Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

Poor Walt. He's really lost his way!

I know what you're getting at but I'm not sure that's the best way of describing it...

He's certainly turned his back on the morality that drove him in early seasons - but I'd say if anything he's found his path. Throughout the first four series Walt's actions were largely driven by a need to adapt to circumstances that were beyond his control. Now he's made a conscious decision to go down this path and build an empire for himself. To jump in with both feet so to speak. So, in that regard, he'd very much found his way.
The transformation of Walt is complete for me. Totally unlikeable character now and I hope for, and look forward to, his demise in whatever form it comes.
The transformation of Walt is complete for me. Totally unlikeable character now and I hope for, and look forward to, his demise in whatever form it comes.

Yea, this has really started to hit me. I'm at the point where I'm in complete limbo as to whose side I 'should' be on. He's turned from a quivering wreck to someone who fears nothing. A man who fears nothing is the most dangerous man alive.
I think so far its defiantly on par with the best breaking bad episodes. 45 minutes goes past so fast. I think I'll watch the last two together. The dinner with Jesse scene was so funny! Man I hate Skyler one moment shes on Walters side the next she wants him dead.
Jesse at the dinner table scene.....

Does todd remind anyone else of Matt Damon? :D

Yes - a little :D

What I loved about the 'dinner' scene was the way it reverted Jesse back to the 'awkward and uncomfortable' Jesse of earlier series, by putting him well out of his element.

Was this just a case of Walter taking pleasure in punishing both his wife and Jesse for betraying him? He must have known that it would be incredibly awkward for both of them? I get the impression that Skylar realised this is what was happening, but Jesse was oblivious. Which made the scene that much more enjoyable.

It's the sign of a show with fantastic character development when such an innocuous scene (three of the main characters having dinner) can be so hilarious without anything of note actually happening :)
Hilariously well acted and well written scene when Jesse has dinner with Walt & Skyler.

I have a feeling the final moment of the whole series is Walt donning his trademark hat, walking away into the sunset as Heisenberg triumphant .... after faking the death of Walter White as "collateral damage" when he takes on his brother-in-law.
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