Boris's intensive care nurse

What a total crock of ****. As we sit here in one of the best vaccinated countries in the world - what exactly do you think a different Government would have done differently? Heavily imposed lockdowns, with armed soldiers patrolling the streets? If you think you'd prefer to live somewhere like that you're completely delusional.

If I had the kind of magical hindisight most complainers have, I'd have earned a lot of money on graphics cards and Etherium by now.

Just following SAGE advice and locking down a week earlier both times would have saved thousands of lives, but you believe whatever you want to.
People were ignoring lockdown rules. Going out in the 1000s to protest in the worst period of it wouldnt have helped.

In France they water cannoned them all. But here they just let them get on with it and spread covid all over the place.
What a total crock of ****. As we sit here in one of the best vaccinated countries in the world - what exactly do you think a different Government would have done differently? Heavily imposed lockdowns, with armed soldiers patrolling the streets? If you think you'd prefer to live somewhere like that you're completely delusional.

If I had the kind of magical hindisight most complainers have, I'd have earned a lot of money on graphics cards and Etherium by now.

We'd have got a circuit breaker in September 2020 as per the SAGE advice, instead of letting the Kent variant have at it. Total deaths was around 60k then from the first wage.

That cost tens of thousands of lives. Boris dithered on it to placate the Steve Baker socialpathic nutter fringe of the Tories that want businesses open and don't care about the body count.
Just following SAGE advice and locking down a week earlier both times would have saved thousands of lives, but you believe whatever you want to.

We a country that for decades has cut corners on public health, so the nurse pay situation, and all the other NHS problems have been inevitable.

Our policy usually is to turn a blind eye to society's problems and focus on the positives, this is why consistently economically booming areas get investment, and things like the NHS are only funded enough to pacify voters at elections.

Our vaccine programme, it would be nice to think our leaders are kind people who want everyone to be protected, but the reality is its so the economy can reopen again as soon as possible. The vaccine expenditure is likely approved on the basis of a economical investment.
25k for the work they have to do is absolutely not high. Sorry but it just isnt.
Are we just pulling numbers from thin air and claiming they're not enough now?

NHS pay is operated in a banding system that was introduced in 2004.

This system allocates specific roles and levels of seniority to specific bands, and therefore, salaries.

As already mentioned, newly qualified Nurses enter the workforce at Band 5.

The salary ranges at each banding beyond this level are:

• Band 6: £31,365 to £37,890

• Band 7: £38,890 to £44,503

• Band 8: £45,753 to £87,754

• Band 9: £91,004 to £104,927

The upper ranges of each banding are achieved by performing the role within that banding for a certain number of years.
Yes...but then im not comparing them am i. what degree do you need to be a carer?

I have long not been a favour of paying someone based on whether you need a degree or not, been a carer is a unpleasant job, the pay is shocking for what is done, the government pays people as little as £67 a week to be a carer.
I have long not been a favour of paying someone based on whether you need a degree or not, been a carer is a unpleasant job, the pay is shocking for what is done, the government pays people as little as £67 a week to be a carer.

You're talking about being a carer for someone like a family member? Take that up with who you want.

It still isnt the same as being a nurse especially when you have to pay £500 a year for the privilege.
We'd have got a circuit breaker in September 2020 as per the SAGE advice, instead of letting the Kent variant have at it. Total deaths was around 60k then from the first wage.

That cost tens of thousands of lives. Boris dithered on it to placate the Steve Baker socialpathic nutter fringe of the Tories that want businesses open and don't care about the body count.
Having personally experienced the Kent varient, and in fact my wife working on one of the main known sources of the outbreak - I completely understood the Government actions. By the time it was know of, it was already spread well beyond county borders.

The reason it was so transmissible was down to the very mild symptons experienced by the majority of those who caught it. Most people, including my close family, only ever experienced a mild cold. Only on testing did they realise they actually had covid.
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I've quoted directly from

A newly qualified Band 5 NHS Nurse currently earns £24,907.

Sorry, but how much do newly qualified staff in other sectors earn? 6 which is a senior role.

We arent talking about other sectors are we. We are talking about nurses specifically.
I've quoted directly from
A newly qualified Band 5 NHS Nurse currently earns £24,907.
What are you trying to prove with that?
You said the 25k figure was "pulled from thin air" - it's pretty much exact, as your link proves.
So, these are the planned pay increases. Is this 1%?

•If you’ve been a Band 5 Nurse for 2 years, then from April 2021 your salary will increase by just over £2000 a year
• If by April 2021 you’ve been a band 5 nurse for 4 years, your salary will jump by around £500, from £26,970 to £27,416
• And if you’ve been a Band 5 nurse for more than 6 years, you’ll get a big increase of more than £3000 – taking your salary to £30,615 which is currently the very top of the banding
What are you trying to prove with that?
You said the 25k figure was "pulled from thin air" - it's pretty much exact, as your link proves.
My point was, not all nurses are earning £25k. Only newly qualified nurses.

I have freinds who are nurses, that do an incredible job and they've persevered with the training and rightly earn significantly more than that.
You're talking about being a carer for someone like a family member? Take that up with who you want.

It still isnt the same as being a nurse especially when you have to pay £500 a year for the privilege.

Well if we talking about commercial carers, the pay is still very low, when I had carers they were barely on minimum wage, and had to pay for their own petrol to get to patients.
So given that 33k is considered massively underpaid, what is considered reasonable? 40k? 50k? 100k? 200k?

Just as an indicator, according to the ONS for 2017/18 as thats what they have figures for, £33k puts nurses earning that in the 69th percentile for income before tax in the UK
Having personally experienced the Kent varient, and in fact my wife working on one of the main known sources of the outbreak - I completely understood the Government actions. By the time it was know of, it was already spread well beyond county borders.

The reason it was so transmissible was down to the very mild symptons experienced by the majority of those who caught it. Most people, including my close family, only ever experienced a mild cold. Only on testing did they realise they actually had covid.

None of that changes the facts that the circuit breaker got recommended by SAGE and that Boris dithered on it. Costing lives.

Gov had seen an uptick in the figures. Fair enough they didn't know it was what's now called the Kent variant for a few weeks. The signs were there that infection rates were up and something was making COVID more transmissible. It was serious enough that Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance went and ran their own press conference on 21st September explaining the figures to the public as Boris wasn't listening.
Having personally experienced the Kent varient, and in fact my wife working on one of the main known sources of the outbreak - I completely understood the Government actions. By the time it was know of, it was already spread well beyond county borders.

The reason it was so transmissible was down to the very mild symptons experienced by the majority of those who caught it. Most people, including my close family, only ever experienced a mild cold. Only on testing did they realise they actually had covid.

Its not like we weren’t warned of the asymptomatic transmission of covid back in Feb 2020.... oh wait.
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