Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

One of the best games of this generation, along with Torchlight 2, this is how you do sequels! Not gone very far but it's one of the most impeccably engineered PC games out there; absolutely no hitches, tons of PC variables and flawless performance. Only one in ten of my PC games have no microstuttering; glad to say this is one of them.
So i made it to rank 7 without any idea what im doing or where im going or why my guns keep changing to ones i didnt want to poick up:/

But yea its pretty fun heavy action based.

If anyone wants to pick up some co op let me know.
why my guns keep changing to ones i didnt want to poick up:/

Don't hold E when you're hovering over guns.

Accidentally looted the golden chest on my Gunzerker >< Got a pretty epic sniper rifle from it so stuck it in the shared stash and gave it my Zer0 who is now owning things left right n centre with it.
Euridium doesn't seem that rare.

Had about 10 goes on the slots and got 30+ bars of it! + about 5 nice weapons and a new skin :D
got a dual shot rocket launcher..when it auto reloads it flies off itself like a rocket, dangerous when popping out from behind walls (killed myself a couple of times haha) :D i love this game!
Is your PhysX actually working?

Thought I'd just post a quick message, for some weird reason the latest Nvidia graphics driver 306.23 dosent automatically set my single gfx card (no sli) to the physX card. Looking at the PhysX settings in the Nvidia control panel, there are 3 options - Auto, gfx card and CPU.

By default it is set to Auto, but for reasons unknown, the PhysX features didnt work in Borderlands 2. I had to manually change the setting from Auto to my graphics card (GTX670) and Apply.

Now the PhysX features work. I didnt notice any FPS impact either.

I thought it was strange that none of the flags/banners in the game reacted to my gunshots. When I manually set the gfx card to process the PhysX features, it worked.

Check this video for reference if you suspect your PhysX may not be working.

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Euridium doesn't seem that rare.

Had about 10 goes on the slots and got 30+ bars of it! + about 5 nice weapons and a new skin :D

Not tried the slots yet.

Given that its used for all the ammo capacity, bank and inventory upgrades and possibly more later on I guess its not totally unsurprising. We started a quest with about 10 of them and wound up finding 25 of them.
Is your PhysX actually working?

Yup :D

Not tried the slots yet.

Given that its used for all the ammo capacity, bank and inventory upgrades and possibly more later on I guess its not totally unsurprising. We started a quest with about 10 of them and wound up finding 25 of them.

I've pumped 90% of mine into backpack upgrades, TOO MANY GUNS! :D
I only have 4 euridium :(

Though I must admit I much prefer the actions skills and skill trees this time around. They seem much more useful than in the previous game, the action skill modifiers are nice touches also.
Trick to finding Iridium.

Search everything.

Simple as that, it can be found is several types of containers as well as the various mob "piles" you find around the areas.
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