Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

he cant flipping talk, it's a creepy Whisper:cool:

deception is great for escaping, but usually it's too late :D i dont use any great skills, i just fire my gun and hope to stay alive...i'm surprised that i got to level 61:D

the trouble with most big bosses is that they suddenly jump towards you, and thump the ground when they land, so Zero is usually too close, regardless of suddenly throwing out deception.

i try and shoot them in the air, rather than running...too late to run
yes but he also complained in an earlier post about his guns in general... because if his **** is only level 50, then his others might be similar too...or only level 52.

**** is of no use if your other guns are similar, because the AI just wont drop, Tiny Tinas is so damned hard that all your guns need to be at the same level as you and ideally purples.

No it's only my slaag gun that's L50. The other stuff I have is crappy greens and whites, but they are at least my level (55).

I have never been in Tiny Tinas, just the main campaign and the first couple zones of Pirate Booty, which I didn't much like from what I saw. But then I'm told Pirate Booty is the worst DLC :p
No it's only my slaag gun that's L50. The other stuff I have is crappy greens and whites, but they are at least my level (55).

I have never been in Tiny Tinas, just the main campaign and the first couple zones of Pirate Booty, which I didn't much like from what I saw. But then I'm told Pirate Booty is the worst DLC :p

well good luck to you m8 :D

now then the new DLC :eek:

You have to work your way uphill through a very large Hyperion base, you go from arena to arena....BUT there's not many AI, each arena has about 12 AI and they attack you in groups of 3, their health is quite high especially the bandits....when you complete an arena a gate opens and you're allowed through.

But there is no save point :eek: so if you die you're right back at the start....i gamed for an hour and half and i died soon after Tanis gave me a side mission ``collecting onions``, i almost cried, i was heart broken

their health is quite high and the bandits shoot from cover/ range, so if you go down; 2nd wind is useless, so you have to be very tactical, because you're terrified of dieing....the further you get on into the game the more scared you has a totally different atmosphere to BL, it's more like Rainbow 6, you have to use cover and watch out for your shield

it's an hour and a half because it takes so long to kill the bandits at range, but it's still a massive distance back to the start...about the same as Sawtooth Cauldron....just not so many looks like about 8 headshots to kill them, but it's hard to tell

i quit at about half way through and i'm back in the main playthrough levelling up, i'm at level 65...Bee is useless, not enough shield, i've got a 325 000 turtle and a 40 % elemental reduction relic for when i go back.

i dont know what to do....level up to 72 in the main game or return to the DLC now.

conclusion:- a tactical DLC, you feel very vulnerable and scared of save point and i dont think there is one until the end of this area and there's at least twice as much to do, so it could be 2 hours gaming with no save.... dieing after so much gaming really gets to you !!!!!!!
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I think I see the issue here...

it has a totally different atmosphere to BL, it's more like Rainbow 6, you have to use cover and watch out for your shield

Isn't that what you were supposed to be doing anyway?

I'm really gonna have to give this DLC a try tomorrow on my Psycho. Lets see them hide behind cover during FFYL when I run up to them and throw dynamite at there face :D
I think I see the issue here...

Isn't that what you were supposed to be doing anyway?

I'm really gonna have to give this DLC a try tomorrow on my Psycho. Lets see them hide behind cover during FFYL when I run up to them and throw dynamite at there face :D

yea maybe :D...but if you do charge them make sure that your shield is strong enough, because it is one hell of a lot of work to get back to where you died.

not many AI :D:D:D......YEA' but no save :mad::mad::mad::mad:
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A shield? You've clearly never played Krieg :p He's still running around with a level 50 Firehawk shield at level 61 because I haven't gotten round to 'farming' a decent level 61 version yet.
Is it better to co-op with someone at a similar level to yourself? I presume if the AI was levelled to a co-op player at a much higher level than you, it would be a bit rubbish.
A shield? You've clearly never played Krieg :p He's still running around with a level 50 Firehawk shield at level 61 because I haven't gotten round to 'farming' a decent level 61 version yet.


i only ever play as Zero....Gunzerker is back at level 50 from months ago.

you also have a brand new Saturn style powered armour..... not as big though, but there are two of them together, he looks like a spider, plus rabid skags :eek:..if any one of these knocks you down, you've had it....well, Zero has.

the clue to all of this is shields and elemental damage resistrance, because i should be ok now if i go back, because i farmed Warrior for ages afterwards and found great shields...

loosing Bee might not be such a problem, but the AI is always 2 levels above you and much harder than the main game, so i'm not guess is that i have to return to SL***** them first.....because i havent had to use **** for ages.

it is deffo easier than Tiny Tina's....JUST DONT DIE :eek:

the DLCs Trump card is no Auto save, it absolutely changes everything, it's extremely clever !.....but if you die a lot you still get leveled up quite well, because these guys earn you a lot of skill points.
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from Gearbox:-

``Bar room brawl and killing the warrior. Both give Bout the same xp. I gotta say though, I don't know why people think the bar room brawl is cheap because it still took me almost 9 hours to reach level 72. ``

