Yeah it's probably the biggest fault with BRINK atm actually, and it's a pretty big 1. I didn't realise how bad it was till today, the bottle necking is absolutely ridiculous on some maps. It's impossible for the attackers to do anything unless they are against a very poor team. It is just frustrating to play and puts me in the mood of "I really can't be bothered to play anymore today", especially if you're in 1 of these bottle necking situations for 5 ****ing maps in a row.

Based on that I'll definitely avoid this game. I know you use to play (or still do) BFBC2 a lot and spawn camping winds me up something chronic on that, so I think I'd end up raging to the point of destroying my monitor on this haha.
Played as Jimmy earlier. Loving the ocuk server. As a heavy soldier, I actually had medics revive me and engies buffing me! Couldn't believe it after all those other servers :eek: Proper teamwork!
Yeah it's probably the biggest fault with BRINK atm actually, and it's a pretty big 1. I didn't realise how bad it was till today, the bottle necking is absolutely ridiculous on some maps. It's impossible for the attackers to do anything unless they are against a very poor team. It is just frustrating to play and puts me in the mood of "I really can't be bothered to play anymore today", especially if you're in 1 of these bottle necking situations for 5 ****ing maps in a row.

I disagree, I've not really struggled when I've got a good team on any map, even against another good team. The bottle necks are what slow you down and stop you from monstering away, but they do make it brutally painful when you're on a less than good team though. :( Especially when someone that hasn't got a clue which way to go picks up the objective.

That map in the link just requires a good start. If everyone on the attacking team idles around and doesn't get stuck in, they do get pinned down.

The only one that's really fubar is the one with the rocket that's impossible to assault.
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The only one that's really fubar is the one with the rocket that's impossible to assault.

The bit where you have to hack a terminal whilst stood in plain sight of everyone else on the map? I think the only decent way to attack that point is to get a medic to do the temp-invincibility buff, then hack away whilst getting shot - die, spawn and repeat :p
I disagree, I've not really struggled when I've got a good team on any map, even against another good team. The bottle necks are what slow you down and stop you from monstering away, but they do make it brutally painful when you're on a less than good team though. :( Especially when someone that hasn't got a clue which way to go picks up the objective.

That map in the link just requires a good start. If everyone on the attacking team idles around and doesn't get stuck in, they do get pinned down.

The only one that's really fubar is the one with the rocket that's impossible to assault.

If you don't struggle when you attack on most maps the other team must suck, SD already stated on some maps the win ratio for the defending side is more than 70%, which is really bad. It should be no more than 60%, with the ideal split being 50/50 - 45-55.

There is a few maps where I can tell you the exact points where it is impossibly difficult to attack, like aquarium for security when you're escorting the guy up the ramp and into that room, or for resistance on the fortress level where you have to escort Nechayev out, right near the exit there is another ramp which is impossibly hard to get past. There's also the reactor level for Resistance which is another stupidly hard level where the first objective is 2 hacking objectives and the level mentioned above where you destroy the pillar, the final hack part of that is insanely hard.

If you're against a good team with a good team of your own, the disadvantage is massive, and I think SD are already looking to balance the maps out by increasing the respawn timer for defenders or something else similar, but for now getting funnelled down into a choke point and dying over and over and over is just too much.
mini rage
never use the three round burst rifle :( i takes 4 bursts to the chest to kill
the semi auto rifle is pretty much useless unless your at sniping range but then it take 3-6 shots to kill
i tryed the assault rifle that everyone uses and it has pretty much no recoil but it takes no skill so its no fun at all
hope they rebalanced but i bet they dont,i remember one of the interviews they said they would nerf sniper rifles so no one gets sniped from across the map,they might aswell not put them in as well as the semi and burst rifles,and seeing as there is very very minor differences in the full auto rifles and smgs the might as well have just put two guns in.
i really like the game but if the dont balance the guns in a update i will ditch it.
Really enjoying this now, it does depend on if you have a team that works together though. Found a couple of guns that work well for me and stuck with them (Euston AR and CARB-9 MG).
Anyone know how to gain ranks?
I'm level 14 and Rank 3 but want to spend points on higher ranked skills. There doesn't seem to be any point system to unlock ranks, just experience for each level.
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