Brexit thread - what happens next

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19 Feb 2010
Xenophobic hate crime has increased by 57% according to the police chief's council.

Classy behaviour Britain.

It's probably going to get worse as a lot of people are going to go nuts when they realize free movement isn't going to stop. Cameron has mentioned an impact fund in response to helping areas of high immigration.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I've told you time and again. You know why I disagree with you. You know why I think your view on the matter is wrong.

It's almost as if I don't consider you alone to be the definitive view on whether my views hold merit or not. In the same way that I'd never expect my views to be the final judgement of yours.
30 Mar 2004
I honestly think I'm out. This is going to stuff us for a while, even if, as is hoped, we end up in a better position at the end of it.

Considering Canada or Australia.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
no because step 3 still requires you to deal with the EU and the EU will not give you access, partial, full or otherwise to any part of the single market unless you first agree to accept free movement of people.

I don't think that's true, they'll allow access to the EU market with tariffs without having free movement of people.

So we'll get access, we'll just pay through the nose for it.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
It's going to be a mess either way.


Can we make it a rule in this thread that you must append "in my opinion" when making posts like the above? :p It's getting pretty damn annoying people making statements like the above as if they know for sure and it's fact.

Going on your previous posts in this thread Raymond, I think you're far from being able to make statements like that based on your understanding
7 Feb 2015
South West
This is true, but for those that believed out mean better / tighter migration control how would they swallow free movement as part of the deal. Taking back control wasn't just abut finances, it was sold on a ticket about controlling borders too, so how does that one pan out, or was it another lie from Boris et al. ?

I know, i also wanted more control over our borders. Although our own sovereignty and self governance was bigger.

Things are going to be complicated, but i think in the nearer term other countries will have a rise in parties that want to give Referenda. we just have to wait and see and put up with the current situation of free movement. but if a country such as France decided to break away, there could be a big change in the EU's attitude to the unrestricted freedom of movement.

I think from the start that the freedom of movement should have allowed countries to place limits on the numbers of people entering. The freedom of movement itself enshrining a persons rights to move, live, work in another country without visa etc. but the country itself can manage its borders still.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!

Can we make it a rule in this thread that you must append "in my opinion" when making posts like the above? :p It's getting pretty damn annoying people making statements like the above as if they know for sure and it's fact.

Based on your previous posts in this thread Raymond, I think you're far from being able to make statements like that based on your understanding

Just add 'in my opinion' to everything in this thread and you won't go far wrong :)
Parliament is live now. Cameron and MPs said article 50 with be used.

No he didn't, and no they didn't.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
The government is obligated to carry out the voice of the people, despite what the media report about voters with regrets or the back tracking from the leave campaign.

If a government choose to ignore the vote then they lose credibility to the world in British as a democracy. If they hold a second referendum it will send out the same message.

We are up the crap creek either way, article 50 will come eventually and then watch the regrets really roll in.
16 Nov 2003
"Last Friday morning was amazing! I woke up in my Union Jack jim-jams to the sound of a squadron of Spitfires racing overhead and leaving a trail of hot buttered crumpets behind them

I ran to the corner shop past all the british children who were laughing and squealing with excitement as they made a beautiful statue of the queen out of happy wriggling bulldog puppies - with two corgis for her eyebrows!

Bunting fluttered everywhere and the man from the betting shop stepped out into the street - "Guess what! England just won the World Cup & The Ashes & The Grand National and here's the best bit - Boris put a bet on it for everyone! you're all MILLIONAIRES!!!"

The red arrows flew overhead dropping fish and chips as i walked into the corner shop, got my morning paper and went to the counter. "how much please?" I said to the asian lad there. "1 pence, everything in the whole shop now costs just 1p!" he laughed, "Leave it on the counter, i'm off back to pakistan - we all are!"

And he's right! outside in the streets jolly old Nigel Farage was leading a huge crowd of happy foreigners - turks, poles, romanians, syrians - there was even a few English people with heavy suntans mixed up in there! nigel was singing Rule Britannia carrying a pint of ale and a cigarette, which he had lit up INSIDE A PUB!

Just then Boris flew overhead in a concorde made of Bank of England gold - "don't worry!" he laughed "I've cut out all the bits the French made!" and with that he crashed into the ground at 1200 miles an hour, along with the economy, the country and all the dozy nostalgic foreigner-fearing fools who fell for this."

But doesn't it fill you with pride. :p:D:o
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
The government is obligated to carry out the voice of the people, despite what the media report about voters with regrets or the back tracking from the leave campaign.

If a government choose to ignore the vote then they lose credibility to the world in British as a democracy. If they hold a second referendum it will send out the same message.

We are up the crap creek either way, article 50 will come eventually and then watch the regrets really roll in.

It just depends. If the deal is equivalent to £30b tariffs or freedom of movement we may well end up with another referendum anyway as to whether people want:

  • To remain a member of the EU
  • To leave the EU and pay tariffs on trade with the EU
  • To leave the EU and retain freedom of movement

Those are certainly to be decided.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter

Can we make it a rule in this thread that you must append "in my opinion" when making posts like the above? :p It's getting pretty damn annoying people making statements like the above as if they know for sure and it's fact.

Going on your previous posts in this thread Raymond, I think you're far from being able to make statements like that based on your understanding

Instead of insulting me personally why don't you reply how it is all going to be A okay?

Go on, what is this economic Masterplan that you have.

8 Jan 2004
I've told you time and again. You know why I disagree with you. You know why I think your view on the matter is wrong.

I agree with Fox too in principal. Why leave such a monumental decision with consequences that will last for decades to the public - especially if there's no oversight on how each camp sells it to them. You don't ask the public how to operate on you, you trust in a skilled expert. You don't run the country by referendum because the country is largely made up of idiots.
17 Oct 2002
"As all eyes were on the British referendum tonight members of the European Parliament quietly announced a new travel document allowing migrants from outside the EU to travel within the 28 member states."

"Mike Hookem MEP said "How convenient that they chose this evening, with polls now closed, to discuss a proposal to make it even easier for migrants to get into the EU."

Phew.. :D

When a refugee is granted asylum (i.e. the right to remain) by any state, they are given temporary documents which allow them to work and travel in that country. They aren't going to be given a full passport or national id card in most states, but alternative documents which are different in every country.

To make it easier when travelling between eu states and outside the eu they standardised this type of document so customs officials / law enforcement can recognise and treat it properly when encountered.

The purpose of the new regulation is to remove some of the reasons why the travel document is not always used by member states or recognised by the third countries

Parliament asks EU and member states to promote the use of this harmonised document in the context of readmission agreements reached with third countries

Seems like a non-story, a technical standardisation for a little used and recognised (currently) document.

Now I don't know if an asylum seeker registered in Germany has the right to travel to the UK, I do not believe they would have the right to work. But this story has no bearing on that (real) question what so ever.
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