Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Lol I'm not farming the bee every 2 levels, I'm soloing as Zero and it's not the best option as I'm bound to get hit at some point and when I do I lose The Bee's ability and it doesn't have a high capacity compared to some of the others. I only use The Bee when I know I can get away without getting hit or when in multiplayer, outwith that I just use another shield.
I found this game extremely difficult when moving to UVHM but once I altered my playing style a bit it became a lot easier and you can definitely solo UVHM with Zero, you just have to play smart.

yes, Bee is useless if you get hit and you do all the time, but Grog Nozzle will save you, all you have to do is to try and run for cover until your shield recharges.....but when you do die it doesn't really matter does it.....because i die so often that i'm used to it, dont forget that it took me a day to kill Bloodwing.... i never give up.

the only one thing about dieing that i really that the respawn areas are sometimes way too far away.

what about Pyro Pete?...i'm only taking on Pyro Pete because i'm bored and waiting to play the dlc, it's a case of ``i lasted 5 minutes Wow that's pretty damned good `` :D .. i'll return to him at level 72
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I think there's more to UVHM than just playing smart. You need a good build, with plenty of synergy. You need good equipment. White and greens won't cut it on UVHM. Blues, purples needed - purely because of the mammoth HP pools and the HP regen which all mobs now have. The regen is significant. I'd say within about 5 seconds most mobs are back to full HP if I don't kill them in one salvo.

You absolutely need a reliable source of s-lag. Before UVHM my s-lag weapon was a sniper with 60% chance to s-lag. For some reason on UVHM the 'actual' chance is more like 15%. Only 1/6 shots with this weapon are producing the s-lag effect. This leads me to believe that elemental chance in UVHM is reduced - ie enemies have innate resistance to being affected with elemental affects.

But the biggest problem I have with Axton is just not being able to do enough damage. If more than one mob closes to close range, I'm either dead or running, because it takes 10 seconds of continuous criticals to kill a single bandit, but only 1 second for them to mince me :p

P.S. It's ridiculous that s-lag is filtered!

yes **** is huge, as soon as you use Grog Nozzle they die very quickly (if you switch out).

hang around...if a bandit mob does that to you, then you've let them get too close.... JUST RUN, dont think what to do...RUN :D:D

what about a massive Torgue shotty? that isn't one shot kill, not anymore.

you need a big gun that'll wallop them at range....i'd go for a rapid fire drum feed sniper, this allows you to really wallop their heads...burst fire is good too....but single fire is a wee bit too slow and it's hard to hit their heads if you panic and get scared.

the trouble with close range like this is you get scared, you cant think clearly, cant select the right gun, you die swearing at the TV...

ANYWAY's time to download the next DLC tomorrow, move on to level 72, oh God i bet i'll die flipping loads !!!!!!
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Legendaries no, you deffo dont need them, but you do need to upgrade your guns often, you can not carry on with weak guns.

Well... yeah. Its an RPG. If your gear stays the same and the mobs get stronger then you're going to die.

5 seconds is bit of an exaggeration as far as the enemies regen goes.

The chance of elemental effects working decreases with level difference. Once you get beyond 2 or 3 levels above elemental effects are almost useless. Don't know the exact modifiers though, just know it decreases.

Tempted to level Krieg though I really want a half decent level 61 Firehawk shield first. He'll get to 72 in no time, screaming about meat bicycles and such :D
The chance of elemental effects working decreases with level difference. Once you get beyond 2 or 3 levels above elemental effects are almost useless. Don't know the exact modifiers though, just know it decreases.

Is that relative to player level or gun level?

My slaaag gun is level ... 50. I'm level 55, and the mobs the game throws at me are 55-57.

The 60% chance to slaag is about 15%. That sound right or not?
I think there's a basic bit of understanding of maths needed here!

Your 60% slaag gun likely has a 60% chance per bullet. Each bullet has the same chance. It's possibly (although unlikely) that you could empty the entire clip without any affect.

This of course excludes any variation from relics/level differences/shields/enemy resistances!
No, I was observing my 60% chance gun proc every 6 shots or so (easy to observe is its a slow firing sniper rifle).

So there must be some resistance calculation lowering the 60% chance to roughly 15% chance. I thought it must be due to UVHM itself, but Evil pointed out it could be due to level difference.

