The game rocks, if you dont buy it then you're losing out on one of the best shooters in the last few years imo.
Hmm where from ? Thought it would be on steam, but neigh.
Spot on kills cod any day for me
Look Retail, IF I buy it that's what I'll be doing.
Awesome games tonight everyone
Aye some nice games indeed.
Without bots is so much better.
But I think it needs some kind of auto team balancer like BFBC2 had added because I had to change sides a few times tonight to make them even.
Had a few games on Frenchies server, good games, no lag. Our team got consistently owned in all three games. Also seem to remember getting pwned by you a few times FrenchTart. Good games. I was the Pleb b.t.w.
That level is a ***** when everyone is all holed up in that little room where we need to hack.
I loved your purple pants Aedus