Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Trick to finding Iridium.

Search everything.

Simple as that, it can be found is several types of containers as well as the various mob "piles" you find around the areas.

Can be found in basically anything I think. I even found it in a washing machine in Rolands house :p Containers do seem the better source of it though. Had some drops from enemies but must have had 2 or 3 times as much from random containers.

i miss weapon proficencies

I miss the reload speed boost more than anything.
Can be found in basically anything I think.

Yeah, I think the only exceptions are the ammo chests, by which I mean the one with the model from BL1 and "possibly" the little round ones, I've never found anything in those but ammo, usually ammo I don't need.

Anywho playing as Maya atm and quite enjoying it, Phase Lock is awesome but I think the "draws in enemies" talent should be a default part of the skill, it just doesn't do enough as is.

Currently aiming for this build:
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Hmm my Golden Key has vanished from my save, was there a few minutes ago, game crashed and went back in and its gone :( oh well i guess no shiny weapon later on in the game.
I failed hard with the gold key. Went into the room and saw what i thought was a random chest, went oooo and opened it. Realised when I got 2 purple items out of it :(

On the plus side, on of them is an rifle with an alloy wheel as the magazine :D
I failed hard with the gold key. Went into the room and saw what i thought was a random chest, went oooo and opened it. Realised when I got 2 purple items out of it :(

On the plus side, on of them is an rifle with an alloy wheel as the magazine :D

Why the fail? Is it best to wait until you're a higher level before using the key, to get a better weapon?
is it the same as the 1st game, i.e you find a really good gun but cant use it till you level up, because i used to really hate this
Why the fail? Is it best to wait until you're a higher level before using the key, to get a better weapon?

The gold chest gives items for your level at the time of opening, using them at a low level is pretty pointless as you level up too fast for it to be worth while.

Anyone else getting really bored by the lack of healing items? It seems they have actually balanced the game around the second-wind mechanic, something that is really starting to **** me off in certain areas. I realise there are many talents that give healing but I shouldn't have to spec in a certain way to have ANY survivability at all.
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