Hows everyone finding the bodytypes? and what class are people playing with loadouts?

Atm I've been playing a medium body operative, with 2 SMG loadout. Really love disguising as the other team and then raping them in the back :p I tried the light bodytype but didn't get on with it at all, far too fragile. Heavy operative wouldn't really work as you can't parkour :p
Playing heavy medic, can still do some parkour and don't seem to be missing out on too much!
Using one of the heavy MGs (looks like a SMART gun :d) and one of the SMG's. Seems to work really well, I've tried two heavy MG's and they appear to be very accurate across a long range.
Hows everyone finding the bodytypes? and what class are people playing with loadouts?

Atm I've been playing a medium body operative, with 2 SMG loadout. Really love disguising as the other team and then raping them in the back :p I tried the light bodytype but didn't get on with it at all, far too fragile. Heavy operative wouldn't really work as you can't parkour :p

I've stuck with a normal body type, as i like the evenly spread health and speed. I've gone with Engineer and taken the Euston AR as my main weapon which is medium range and i've added a grip and muzzle for increased stability. For secondary i have CARB-9 MG with a speed sling and drum magazine, great for close range with a huge clip and i can equip fast if i run out of ammo on the main weapon.
Ive played with all 3 body types, just cant get used to the light, though that could change when i understand some of the more of the maps as there is only places that they can reach. i dont really have a favourite class, tend to switch when needed, though i just got the Ops taking control of a friendly bot, but i think the description is off says can access the bot from anywhere, but i wasnt able just when i was close.( can hack a enemies bot and use it manually that way as well )
Really irritating when you have people who don't seem to understand the concept of objectives, on your team. The latest one was where we had to hack a safe and I was the only operative, I was half way through hacking and got incapacitated. The enemy were trying to push up the stairs and lots of our team were firing down the stairs, including a medic who just stood next to me shooting people rather than reviving so I could continue with the hack. He kept doing things like this all the time.

Another was on the same map the other day, the guy picked up the case from inside the safe and we all escorted him to where he had to interact with a door panel to finish the level. Only, we got there and he's standing around with the case shooting at people, 2 feet from the panel for about 30 seconds, whilst everyone is trying to hold off the enemy and screaming at him to interact with it. He didn't and subsequently we failed.
Its hardly a surprise Deific... all some people care about is kills regardless of whether or not its shown on the scoreboard. Wouldn't be surprised if they only picked Medic so they could self-revive.

The second guy just sounds like a griefer...
I think some people really are that dense tbh Evil :/ I agree that the majority of people not interacting properly are likely to simply be trying to rack up kills though.

We need to stick together on the LinkTart server more :p
I feel quite useless as operative, engi can buff people, soldier gives ammo, medic health. Its only operative that are useless, well I do hack downed people so that every-one on my team sees where the enemy I doubt it actually helps
I've been playing as a soldier diligently giving everyone ammo - but I always end up running out! :( Is my only option at that point to go all the way back to base?
There's a perk that allows you to scavenge dead bodies I think that should replenish your supplies, if you can't take it yet then you'll need to run all the way back yeah
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