Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

id say this bl is best played with friends

playing any single player is tedious . co op is what brings this too life.

would i buy for single player = no
co op helllll yeah :D

I do agree with you on this, most of my BL time was spent in co-op. I got bored playing 1 player after I did the story but the laughs we had on co-op was wicked.
I was the same, really enjoyed the first game to start but after the shine wore off it got very bland and tedious... and BD2 isn't pretending to be anything other than more Borderlands!

Thats what I don't understand. Gearbox have never even attempted to make Borderlands 2 out as being anything but Borderlands 1 with a change of scenery, new characters/enemies/equipment and a different story.
Thats what I don't understand. Gearbox have never even attempted to make Borderlands 2 out as being anything but Borderlands 1 with a change of scenery, new characters/enemies/equipment and a different story.

Yeah sorry I don't want to come across as harsh or unfair. Don't get me wrong, I love the art direction, the characters, the dark humour and the bizarre and random weaponry.

I need to give it time and try co-op before writing BD2 off!
Considering it's not stupidly overpriced either like some of the latest releases you can't go wrong. I mean you can pick up the pre order edition for 21.60 and it activates with steam.
Well I won't be able to do coop so single palyer it is, i really enjoyed the first in SP so hoping the second is more of the same, sometimes 30 minutes of just killing stuff can be relaxing.
Not sure why anyone would want to do the Golden Key trick. Kind of just defeats the whole point of the game at the very very start.

Cant understand why you would want to do this on the day of release. Iv got one key and I am going to save it for my 2nd play through!
I was the same, really enjoyed the first game to start but after the shine wore off it got very bland and tedious... and BD2 isn't pretending to be anything other than more Borderlands!

It's my understanding that it was always more of the same. I'm sure the devs never promised anything different. Just a more refined Borderlands with MORE GUNS !!!!

If it ain't broke ...

I'm happy for some more Borderlands and I'm glad they didn't mess it up.
Just cause I am in the USA now does not make me UN-Official :D I feel your pain. I could not count on both hands how many times I have been in your position!!!!

I guess a tick goes on the "Plus Points List For Living In The USA" :);):rolleyes:
Tbh wait won't be bad for me, birthday tomorrow so hopefully that will make the day go quicker :D

Then again it is a CRAP day :(
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