I believe there was a dev interview and there was mentions of allowing people to make the well known "pro mod" for these types of games. Which is needed.
So I finally got it into a semi playable state and played with 4 friend in a fireteam/skype, it's a good game when it works but sorely needs patching.
- Invisible players, bug or cheat, or both?
- Server performance when the game starts to have micro freezes (for everyone that I was playing with on skype at the same time)
- I thought grenades weren't supposed to kill players, or was that "not instantly?" Because they do. also "No grenade spam" was a bit of a laugh when everyone is just spamming grenades.
It's crazily fast paced, more so than not there's always someone shooting at you, even seconds after spawning, often parts of the map boil down to one hallway and the defending team usually winning. It's a bit claustrophic when you're not used to the maps but once you get the hang of things it gets much better.
I could definitely notice an improvement in my gameplay once I knew where to go/what to do; it's just a shame there are cheaters already (just use your googlefu to see it