Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

Especially as whenever I find any of the stuff in caches around the game world they always come in hauls of about 10-20, it'd suck capping at 99 and then a good 10 or 20 others disappearing as you pick them up. :(
Meh, it's 4:18 and they still haven't bothered with the second code, clearly don't give a flying you know what about their non-American customers, off tar bead I got.

Pic of a GOD-liath I took and forgot about for those who are interested:
No doubt most people have seen them, though.

Really suprised by this game. Didn't really get into the first one but this is great. Little ironic maybe as they are very simular, maybe it is the setting? Had a lot of fun last night killing those furry monster things (can't remember the name lol)

Great stuff :)
Really suprised by this game. Didn't really get into the first one but this is great. Little ironic maybe as they are very simular, maybe it is the setting? Had a lot of fun last night killing those furry monster things (can't remember the name lol)

Great stuff :)

the game is much better now, i'm starting to really like it, i've just met Brick :)

i couldn't level up at Tiny Tinas, i spent all my time loosing the mission because her electrical generator kept getting shot up and when i did win it, i couldn't replay it again, i've just got some excellent sniper guns at level 20, these ones are 500 damage each and one fires like an Assult rifle with twin slaughters everything

everything is dieing much easier now, the God Goliath goes down easy too, this was like the first game, i found a 1100 damage acid pistol at only level 40, i was still using it at level 69... ( persistant defiler i think).

before this the biggest sniper i had was 120 damage, so i found 3 at 500 !
One is ****, the other Acid, the last one normal.

i love this game when you find gear like this, because now it's much easier, these snipers have amazing zooms/ look great too, i've also found loads of great machine pistols.

this game is a scream, it's so funny to play; especially when you meet Brick.

it's miles more fun than the 1st game, but as soon as you hang around in a camp too long it respawns instantly, i dont know if it's a bug but at Brick's camp they all came back about 4 times! now that's one hell of a lot of shooting, i cant wait to finish this game and replay the fav areas, i'm going to hang around in Brick's camp all night :D

in fact, every single camp i've been in has respawned, last night i shot the hats off 5 Golliaths all at once, i've never laughed so much in my life, you should've heard the noise, it was them vs about 50 bandits that i respawned, the last one standing was a ``Loot God Goon`` on max health, i let him chase me for 15 mins, it was so funny.

i'll still be playing this at Xmas easily, i'll get all the DLCs too, this 2nd game is totally insane, it's not really a true shooter is more like a lunatic asylum !

you cant take it seriously !!!!
Zero is now similar to the last sniper from BL1, if you get a head shot that's it they die instantly, but he was unable to do this before i found the 500 damage guns, these ones have a far greater zoom as well, they look like 500 X 2 elemental

i'm going to have trouble now with the loot, because these 3 guns will last me ages, plus i have others too, i'm going to start collecting guns and selling them, the game is much slower to level up than the 1st, plus the skill points are very hard to get, but the weapons are much more powerful, it suddenly improves after about Level 15.
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Meh, it's 4:18 and they still haven't bothered with the second code, clearly don't give a flying you know what about their non-American customers, off tar bead I got.

Pic of a GOD-liath I took and forgot about for those who are interested:
No doubt most people have seen them, though.


where abouts is this please (is this the emy where you can get good guns from?)
hmm i seem to have gotten too far ahead of myself and am now overlevvelled for a lot of the side quests that ive somehow missed whilst doing other things.

Im lvl 19/20 but i have about 5-6 side quests for lvl 15/16 out there and im not sure whether to go back and do them (which would level me up even more). or justs tick to the 2 new side quests at lvl 19/20 themselves and get on with the story...

On the weps front i spent 20k yesterday on the slot machines and win myself 2 sweet handguns that do over 200 damage each, one explosive one standard.

upgraded backpack to 27 items and i farm them, i get as many new guns as i can, go to an ammo thing sell off my chaff, go back out and get more and sell those and try to keep my main guns down to 1 or 2 for each of the weapon types, so 1x smg, 1x shotgun, however i have 2-3 launchers (corrosive, explosion etc) and 2 snipers that offer either elemental of 300+ damage on a normal rounds shot.

i realised that despite being a bezerker i hardly ever actually use bezerker ability so need to do this much more. i tend to pt on my explosive assault rifle that fires as ffast as i can and does 270+ damage per round and pump my opponnts face full of it if it gets too close.
My copy arrives tomorrow :D

But I am away at the weekend, would an i3-380 and 5650 be able to play this at 720p?
Cool, how flakey is the cloud-based save system? Still having issues?

I'm guessing I would be best to save locally and copy the files to my main machine later?
Just did a side quest to put a robots a1 core into another robot, which in turn tries to kill you.Had to go right through the bloodshot area again, didnt really want to do that on my own again.

Glad i did, got some great guns from that run, i missed the room with the electric beams stopping you going in last time, as i was drunk.Bloodshot area is so intense.
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