complicated concept. Game is more than playable without Legendaries that you don't need to refarm every few levels. Some people just need the crutch.
Mal, many people have managed to play this game without using The Bee. Stop going on about it likes its gods gift to Gearbox just because you're late to the party ><

Also regarding those posts on the Gearbox forum. If they don't want to play to level 72... then don't? Not a complicated concept. Game is more than playable without Legendaries that you don't need to refarm every few levels. Some people just need the crutch.

yes and i was one of them, right up to level 61 , but to make the game miles easier you're best with it.

Legendaries no, you deffo dont need them, but you do need to upgrade your guns often, you can not carry on with weak guns.

dont play to level 72?....well that's up to them, but their excuses for not doing so are wrong, you do not need to refarm your old guns all over again,
because if so, yes the game will deffo be a boring grind fest
I thought The Bee got nerfed into the ground anyway.

I've been unstoppable with an Adaptive Shield with high ele resistence.
you dont need to..... just make sure that you keep farming Bee every two levels or so..

Lol I'm not farming the bee every 2 levels, I'm soloing as Zero and it's not the best option as I'm bound to get hit at some point and when I do I lose The Bee's ability and it doesn't have a high capacity compared to some of the others. I only use The Bee when I know I can get away without getting hit or when in multiplayer, outwith that I just use another shield.
I found this game extremely difficult when moving to UVHM but once I altered my playing style a bit it became a lot easier and you can definitely solo UVHM with Zero, you just have to play smart.
I found this game extremely difficult when moving to UVHM but once I altered my playing style a bit it became a lot easier and you can definitely solo UVHM with Zero, you just have to play smart.

I think there's more to UVHM than just playing smart. You need a good build, with plenty of synergy. You need good equipment. White and greens won't cut it on UVHM. Blues, purples needed - purely because of the mammoth HP pools and the HP regen which all mobs now have. The regen is significant. I'd say within about 5 seconds most mobs are back to full HP if I don't kill them in one salvo.

You absolutely need a reliable source of s-lag. Before UVHM my s-lag weapon was a sniper with 60% chance to s-lag. For some reason on UVHM the 'actual' chance is more like 15%. Only 1/6 shots with this weapon are producing the s-lag effect. This leads me to believe that elemental chance in UVHM is reduced - ie enemies have innate resistance to being affected with elemental affects.

But the biggest problem I have with Axton is just not being able to do enough damage. If more than one mob closes to close range, I'm either dead or running, because it takes 10 seconds of continuous criticals to kill a single bandit, but only 1 second for them to mince me :p

P.S. It's ridiculous that s-lag is filtered!
Fox that was me just being lazy and not wanting to type in everything I do now that I didn't do before.
Prior to UVHM I didn't use **** at all as I could one shot most things, now I use **** grenades and leech grenades along with changing shields often.
Also I would have thought needing good equipment in UVHM was common sense as most level 50 weapons (including legendary weapons) are useless by around level 53ish.
That said I was using a white Jakobs sniper rifle from around level 56-61 (not the same one) and ****ging all my enemies first with a magic missile nade.
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