In one of the new tutorial vids it's a bit rubbish how when the player hacks a command post he just types his fingers in mid-air nowhere near the keyboard. And when turrets are destroyed they just explode with a bad explosion graphic and disappear without a trace.
No i'm still not seeing the logic behind that at all ><

They're trying to make something unimpressive sound impressive.
Ohh look, it's unique because you can change the tint of colours, let put it into a meaningless statistic!

I remember when borderlands tried to pull all that hype with "17,750,000 Guns!" but, I've played through it a few times and the same stuff drops in the same places and you infrequently find something to replace, the rest is just junk -nobody- uses. Oh look, it's the same gun I have, but blue, with a different name and a different scope texture, or it's one level higher so does a little bit more damage. Yeah, games have done that before and on a larger scale.

That being said, regardless of how silly the article is I am still looking forward to this game a lot!
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