**Borderlands Pre Sequel** SHIFT keys in first post!

^^^That. Oh and if your stuck NEVER be too afraid to pop in here and ask for help - everyone I've played with from here has been polite about loot sharing. Real pleasure from public games *shudder*

Also I'm in a great mood because I got 2 Legendary's tonight :D (in BL2 that is! :p)
Got my copy from GMG last night for £22.50 using a code.
The different release dates is a joke and really needs to stop. Forced me to download a 'demo' version whilst I wait for Steam to decrypt my retail copy.
Wooo mine just got shipped.
Realised havent updated that shipping address to new address. So its en route to old address, but I have mail forwarding setup so it will redirect here but unsure how much time that will add to it (Ive not moved very far).
Probably be a close call between Nisha and Athena here too, probably Nisha at first as I really enjoyed the Lynchwood part of BL2...mmm Jakobs :D
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