Just use the dedi I've setup
Oh cool! We should get an OCuk caln going, I'm defo up for that! Add me on steam guys: elrasho24
Just use the dedi I've setup
Oh cool! We should get an OCuk caln going, I'm defo up for that! Add me on steam guys: elrasho24
*was hoping my copy would be dispatched today maybe to get here by mid-week* Isn't looking good so far
They shouldn't be that bad. What settings are you running?
I have shadows turned off, all the ambient occlusion and stuff turned off, textures high. 1920x1080 res. My housemate has worse comp than me and getting better fps. I get like 80fps that dips to 20ish fps in places. frustrating.
You mean the 11.5a?
Thought so, though they could have been better for all I knew.
So how are OcUK bod's playing together? Tried a couple of the SAS servers yesterday, though was pretty quiet. Seemed to be picking up when I had to leave around 7pm.
So any "Official" place?
Finally got the server stuff working
Also remember to join the OcUK Steam Brink group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ocuk-brink/
If it a standard mode or custom?
//Game Rules
//si_rules sdGameRulesStopWatch
//si_rules sdGameRulesObjective
//si_rules sdGameRulesChallenge
//si_rules sdGameRulesCampaign
si_rules "sdGameRulesObjective"
//Server Configuration
//Old Skool
applyServerConfig "Custom"
si_name "LinkTart Brink 1"
si_adminName "FrenchTart"
si_motd_1 "Welcome to LinkTart Brink"
si_website "http://linktart.co.uk"
bot_minclients 16
//MaxPlayers might enable bots
si_maxPlayers 16
//Amount of Players required to start a match
si_minplayers 1
//Max Players per Team
si_maxTeamSize 8
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "DELETED"
//Allow server to be borrowed by players who are using //matchmaking service
//to use server when empty
// 1 = yes
// 0 = no
net_serverAllowHijacking 0
//Password your server?
// 0 = no
// 1 = yes
si_needpass "0"
//password for your server si_needpass NEEDS to be 1
g_password ""
//Set the play mode
//si_playmode 0 = solo
//si_playmode 1 = Co-op
//si_playmode 2 = versus
si_playmode 2
//Set who can join your server
//0 = SOLO
si_onlinemode 3
//Friendly fire
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
si_teamDamage 1
//Enable VOIP
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
si_teamVoipEnabled 1
//Rim Lighting Tints
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
si_enemyTintEnabled 0
//Force players to join smaller side
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
si_teamForceBalance 1
//Bot Difficulty
//-1 = ANY
//0 = EASY
//1 = NORMAL
//2 = HARD
si_botDifficulty 2
//Enable rank restrictons
//0 = Off
//1 = On
si_rankRestricted 0
//Restrict player ranks
//si_maxRank 0 = Rank 1 players only
//si_maxRank 1 = Rank 1 and 2 players only
//si_maxRank 2 = Rank 1, 2 and 3 players only
//si_maxRank 3 = Rank 1, 2, 3 and 4 players only
//si_maxRank 4 = All player ranks can join
si_maxRank 4
g_mapRotationFixed "mp/ccity,mp/refuel,mp/aquarium,mp/reactor,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal" // map rotation: mp/ccity -> mp/refuel -> mp/sectow -> mp/ccity
spawnServer "mp/ccity"
You should have called it BrinkTart server
Just wish medics and soliders would buff/give ammo and revive, the amount of times ive been at the objective trying to do it with medics close buy and not reviving is unreal, or a soldier running beside u and uve ran out of ammo and he wont give u any