Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

At lvl 26 now and all i can say is do the side quests . If you just follow the story you will always be under leveled . I am now at the staqe where the story has taken me to jacks new town where i have to kill the fake jack .

And i just cant kill stuff quick enough . I have good guns with decent secondary's but there is just so many mobs i cant keep up or run out of ammo trying hehe .

Trouble is nothing decent has dropped in the last few areas/levels so still using the stuff i had at lvl 24 (which is still very good ) but with all the robots/mobs and those dam huge boss type robots i just cant get peace to gun down the fake jack .

I will go do some side missions and see if i can get some better guns . What i really need is 500+ damage assault rifle/smg toxic wep hehe
anyone fancy some coop?

all bonus missions / share loot / mic if poss

currently lv15 assassin / splinter group / a train to catch

add me and ill send an invite

p.s. this game rocks
I'v just started playing bordelands 1. Good game, cant believe I never picked this up before.

Its sort of like a cross btween Fall Out and Rage.

Are the graphics in Borderlands 2 improved?
Did the cashman side quest and it worked out great. got 4 new pistols each better than my previous including a purple dart pistol doing300 damage and elemental too. Took many mini missions to get there though doing the clan wars thing in the desert.
I'v just started playing bordelands 1. Good game, cant believe I never picked this up before.

Its sort of like a cross btween Fall Out and Rage.

Are the graphics in Borderlands 2 improved?

That's actually a pretty damn good comparison. The graphics have improved a fair bit, the art style and texture resolution remain the same but everything else is improved, looks much nicer at 1080p than its previous and the lighting is superb. Much nicer environments and level design too.
I just got my copy and it came with the premier club but everytime I enter my code into steam it says invalid.

Make sure you enter the standard borderlands key first then the premiere club one.

Loving this game, playing as 0 and have been putting points into crits, sniper damage and reload speed. Just rescued Roland with a friend and we must have been spot on for level because it was a great set piece fight, lasted over an hour and was just the right level of challenging so when we did it we both did a mental fistpump! i was worried about Aliens CM but if they can do as good a job we'll be in store for something great! gearbox are rapidly becoming a premium developer (which probably means they'll be bought by EA and shutdown in a couple of years time)
I'm having a similar problem to the first game, boredom by repetition - I need to do some co-op play me thinks!
Found the easiest quest in the game last night, given by Face McShooty. Seriously wtf was with that :p

I had a rl wtf and lol when i did that . Some of the humor in this game is right out there . To the no fappin on the toilets to the way the guards moan about dying as they just paid the last installment on the mortgage
Any ideas why I'm getting bad slowdowns as soon as the action picks up, things are burning etc? Running a 2500k with a amd7950 so thought I would be ok to put everything on max including physix since I'm only playing at 1650x1050?
Any ideas why I'm getting bad slowdowns as soon as the action picks up, things are burning etc? Running a 2500k with a amd7950 so thought I would be ok to put everything on max including physix since I'm only playing at 1650x1050?

It's probably the max PhysX, knock it to low and see if that helps, if so then try medium. PhsyX in BL2 feels like how bad shadows were in BL1 :)
Think the game looks beautiful at 2560x1600, everything on max and runs like a dream. Only 27, hopefully will hammer this a fair bit this weekend. Friend gave me a gold shotgun for level 30 last night which has stupidly good stats :D
So, I used my gold key on my first char, which I dumped at level 10. Now I have a level 12 Siren and no gold key :(

Anyway, LOVING the Siren, Phaselock is just too much fun, boss fights are just sooooo easy! Blow up all barrels, flame, corrosive and ****. Phase lock, sucks all the liquid into the orb coating the boss in it, run up close and a shotgun blast to the face. Job done.

I am LOVING it!
So, I used my gold key on my first char, which I dumped at level 10. Now I have a level 12 Siren and no gold key :(

Anyway, LOVING the Siren, Phaselock is just too much fun, boss fights are just sooooo easy! Blow up all barrels, flame, corrosive and ****. Phase lock, sucks all the liquid into the orb coating the boss in it, run up close and a shotgun blast to the face. Job done.

I am LOVING it!
Click on Extras in the menu and there is something you can sign up for, you'll get another 1-2 keys from doing that.
At lvl 26 now and all i can say is do the side quests . If you just follow the story you will always be under leveled . I am now at the staqe where the story has taken me to jacks new town where i have to kill the fake jack .

And i just cant kill stuff quick enough . I have good guns with decent secondary's but there is just so many mobs i cant keep up or run out of ammo trying hehe .

Trouble is nothing decent has dropped in the last few areas/levels so still using the stuff i had at lvl 24 (which is still very good ) but with all the robots/mobs and those dam huge boss type robots i just cant get peace to gun down the fake jack .

I will go do some side missions and see if i can get some better guns . What i really need is 500+ damage assault rifle/smg toxic wep hehe

me too, i'm getting slaughtered, this is the hardest game i've ever played, i'm going to have to stop and do the side quests, i'm stuck in the area where you have to get on the roof (up a lift) and destroy 5 Buzzards....

i've lost all my money and been killed almost at every respawn for a total of an hour, i had to run through the map to get to escape anf get to the exit that took another hour, i lost 6000 dollars. :eek:

those 500 damage snipers i found are useles, the bandits are 3 levels above me and i cant even wound them any more.... i have no machine pistols/ shot guns :eek: i sold them a level below :eek:

i have at least 10 side missions that i can do, last game was the same....YOU MUST LEVEL UP or they'll start to kill you too easily.... i'm dieing right now from almost every bullet strike, even with 1800 shield, the shield wont work if they're 3 levels above you.

i'm so bloody tired, i gamed till 4am
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Any ideas why I'm getting bad slowdowns as soon as the action picks up, things are burning etc? Running a 2500k with a amd7950 so thought I would be ok to put everything on max including physix since I'm only playing at 1650x1050?

dont have it on max ! and turn off that anti whatever it is 16x thing, i'm only on 1080p and this game effects me too.

game still looks fine on 4x with PhysX turned off, in a big fight your pc wont handle it will all that stuff turned on, either that or the game has bugs, because my card handles Crysis 2 easily on Ultra, but not B2
I had a rl wtf and lol when i did that . Some of the humor in this game is right out there . To the no fappin on the toilets to the way the guards moan about dying as they just paid the last installment on the mortgage

The ones yesterday were complaining about how they had almost completed there comic book collection as they died :p

I think the best touch in the game is the Buzzards when they fly over you and you can hear them singing Ride of the Valkyries :D When I was in the Tundra Express a couple of days ago on Gunzerker I just had to go to youtube, put it on, then trigger the alarm and start clearing the place out. Was awesome.
Guys, PLEASE spoiler tag your stuff, I just read: "the one that keeps killing me is called ``mortar``, he's at the bottom of the roof lift, this is the next level on after you kill Jack's daughter Angel, so i'm on about level 24, this gap opened up as soon as i killed her !"


Tag it up.
Guys, PLEASE spoiler tag your stuff, I just read:
"the one that keeps killing me is called ``mortar``, he's at the bottom of the roof lift, this is the next level on after you kill Jack's daughter Angel, so i'm on about level 24, this gap opened up as soon as i killed her !"

Tag it up.
I agree - that got on my nerves too - but might want to as well :D
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