Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

and sitting in a country where their rules arent worth the paper their wrote on.

Just because they write something and insist you agree to it, doesnt mean its legal for them to do so.
ofc, when im banned and arguing that with them instead of playing... that might not be worth much ;) but they have no legal grounds.

Steam care about 3 things, money, money and money. As long as VPN's dont cost them money (and they dont for activations, only purchases) then it makes little difference to them financially. If anything, the fact that gamers benefit by getting it earlier via steam, its an argument to buying it FROM them, so they stand to gain financially if some people purchase direct knowing they'd get it a little earlier. The rule only exists for preventing people purchasing when they shouldnt, and shutting up the physical stores who wont be too impressed at losing sales.
As others have said, given the day & age we live in, theres absolutely no reason for split releases. Its stupid, and if the retailers wanted to put a stop to it, then they'd kick up a fuss about release dates, not trying to steal peoples legitimately paid for accounts because the rest of the world get it earlier than we do.
Films & Music manage on Mondays, why cant we be Wednesday? or even Thursday like most of Europe. Instead, rather than address the matter in a pro-active customer friendly manner, they'd rather bully us, the people they depend on to keep their businesses alive, retailers like GAME might do well remembering that.
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shame about the competing loot though. Guild Wars 1 / 2, Diablo 3 proved the most satisfying way to play coop is to have your own private loot. I hate playing co-op with players only rushing ahead to nick everything.
Was going to buy this on 360 as I have a few mates who will be playing, but the fact I can pick it up for £21 on PC, plus the better textures etc I am very much in a dilemma.

Dont really have any steam friends, and this game is based on the co-op in my opinion.

What do you guys reckon? Advice?
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