To which I asked, 'Level difference between mob and my level, or mob and gun level.' Suspect the answer is mob level vs my level. However in UVHM, the enemies are mostly your level +2.

Thus I'm basically going to have to ignore the proc chance on weapons, and acquire a slaaging pistol or SMG. The rifle can't slaag reliably like it could in TVHM.
Well... yeah. Its an RPG. If your gear stays the same and the mobs get stronger then you're going to die.

5 seconds is bit of an exaggeration as far as the enemies regen goes.

The chance of elemental effects working decreases with level difference. Once you get beyond 2 or 3 levels above elemental effects are almost useless. Don't know the exact modifiers though, just know it decreases.

Tempted to level Krieg though I really want a half decent level 61 Firehawk shield first. He'll get to 72 in no time, screaming about meat bicycles and such :D

hi man
i found a ``quick shield`` it's only 65 000, but has 90 000 regen and 1.2 delay, so when it drops it comes back instantly..but it aint much good if you run around soaked in Acid :D, it doesn't come back until the acid wears off, but it is brilliant against standard gunfire.

i need a 20% elemental damage reduction relic, it reduces all of them....i had it months ago, but it's quite rare.
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Is that relative to player level or gun level?

My slaaag gun is level ... 50. I'm level 55, and the mobs the game throws at me are 55-57.

The 60% chance to slaag is about 15%. That sound right or not?

oh WOW NO, you're level 50 S*** is way too low:eek:

your guns should always be at the same level as you....that S***ger needs to be level 55, no wonder you're having problems :eek::eek:...

level 50 guns are utterly useless now, because the gap from level 50 to level 57 in Tiny Tinas DLC is massive..
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Mal, stop talking.

A level 50 sl@g weapon gets the job done if all you want it for is the sl@g effect. Its your level relative to the enemies that reduces the chance. Not the guns. Lady Fist is a great sl@g weapon because of its boosted crit damage and negative recoil combined with its fairly good fire rate though its damage has started to drop off since its level 50 and my Mechromancer is level 53 (and the enemies are scaled to level 54 cos I coop with Squark who is higher level which screws me up :(). Not exactly an option to get a new one of those periodically and finding a replacement isn't easy.

Generally your sl@g gun wants to be rapid fire I find. Machine Pistol, SMG, AR, Auto-Shotgun if you find 1. Anything that is fully automatic with good max ammo capacity.
Mal, stop talking.

A level 50 sl@g weapon gets the job done if all you want it for is the sl@g effect. Its your level relative to the enemies that reduces the chance. Not the guns. Lady Fist is a great sl@g weapon because of its boosted crit damage and negative recoil combined with its fairly good fire rate though its damage has started to drop off since its level 50 and my Mechromancer is level 53 (and the enemies are scaled to level 54 cos I coop with Squark who is higher level which screws me up :(). Not exactly an option to get a new one of those periodically and finding a replacement isn't easy.

Generally your sl@g gun wants to be rapid fire I find. Machine Pistol, SMG, AR, Auto-Shotgun if you find 1. Anything that is fully automatic with good max ammo capacity.

yes but he also complained in an earlier post about his guns in general... because if his **** is only level 50, then his others might be similar too...or only level 52.

**** is of no use if your other guns are similar, because the AI just wont drop, Tiny Tinas is so damned hard that all your guns need to be at the same level as you and ideally purples.

the new DLC looks ok, the whole game levels up with it, level 62 bandits feel the same as yesterday, there's no massive jump like with Tiny far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the borderlands DLC took 5 mins to download, the Dishonored DLC is taking 2 hours
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There was no massive jump with Tina either. The resistances of the enemies were just different and the types of enemies were radically different to anything in the standard game/DLCs. It took time to get used to what you needed to combat them.

Unless you're Krieg, in which you hit everything with Buzz Axe Rampage till it dies :D
There was no massive jump with Tina either. The resistances of the enemies were just different and the types of enemies were radically different to anything in the standard game/DLCs. It took time to get used to what you needed to combat them.

Unless you're Krieg, in which you hit everything with Buzz Axe Rampage till it dies :D

i still wish that i was Mordecai or even Brick, Zero is too characterless.

i got one of those Moxxi e-tech fireball shotguns, it used to be useless, but now it's flipping brilliant

it's my best fire gun, especially for ``Bar Brawl``, i used it all of last night, it's just so awesome
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