Warrior is miles quicker than Bar room you get loads of Eridian for farming he drops loads of legendaries so this makes the most have to kill warrior about 9 times to level up

finally, i've just read that you can reset the main game at level 72, but by then you should be ok, i'm not interested in Overpowering, I dont think it works very well, plus it's for Hardcore gamers only
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Damn those Spider Bots are evil *******s. Jumped on for a little 15 minute rampage, nothing else had a chance of killing me with the new 280k Firehawk shield but those bots are nasty. Take almost no damage from explosive which messes up Kriegs LTF if the take you down and almost none from Fire which messes up the regen of Grog Nozzle. The one that spawned in the middle of town killed me when I messed up and used BAR too early and wasn't on low hp.
Damn those Spider Bots are evil *******s. Jumped on for a little 15 minute rampage, nothing else had a chance of killing me with the new 280k Firehawk shield but those bots are nasty. Take almost no damage from explosive which messes up Kriegs LTF if the take you down and almost none from Fire which messes up the regen of Grog Nozzle. The one that spawned in the middle of town killed me when I messed up and used BAR too early and wasn't on low hp.

those two bots are very vulnerable to Acid, but i died killing the last one, i was jumped from behind by a Rabid Skag.....the Skags spawn before you kill the last one and i forgot about it

i'm now on level 71, i only have 3 guns left....Harold, Pimpernell and Grog...all the rest i dropped ages ago, i'm surprised that these last 3 guns are still so good, even so, Warrior is much harder to kill than he was at level 65 :eek:

it is utterly boring levelling up killing him... i was wrong, it isn't 8 times per level, it's more like 15 !!!!!!.... killing Warrior has worn me out, i'm very tired right now

i might be ok for shields now, i have a 620 000 quick charge Turtle and a few other different types.....but i have no idea what the peak challenge is like at level 72, because a 620 000 shield might be too low !!!!!

i need to think what to do next, because i need to redo the Captain Scarlet DLC so that i can get a better Pimpernell, but i dont know how to reset the game at level 72, i think you have to reset Zero on ``ultra mode`` but i dont know if this is level 61 or 72.... it could be too risky, you could be back down at 61.........

any help here would be appreciated
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Would be real nice to get in on some OcUK games. Hosted a game open to all last night, and people just hoover up anything blue/purple on sight :p

I guess voice comms makes it easier.

MP is frantic fun tho :p But boy, do I suck! I spent most of my time waiting for a team-mate to res me!

I'm 54 Axton, btw :p

Also, is there any way to be able to see mobs more clearly? Once something gets a few effects on it, like acid and fire, and if things are exploding, you just can't see the mobs any more. You haven't got a clue where to be shooting, half the time, because everything is blowing up or on fire!
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Would be real nice to get in on some OcUK games. Hosted a game open to all last night, and people just hoover up anything blue/purple on sight :p

I guess voice comms makes it easier.

MP is frantic fun tho :p But boy, do I suck! I spent most of my time waiting for a team-mate to res me!

I'm 54 Axton, btw :p

Also, is there any way to be able to see mobs more clearly? Once something gets a few effects on it, like acid and fire, and if things are exploding, you just can't see the mobs any more. You haven't got a clue where to be shooting, half the time, because everything is blowing up or on fire!

Have chucked you a friend request on steam, I am not playing as much as I used to at the moment, but don't mind linking up when I am on it :)
Finished normal playthrough and started again on the harder mode but where is all the fun gone? Even with the best weapons you have to shoot everyone repeatedly in the head and they're still fine. This sucks. I hate it when you shoot someone in the head ten times and they're still fine, ruins it for me.
Finished normal playthrough and started again on the harder mode but where is all the fun gone? Even with the best weapons you have to shoot everyone repeatedly in the head and they're still fine. This sucks. I hate it when you shoot someone in the head ten times and they're still fine, ruins it for me.

yup i'm afraid so, but they will die easily if you use Legendaries or really good purples !!!!!

Pimpernel = the same stopping power as a sniper from FAR CRY 3, so no legendary is that good, it just makes your game feel normal..
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to reset everything at level 72 you have to go to the menu, select ``Ultra mode`` and press the Q button... this sends you back to Southern Shelf with nothing in the menu except your DLCs :eek::eek:

OH S*** so this has to be a 4th playthrough, because it feels very odd with no Sanctuary, no Golden Chest, no storage lockers.

right now i'm doing Captain Scarlet's and i'm close to Washburn refinery, so i've nearly got Pimpernel....but i cant use Bee, it's totally useless now, because he drops from a single bullet strike.......but a quick charge Turtle is very good, i havent dropped for agres, it's about a 1.1 million shield.:eek:

the 4th playthrough should be easy once i've got hold of the new Pimpernell, but i'm ok for the rest of the weapons because i raided the Golden Chest before resetting ;);)

what about ``Peak Challenge`` ? no rush, lets get his legendaries first and i'm deffo after Harold as well, so this means that i need another 300 tokens
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