Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

10000?! When we got that drop it was crap! Though using 2 ammo per shot could be an issue, does it have a gigantic blast radius or does it just look cool?

My Gunzerker has an awesome rocket launcher with that Tediore 'reload = grenade' mod. I fire 1 shot, then reload and he throws it at them like a missile with pretty good accuracy and range. Problem is I keep forgetting about it and reloading, then throwing it at the floor when I'm picking up loot and blowing myself up :D
10000?! When we got that drop it was crap! Though using 2 ammo per shot could be an issue, does it have a gigantic blast radius or does it just look cool?

My Gunzerker has an awesome rocket launcher with that Tediore 'reload = grenade' mod. I fire 1 shot, then reload and he throws it at them like a missile with pretty good accuracy and range. Problem is I keep forgetting about it and reloading, then throwing it at the floor when I'm picking up loot and blowing myself up :D

Explosion size is pretty good :)

The reload = grenade mods I found hard to use, because I tend to reload a lot and since if you fire 1 bullet then reload it'll throw the whole clip and you lose a chunk of ammo... I couldn't get used to it.
Explosion size is pretty good :)

The reload = grenade mods I found hard to use, because I tend to reload a lot and since if you fire 1 bullet then reload it'll throw the whole clip and you lose a chunk of ammo... I couldn't get used to it.

Dang that does look like a big explosion.

I've never noticed it using the remaining ammo. At least, not on my rocket launcher. And looking at the crosshair in that image reminds me the gun we got yesterday for finishing Finks Slaughterhouse. It was an assault rifle with a truly bizarre mod. It turned it into a sort of automatic grenade launcher with no splash damage, only the shots were aimed at a location miles above the crosshair >< If you stood point blank in front of an enemy you had to aim at his feet...
yea but do you have to be that level to trade them? i.e if you get 1 golden key every game, ju start a new game after obtaining the weapon and transfer it over so you have 1 game laden with good weapons.

also its not usually the level of the weapon thats the issue, i like my certain guns and it would nbe nice to have them without not funding them on the 2nd playthrough!
Dang that does look like a big explosion.

I've never noticed it using the remaining ammo. At least, not on my rocket launcher. And looking at the crosshair in that image reminds me the gun we got yesterday for finishing Finks Slaughterhouse. It was an assault rifle with a truly bizarre mod. It turned it into a sort of automatic grenade launcher with no splash damage, only the shots were aimed at a location miles above the crosshair >< If you stood point blank in front of an enemy you had to aim at his feet...

Ah, yeah, I know the type you mean, I've had a couple before. They only caught my attention as guns at my level tend to sell for about 200 - 300 dollars, but those grenade launchers sell for more like 1500 - 2000 so I tested one out for curiosities sake :)
Ah, yeah, I know the type you mean, I've had a couple before. They only caught my attention as guns at my level tend to sell for about 200 - 300 dollars, but those grenade launchers sell for more like 1500 - 2000 so I tested one out for curiosities sake :)

Oh does it drop on regular weapons too? I think I know the type you mean actually but I've never tried it out so didn't realise.

Running Man, what are you on about? :confused:
Loving Zero as well, think my highest crit has been 135k now (Not sure how exactly, probably a s-lagged [They need to allow us to say s-lag, for this game] enemy and other stuff on him), regularily critting for 50k, with not even that great of a weapon, my damage on it is like 1400 I think, or around that. Some of the high level 50 green snipers are 10k+ damage, which gives you an idea of how much power he will be packing late game.
Oh does it drop on regular weapons too? I think I know the type you mean actually but I've never tried it out so didn't realise.

Running Man, what are you on about? :confused:

I think so yeah, unless I'm getting confused with the ones you are talking about, but they always have assault rifle icons and I've seen them on green / blue named items although I rarely come across them.
Anyone help me?

Never played borderlands before, I bought it the other day from a local shop and came home to install it and unfortunately never realised you need Borderland 1 before you can install Borderlands 2.

So I then had to purchase the original for Steam and download it. I have done that and started playing the first. But still when I go to install Borderlands 2 It doesn't recognise Ive activated Borderlands.

Anyone notice If I've done something noobish :(


Anyone help me?

Never played borderlands before, I bought it the other day from a local shop and came home to install it and unfortunately never realised you need Borderland 1 before you can install Borderlands 2.

So I then had to purchase the original for Steam and download it. I have done that and started playing the first. But still when I go to install Borderlands 2 It doesn't recognise Ive activated Borderlands.

Anyone notice If I've done something noobish :(



Lol, you dont need BL1 to play BL2.
Ok why did I not notice that the key I was inputting was the key for the extra downloadable content.


That's embarrassing
Ha can't believe I've done that. Why oh why would I need the first to play the second?!?!?!

On a plus though I really do like the look of these games. And enjoyed starting the first yesterday.
Got an old 8800GT I recently retired into a cupboard, how useful are the 8800 series as a dedicated physX card with modern physX effects? Anyone tried recently?

i too have an 8800gt and like the look of this game? would it be pointless playing it on this card though?
i too have an 8800gt and like the look of this game? would it be pointless playing it on this card though?

Probably could play on medium without Physx. But the PhysX makes this game, imo. Looks amazing.

Just buy a new card!

If you've got £125 spare you can buy my 560ti on MM, lol.
Currently rocking an HD5850 and it's running everything super smooth at 1920x1080 with everything on max (autodetected as well, not tweaked) but obviously, no PhysX.

What cards would you recommend in terms of:

a) single-card upgrade to Nvidia platform for 1080p gaming WITH PhysX
b) alternatively, a dedicated card for PhysX and keeping my current HD5850 as primary

I think the physx card depends on what card you already have, they have to be similar power wise or there will be a bottle neck as the faster card slows down to match the slower card.

Saying that physx uses so little of the gpu that there really is no point in buying a second card just for it.
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